Paris Hilton Hacked! That's Hot (or not)
I can’t resist. Paris Hilton’s T-Mobile sidekick was hacked before and now it has been hacked again. This time, all of her personal info (email, address book, photos) are all over the net.
I actually feel bad for her if this isn’t a giant publicity stunt. With all the celeb phone numbers (or at least purported celeb phone numbers) that got leaked, she might not be getting any more numbers after this. Paris Hilton with no friends? Can this really happen? Is it the sign of the apocalypse? Also, T-Mobile released a statement regarding the incident and here it is:
“T-Mobile is investigating the reported disclosure of Paris Hilton’s information. T-Mobile’s computer forensics and security team is actively investigating to determine how Ms. Hilton’s information was obtained. This includes the possibility that someone had access to one of Ms. Hilton’s devices and/or knew her account password. Given the sensitivity of the situation, and to protect our customers’ information, we are not able to provide specific details of the investigation at this point.”
Wow, I’m really glad I use a Treo 650 and not a Sidekick. Not that I have any nude pix of myself on my Treo (nor would you want any, believe me).