New Business and some old New Business

we are considering many alternatives and are getting together a new business venture that promises to bring many exciting things (at least for us). we are working hard and are not ready to reveal all the sordid details as of yet. however, it will be pretty cool and has the potential to make some pretty good returns. so, anyone out there want to be our angel? (sorry, shameless plug but really, we could use some more startup dough).
in other news if you have a TiVo Series2 box connected to your home network, you’ve likely noticed that TiVo is testing a new feature that allows you to download programs to your TiVo box over broadband. as part of this test, they’ve got a special offer for their network-connected subscribers: a free movie! can TiVo Netflix be far behind? sign me up.
also, popular science magazine showcases their 18th Annual celebration of innovation or best of what’s new for 2005. a.k.a. the 100 most impressive technologies of the year. check it out. i like some of the choices but the airbus a380 does nothing for me. besides, their french.
and, the first reviews for Xbox 360 games are starting to hit the web. 1UP has reviewed Kameo, Project Gotham Racing 3, FIFA Soccer 2006, NBA 2K6, and Amped 3, while IGN has reviewed Madden NFL 06, Kameo, and NBA 2K6.
last but not least, the battle for the new DVD standard still rages. here’s a summary of the arguments and features in favor of either. go nuts!