Best of . . .

over at LAist we are doing our “best of” picks to end the year. yes, i know it may seem a little trite but its still a bunch of fun too. you can check out my pics for best music, blogs, tv shows, movies, bars, restaurants, etc. over there. they will be coming out a piece at a time, starting with music.
or, for your convenience, they can all be found below. enjoy!
best movies: munich brokeback mountain good night and good luck syriana capote serenity
best tv shows: veronica mars battlestar galactica my name is earl the office rome out of practice
best bars: father’s office - santa monica firefly - studio city starlight lounge - studio city cat and fiddle - hollywood roof bar at the standard - downtown el centro - los angeles
best restaurants: hugo’s - studio city lala’s - studio city arroyo chop house - pasadena ciudad - downtown great india cafe - studio city jar - beverly hills doughboy’s - los angeles taco bell - anywhere at 2 am
best blogs: engadget the superficial the unofficial apple weblog LAist (so i’m biased, so what?) sploid starbucks gossip digg (not really a blog exactly but still interesting)
best cd’s: coldplay - x&y (i play this all the time and like it more and more) death cab for cutie - plans fall out boy - from under the cork tree franz ferdinand - you could have said it so much better the white stripes - get behind me satan
also, i am still listening to these cd’s from 2004 and before (some, way before. oldies but goodies, as they say). coldplay - a rush of blood to the head interpol - antics zero 7 - simple things the crystal method - vegas the killers - hot fuss black rebel motorcycle club - b.r.m.c. miles davis - the complete birth of cool
and that be that. enjoy the rest of 2005.