me, myself and i
yes, its all about me, me and again, me. i am now working on a couple of super secret projects that only a few key people know about. two are for one major electronics giant and the other is for an even bigger multi-media giant. anyway, the first two involve some actual filming (in HD really so no film) and also some fire, cops and a lot of action. good fun. the third one might involve filming as well but that’s still up for discussion.
plus, one of them also involves a rather well-known sports figure who is really quite cute as well. so, that should be fun. anyway, i would love to share more but can’t at this moment. that’s right, i can give you no clue as to who the sports figure is. sorry.
i can say that its actually much more fun to be back producing stuff than i thought it was going to be. at first, i was kinda not really that interested. producing things like this requires a lot of time and effort and often a little bit of stress, which i always try to avoid (the stress i mean. work is ok).
now that it has been a week or two, its actually pretty fun to be back into it. i’m sort of surprised really but also relieved as well. i’m glad it hasn’t been a total nightmare working with bad people who yell for no reason and can’t make decisions. who needs that, right? the people that i am doing this with seem much nicer and easy going and a pleasure to work with. so, i got that going for me. which is nice. plus, i get to work with friends and hire people that i like so that’s a good feeling too. and the money’s not bad either, which is also another plus.
on another front, i am looking forward to getting my hands on the new T-Mobile MDA next week. i will be picking one up and trying to determine if this i finally the device that will solve my problem of wanting one tool that is a phone/organizer and also gets email, etc. it has a lot of features and seems, at least on paper, to have what it takes. i should have it tuesday so i will let you know how it goes. although these jobs are taking more and more time (hence the infrequent posting) so i don’t know when i will really get some sort of review up.
i know some people (friends of mine) seem not to like t-mobile but they have been fine for me so far. their network seems to be pretty good here in los angeles. i even get signal in my home office which never happened with cingular/att. although, that was a few years ago. maybe they are better now. anyway, cingular is also going to have the MDA but they are calling it something else. i’m glad t-mobile is getting the mda as i don’t want to have to keep up with our cingular account to get one. now i can drop cingular completely now that i have moved all of our numbers over to t-mobile.
hope its a good device and as good as the specs indicate. it would be nice to find something. the blackberry is good just not great. same with the treo 650. i liked them both i just don’t love them. will i have to wait for an apple smartphone or will the MDA do the trick? come on t-mobile, rise to the challenge.