Mac OSX 10.5 Screenshots, Global Warming and more

ok, this could, of course, be a fake. as many like it have been in the past. however, this looks more real than anything i have seen so far on the web so . . . you never know. could be real.
in other things around the web:
here’s a list of the 50 worst video games ever. at least according to the folks at game
in 1939, Disney openly discriminated against women becoming animators in a circulated memo. having worked at Disney with the animation department i can tell you i don’t remember meeting very many women animators at all. and that was pretty recently.
our planet is the hottest it’s been in 2000 years. i wonder if there’s something to that global warming stuff? of course, the brain-trust that is the bush administration maintains that global warming is just a theory and isn’t a real threat. hmmm.
and, the FBI arrested 7 people who may be involved in a plot to blow up, among other things, the sears tower.
last but not least, they are watching you so don’t do anything weird. your tax dollars at work.