Changes and Some Good Kristen Bell and 'Heroes' News

As you can see, there's been some changes around here. Long story short, I had some trouble with my previous hosting provider (big shock, right?) and have had to move this here blog yet again. Currently, I'm back at good old Wordpress dot com and will remain here for the time being. Sorry about all the moving around but I just can't seem to get a blog to work the way I want it to work and also have it be available when people want to read it.
There was so much downtime at my last host (I won't mention the name) that I just had to move again. You get what you pay for I guess. Anyway, I will attempt to update frequently here and hopefully this will conclude the moving around portion of our program. Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do. Actually, I probably like it much less.
Amidst the chaos of moving and getting things to work right again, there was at least one bit of good news today (at least if you're a fan of <em>Veronica Mars</em> as I am). It looks like <a href="" target="_blank">Kristen Bell</a> will be joining the cast of <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Heroes</em></a> next season. According to <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-style:italic;">Variety</span></a>, Bell will play Elle "a character described as a sexy, mysterious young lady who has ties to the supposed death of Peter, H.R.G.’s past and the future of Claire. Elle will kick off her arc by committing a serious crime, though it’s unclear whether she’s good or bad."
Whatever the reason, character or arc, I'm in. As if I really needed another reason to watch <em>Heroes</em>. Its a great show made even better with the inclusion of Bell. This news isn't quite as good as an announcement of a new season of <em>Veronica Mars</em>, but it'll do.
I'm Very Important

Sure, I'm joking with the title of this post. My ego isn't <em>quite</em> that big. However, I do have some rather good news to share. Well, good for me at least. For the rest of you, it won't really mean all that much except for the fact that I'm sure you all want to see me happy and doing well. I really appreciate that, btw. So, what is this great bit of news then?
Well, starting this week I'm bringing all of my exhaustive Macintosh and Apple love and knowledge to a new venue: <a href="">The Unofficial Apple Weblog</a> (aka TUAW). Some of you may already have seen me at this new website as I already started writing there yesterday. But if not, head on over and check out some of my posts -- mostly about the iPhone at the moment -- but as things progress, I'll be branching out into all-things Apple.
I've secretly (and not so secretly) wanted to write for TUAW for quite some time and as I already work for <a href="">Cinematical</a> (which is owned by the same company: Weblogs, Inc. / AOL) it was only a matter of time before I managed to work my way into writing for TUAW. And now, all that hard work has paid off and I got what I wanted. So, if you get a minute, head on over and take a look.
The site is good (better now that I'm there of course) and can fulfill your every wish where Apple and Apple-related news, reviews and more are concerned. This is one of the things I was talking about recently that I couldn't talk about. The other is still hush-hush but should be ready for public consumption sometime soon.
In other news, I'm now back from my travels to Portland and am pretty happy to be back in LA. Although, as I mentioned earlier, i really like Portland and at one time or another, entertained thoughts about moving there. After all, I really love comic books and there are a bunch of people there doing just that so it seems a natural place to go.
In truth, I might make the move if it was just me. But as its not, I need to consider other people's thoughts and feelings about the situation. Given that, I feel pretty strongly I won't be leaving LA any time soon. However, you never really know, do you? Life is funny sometimes and once in awhile you actually do get what you want. The trick, of course, is knowing what that is.
Apple won’t sell 10 million iPhones, Secrets and “Mac Chicks”

I don't know for sure but it does <em>seem</em> like <a href="">Lance Davis</a> doesn't have much love for Apple, Steve Jobs or the iPhone. Or, it could be that he's just a reserved Brit used to having lowered expectations and settling for less. Or, he's just not been effected enough by Job's notorious "reality distortion field." Whatever the case, his conclusions seem wrong to me. I could tell you why but over at TUAW, David Chartier <a href="">does it for me</a> (and you) so take a look over there.
Why am I linking to another Apple website instead of commenting myself? Well, I could tell you but its not something I can talk about yet. Yes, another one of those "secrets" I seem to have of late. I know, I hate secrets too. And while we're on the subject, surprise birthday parties. But rest-assured all will be revealed in short order. As soon as I know something, I will let you know. Until then, enjoy this months latest "Mac Chick of the Month" <a href="">Mandy Amano</a> over at <a href="">Macenstein</a>.
Actually, on a bit of a side note, my frequent collaborator Anthony D. and I almost cast Mandy in a project once -- right before her now infamous Pepsi Superbowl add aired. Sadly, the project fell through (as they sometime do) and we didn't have the pleasure of working with Mandy. Maybe next time. Although now, we probably can't afford her. At least we still have the new photos and the <a href="">one I took</a> at the casting.
<img src="" alt="mg-jun-2007-1.jpg">
Word Press Update and Other Stuff
Well, I’m going to attempt to update Word Press tonight so if this blog goes away in the near future you’ll know why. Hopefully, all will go well and there will be no glitches whatsoever. But if history has shown me anything, its that that just doesn’t usually happen. Oh well, I guess we’ll find out soon.
Also, as some of you may know I recently switched hosting providers in an effort to consolidate my sites and save a few bucks. This move has not been without its minor issues but for the most part has been pretty smooth. Recently, however, it seems like I have been experiencing more and more little glitches and minutes or longer of downtime relatively frequently. I'm not worried yet but I am still, in the back of my mind, looking for an even better solution.
Maybe I just need to get my own server and co-locate it somewhere? Or, move back to my original host and just keep things the way they are? I don't know but if you happen to know any really good web hosts . . .
Ok, this is odd but now, simply by changing back to default style of permalinks, all the catagory and archive links have fixed themselves. Interesting. I really need to learn more about this stuff. I know quite a bit about some things but always relied on others for most of the web stuff. Now, I am going to learn it if it kills me – and it might.
New Post — Same as the Old Post
Just want to see if this thing is working. There are one or two odd things that I am dealing with but everything else seems ok so far. I guess we’ll see what happens as we go on, won’t we?
Moving Again
No, I’m still sticking with Wordpress but I’m moving to a new host that will give me better control over the site. Wordpress is a great program and I will continue to use it over at the new host.
For the next day or two we may experience some issues as the URL of this here site changes hands to new hosts. I appreciate your patience and promise that this will be the last time I move this site around. Well, probably the last time anyway.
In the meantime, check out my <a href="" target="_blank">article at LAist</a> concerning the new AppleTV. Should you get one? Read and see.
Video Questions, SXSW and the Busy Tony Pierce

Oddly enough I can't embed a video here from a site called <a href="" target="_blank">Jumpcut</a>. Even though the video is an interview with WordPress co-founder <a href="" target="_blank">Matt Mullenweg</a> conducted by LAist head honcho and all-around cool guy <a href="" target="_blank">Tony Pierce</a>. You would think they would make an exception this time, but no.
So, I can only link to LAist where the <a href="" target="_blank">video is</a> for you to have the opportunity to enjoy it. I find the whole situation pretty ironic. Oh well, at least Matt seems like a nice guy even if I sometimes don't quite understand the rules around here -- as in why YouTube videos are ok and Jumpcut videos are not. Still, glad to be here and: Go WordPress!
Tony was very busy and also got several more interviews while attending <a href="" target="_blank">SXSW</a> in Austin this week. Some of them include the <a href="" target="_blank">guys who started</a> Web 2.0 "it" site of the moment <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> as well as and <a href="" target="_blank">interview with Mary Colvig</a> of Mozilla. Some interesting stuff -- especially if you love the tech like I do and are also super-jealous of Tony for being able to attend SXSW this year. Next year, dammit, I'm there for sure.
Oh, the picture has basically nothing to do with this post at all. Its just something I used over at LAist for a recent <a href="" target="_blank">Tech News</a> post and I liked it. Happy weekend all.
Growing Pains
As I said in a previous post, the move from Typepad went fairly well except for one or two big glitches. Unfortunately, those one or two big glitches are pictures and video. Now, when you go to any posts except those from the last few weeks, they won't have the pictures or video they are supposed to have. To me, that sucks and I'm sorry for the trouble. I don't like to have things looking half-finished. Plus, I want things to be easy and not require me to do a bunch of work I already did. Not the case here, i guess.
I wish there was another solution besides putting everything back where it belongs manually but as of now, I don't know what that might be. If you happen to have a brilliant idea, don't be shy about shouting it out. Otherwise, its manual-replacement city for me for. So, over the next few weeks I am going to be manually putting video and pictures back into the posts they belong in. Should make for a great time. Fortunately, I am still not 100% better from the walking (and will-to-live-sapping) pneumonia so I have some time on my hands -- that is when I'm not sleeping or thinking about sleeping. Fortunately, this picture and video thing shouldn't be a problem for any posts from now on, just the old ones. So, check back and you should be able to see the videos and pictures eventually. Thanks for you patience during this time of transition.
Oh, in case you were wondering that is the cast of the 80s sitcom <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Growing Pains</em></a>. I thought the picture was appropriate for two reasons. One, the obvious one that the site is having some growing pains of its own. And two, I once did a movie with <a href="" target="_blank">Tracey Gold</a> who, if I recall correctly, was very nice and a huge fan of Diet Coke. Its a fact, actors love that Diet Coke. We used to go through tons of it on shows. Fortunately, in many cases, it was free product placement so we didn't have to buy it. Just one of the perks of a fully-stocked craft service table, van or occasionally, a trailer -- but only on the bigger shows. I guess there were some good things about showbiz after all.

So yeah, obviously I moved to Wordpress. And yes, I like the way the blog looks now. But no, the move wasn’t perfect. Sadly, all of the pictures and video files I had put into my posts didn’t make the trip so they will have to be dropped in manually. Quite a bummer actually considering I’ve got over three years worth of posts here and most of them have pictures or some other kind of media.
Anyway, I probably won’t go back and bring all the pictures back in. I just don’t have that kind of time. So, if you happen to read a post with a whole where a picture should be, please forgive me. I am also having some trouble getting embedded videos to play at Wordpress so that will take a little effort on my part as well. Or, I suppose I could ask support for help. Not there yet. I always like to figure this stuff out for myself anyway. It help later if someone else asks me what to do and I can tell them from experience.
Other than that, I’m writing this while looking at an Apple 23" Cinema Display attached to my MacBook Pro. I gotta say that it’s a pretty great monitor and I may keep it. Actually, it technically is supposed to go to someone else but they don’t need it right away so I thought I would check it out for myself and see how nice it is. You know what, its pretty nice.
It occured to me that I have this blog set up at Wordpress and more importantly, its a free one. Perhaps I should be taking advantage of the free stuff? Maybe so. I do like Typepad but it seems like I'm spending quite a bit of money on something I don't really take much advantage of. My blog isn't updated that often so maybe it makes more sense to change it to over here?
I don't know but I'm thinking about it. Anyway, thanks for letting me think out loud. Appreciated.
Blackberry Blogging (again)
Its fun and so good for you. Well, not really but it could be. Just testing something. Sorry to bother. More and better soon.
I know, I know, how could it get much better than this?
ipods, nasa, elections and other important stuff
my man zach is running for office in sherman oaks. if you live in sherman oaks, make sure to get out and vote for him. that is, if you can vote. for the full story, check out his site here.

and, aol fires some people for releasing users search data. gee, people get fired for making mistakes these days? interesting concept. perhaps they could give some direction to our friends in washington?
also, nasa’s world wind could give google earth a run for its money. check it out. its cool.

and ipods go to war.
also, for you windows users, here’s the “mother of all windows tweak guides”.
and, apple is rather miffed at some of its employees who downloaded the beta of leopard form the internet somewhere. heads rolled.
and last, but certainly not least, you can apparently make money from blogging. at least according to cnn money. oh, if only it were true.
well, if it is true, how about clicking on one of those add links on the left so i can get my 2 cents or whatever it is? thanks.
Blogging from a blackberry
And they said it couldn’t be done! Well, nobody really ever said that. Just thought I would give it a try. Blogging from a blackberry I mean.
Wow, that woman has a deep voice for a woman. I think that might be a man, baby. Starbucks has such diversity, doesn’t it?
Ok, gotta go. Off to do some work and then down to comic con tomorrow. What fun!
Site Design
i will be messing with the design of this site again so please don’t be offended if things change a little (or a lot ) here and there. this is the first change in about a year or so and i think change is good most of the time. anyway, on with the changes.
at the moment i think i am kinda in a minimalist kind of mood. simple and not too many colors to distract the reader/ viewer. i wonder if the text is too small to read? not for me but you never know who might be reading this thing (someone must be).
Flocking it again and some LAist news
i am trying the new version of the pretty cool browser called flock. flock combines many of the tools that i use (blog software, image browsing, search, news, etc.) into one easy to use interface. it’s really come a long way since the last beta i used. a really long way.
its tough though because i am now a big fan of camino, especially on the mac book. it really flies and loads pages very quickly. flock doesn’t seem quite as fast but it does offer many more features that are built into it so its got a lot going for it.
i will keep using it and make a few more notes down the road a little. in the meantime, i am still putting the mac book through its paces and more and more it is performing very well. even on my lap it is still a pleasure to use. not too hot. nor am i experiencing the swollen battery issue or any yellow stains, as some others are reporting. search and you will find the deets.
still not in love with the keyboard although i am getting used to it more each day. broken record, i know. sorry, i type on it quite a bit so it means something to me. also, i still wish it wasn’t quite so big. i wonder if there is any way to get a big screen experience on a small form-factor laptop? maybe some day.
last but not least some interesting news. tony pierce is the new editor-in-chief over at laist. i have read his blog for a long time so working with him now should be a great experience. i anticipate some nights of hard drinking and tall tales. or, maybe just one drink and a quick story. who knows?
so, check him out at laist. i am going to start posting more there as well. in fact, just did one a few days ago so if you have a spare minute, head on over an take a read. comments welcome. i especially am interested in anything constructive. simple abuse is not really helpful and makes you look like an ass. so there.
Writing is hard (aka the excuses)
as you may have seen (if anyone actually noticed) there has been larger and larger gaps between posts on this here blog. some of you may be wondering why. yes, i’m talking to you in the back row there. wake up. well, the answer is simple and no, its not burnout. although, that can happen. it’s just that i’m a busy person and more to the point: writing is hard.
ok, there, i said it. writing is hard. anyone who actually gets paid to write or anyone who just sits down and writes something will tell you. writing is work. hard work. you have to actually think about something and write it. it doesn’t just magically appear on the page. the old adage, which i have used many times to torment writers that i know, that something “writes itself” just isn’t true. you actually have to come up with it yourself and put it together. the writing keebler elf is just a myth. although, the cookies can be quite good.
sure, you can come up with a few ideas or something and jot them down (or in this case, type them in). however, getting those ideas into a somewhat coherent form is where the actual work comes in. plus, and this is a real problem for me when writing for this site and for other sites as well, i don’t always have something i want to write about. i guess i’m not angry enough. i’ll try harder.
that brings me to the other problem (yes, another one). subject matter. just writing some random words in some sort of order could be called writing, and often is. just read usa today or watch fox news. it isn’t always compelling or even interesting writing though. sometimes its really quite bad. that’s the rub. and that’s the challenge.
not to say that every word i write is golden, but i have been known to turn a phrase or two from time to time. on one of the sites i write for,, i actually like a few of the pieces i have done for them. some relatively solid work there. but believe me, whatever you may think of my work and whatever comments you may make about it, i am a far worse critic of myself than you will ever be. its just the nature of it. most of the time i think that everything i write sucks.
but, if you feel compelled to comment or make critical observations (or even tell me something really blows) i’m ok with that. that’s part of the deal when you put something out there for people to read. you have to expect some reaction. and believe me brother, the reaction is never all good. if it were, you are probably doing something wrong. of course, a negative reaction is better than no reaction at all. as in, if a writer writes in the forest and no one reads is, is he really a writer? actually, it doesn’t really have to be in a forest. although, forests can be quite nice.
well written articles or books or essays should cause people to think and question and explore. sometimes, they even cause people to revolt or take significant steps to make sweeping changes in their lives or the lives of others. i think that’s a good thing and something to strive for. change often is inspired by someone brave enough or dumb enough to write something and put it out there and make people think. thinking is good. try it some time. it can be fun.
and if thinking causes a little conflict or makes others feel uncomfortable or exposes them to new ideas, that means the writing was effective. we shouldn’t worry so much about status quo or political correctness. this country was founded by people who rejected what was politically correct and what was status quo and we turned out pretty well. we shouldn’t forget that now that most people have 2 cars, 2.5 kids, 3.5 bedrooms, HD tv, microwave ovens, cell phones, computers, xboxes and all those other gadgets and luxuries that make life more enjoyable.
of course, if i read this now i could make an observation that this post has gotten off message and has started to meander a bit and i would be right about that. the point here is that writing is hard. and good writing is really hard. but that’s what makes it worth it. if it wasn’t difficult, it probably wouldn’t be worth doing.
i’ll try to remember that the next time i am looking at a blank page and a blinking cursor and i have nothing to say. i guess i can always ramble on about writing or how lame the president is or how much i dislike local news or people who make sweeping generalizations, every last one of them. maybe a point will come of it eventually. then again, maybe not.
i wonder what’s on tv.
Another Flock Post - featuring news of the internets!

I find it interesting using the new browser called flock. So easy to get it going and to blog about something you see on the internet. Its almost like instant gratification (almost). Anyway, here’s some of the stuff going on around the internets today:
Phone companies may soon try to block those free calls you are making via skype. What, do they want to keep their monopoly going or something?
The sci-fi channel has renewed “stargate:sg-1” and “stargate:atlantis” for another year. this makes “stargate:sg-1” the longest running sci-fi show in history, beating out the “x-files”. Also, sci-fi i expected to renew “battlestar galactica” for a third season as well. After all, bsg is the highest rated show on the sci-fi channel and critically acclaimed so it would make sense to renew it. Not that TV execs always do things that make sense. How does one explain “everybody loves raymond” staying on the air for so long?
And, laser etching for your powerbook and ipod (hence the pic above). This is pretty cool. Now if only i could be away from my precious powerbook or ipod for the time it takes to get it laser etched. What?
Also, over at TUAW, they have a video of someone who was able to get Apple’s new software Front Row to run on his Mac Mini even though it is only “officially” supported on the new iMac G5. That didn’t take long. Come on Apple, take a hint and let it run on all of your computers. I think they will soon enough.
finally, an article about one of my favorite subjects, nanotech, talks about the state of the technology and where it might go. good read. we now return you to whatever it is you were doing before (gaming, porn, both?).
joining the flock
just testing flock, a new web browser that has integrated blogging tools, rss tools and a bunch of other stuff. its still an early beta and so, not for all. but you know me, i like to live on the edge.
Friday report

last night we spent some time in los feliz. i have to say that although it was pretty trendy i had a good time. we ate at a restaurant called fred 62 and then went on to the LAist one year anniversary party at the vermont bar. a good time was had by all. or, at least, me and most everyone. i went with add and jrod. add has little trouble talking to other people and i can walk away from him to mingle and he will be fine.
jrod, on the other hand, is a little more socially handicapped. he’s a great guy and i like him. he just seems to have trouble in social situations. its easy for me. i can walk up to pretty much anyone and strike up a conversation. and, as this was a party for LAist, a website i write for, it was even easier for me to talk to people. not so much for jrod.
although, i don’t know exactly what i expect. do i think he will be the life of the party and go around charming all the ladies? maybe i expect too much of him. i just want him to be happy. he is single and has a new job that he regrets taking. he was making good money in the freelance world but had an opportunity to move to a full-time gig with room for advancement so he took it. now, he regrets it as the new job hasn’t yielded the results he was hoping for. that’s life i guess. perhaps it will work out in the end.
anyway, i met some nice people like the go fug yourself girls (they were cool and didn’t make fun of my outfit), Mark from Buzznet, Tracy of Little Lady Red and had some good conversation and stayed completely sober the entire night.
i’m sure there are pictures floating around the internets from the event but i didn’t take even one. if i find any, i will post them or link to them. i know people had cameras as i got flashed in the face a few times. as to what happened to the pictures, its anyone’s guess. well, on to the weekend.