I blog, therefore I'm dumb.
I was wondering what my problem was. (besides the obvious). Apparently, if you check your email too often your IQ begins to drop. More so than if you smoke weed (aka pot, gonja, mary jane . . . you get the idea).
Here’s the info about that. Although, this study was apparently done in England so who knows. Really, what do the English know about good weed? Oh well, I don’t smoke and I have tried to curtail my constant checking of email. I’m trying not to get stupid.
At least I went to an interesting party last night. Some details. The party was at the home of my managers (yes, i have managers. and an agent and a lawyer too. fun.). They invited a bunch of people, mostly actors, to come over and have drinks, snacks and good conversation. I went with Mr. Tony Mark as the wife and his girl were not interested in “networking”. So, we went, had a few drinks, walked around, talked to people, etc.
The interesting thing about the evening to me was how many of the actresses that were there were 19 years old. I spoke to at least four and they were all 19. And, all of them were from somewhere else (Seattle, Oregon, Texas, wherever) and they had all moved to LA in the last few months. Plus, they all seemed really interested in what I had to say. Which is, of course, a good boost to my already healthy ego. You need that now and again, even if deep down you know it can’t be real.
Now, I know I’m interesting and all and what I say is really interesting and important but come on, I’m not that cool. Only 19, just here off the bus (or whatever) and they already know how to play the game. You gotta love LA.
Believe it or not, I have actually had some feedback regarding my opinions presented here. I know, I was as shocked as you are to find out that people actually read this blog. They did not, however, deem to comment in public but rather decided to send me email and express their opinions.
Don’t misunderstand me. I am happy to get feedback of any kind at all. Email, comments, death threats, whatever. I just like the attention. What I do want to point out is something important about blogging in general and this blog in particular.
Here goes: This blog expresses my opinion and mine alone. The comments, thoughts, ideas, jokes and entire content are mine alone. I do not represent anyone except myself. This blog is in no way affiliated with anyone that I work with, for and know or ever will know. In other words, if you don’t like something here, the only person you can blame is me.
Wheew . . .glad that’s over. I didn’t think to put in a disclaimer before but now that I have, it makes sense to do it. Actually, if I thought anyone would be reading this I probably would have done it earlier. Well, hindsight and all.
In other news, I watched a documentary the other day called “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism” It was pretty interesting. It tells the story of how Fox News spin the news to make George Bush look like more of a winner. I especially liked the way it makes Bill O’Reilly look like a big asshole. That was fun. Anyway, check it out if you get the chance.
Ok, back to work. I am actually back working on my book. Past page 100 and still going. Who would have thought?