Still More Useful and Interesting Things
As life returns to normal (or at least my version of it) I realize it’s been several days since I last put some useful and interesting things up here.
So, with that in mind, here’s some more for you:
• Have trouble getting people to do what you want? Maybe this technique can help.
• For the screenwriting nerds out there, John August and his team have come up with a new version of the venerable Courier font, called Courier Prime, to use when writing your scripts. I’ve switched to it and it’s quite nice.
• If you have a girlfriend who would love this as a gift, marry her. If you already did, kudos to you and it makes a nice Valentine’s Day gift too.
• Here’s a complete collection of Mac OS X install disks. I think I still have all of mine too. Yep, Mac nerd right here.
• Have and iPad? Want to use said iPad in the kitchen or other place where it might get wet? You want one of these.
• I like talented people doing cool things, so I like this. Granted, I know Brian so I may be a bit biased. But still, it’s pretty cool. BTW, you should also read his book. It’s very funny.
• Last, but not least, Tom Witkin’s Poster app for iOS is for posting to a Wordpress site and is very awesome. It’s become my new favorite and I now use it pretty much every day. Check it out.
The Joy of Books
I’ve read quite a few books in my time and I still enjoy reading them today. Over the last few years I’ve spent more time reading them digitally on the Kindle or iPad than reading actual, physical, bound bunches of paper.
It’s a trade off. I love physical books but I also love being able to take ten of them on vacation with me in a device a bit larger than one of them. I’m sure there will always be books printed and bound for collectors to purchase. I don’t know if mass market books are long for this world, however.
That makes me kinda sad. To cheer me up, I found this video made by a husband and wife who obviously love books even more that I do.
Enjoy it. I know I did.
The Importance of Doing Nothing
Unless you use a different calendar than I do (which is possible, I guess) you know today is Sunday. This day is also known as my favorite day of the week. You know this if you read my earlier post on that very subject.
Seeing as this is my favorite day of the week, what am I going to do with it you may wonder? The short answer, for this week at least, is nothing.
I’m a big fan of doing nothing, at least once in awhile. With all that goes on during the days and weeks and months of work, deadlines and life in general, when you have a chance to just sit, watch mindless TV, read a book or comic or write blog posts, I say take it.
I don’t have all that much to do right at the moment, especially today. I have work that needs to be done and deadlines coming up, but right at this moment, today, they are not urgent. I also don’t have any pressing social engagements, things I have to do for Heather or any children to worry about (at least not yet) so none of that is vying for my time today either.
These times don’t come along all that often, but when they do, it’s wrong to just ignore them. Plus, doing nothing has a lot of benefits.
It helps you recharge and get ready for the days and weeks of work ahead. It also helps you unplug from the computer, social media and all that that entails.
And, it helps you discover and explore new things like books you haven’t gotten to, comics you needed to read, all those neglected episodes of Firefly on Netflix or The Wire on HBO Go or any number of other pursuits that seem to always get relegated to “someday soon” due to life’s relentless pressure to do something else.
So, with that in mind, I choose to seize this opportunity and do nothing. It won’t last long, but it doesn’t have to. The trick is just to enjoy it while you can.
Doing nothing is kinda like life that way.
Two notes for those of you who’ve read this far down.
• Believer, my comic book project at Kickstarter, is doing pretty well after only a couple days. Check it out if you have a minute.
• I will not be going to CES this year for many reasons, but mostly because I just don’t really want to. I’m pretty sure if you asked most of the people at CES they would say they don’t want to be there either. Trust me, it’s not as fun as it seems.
Reading and Watching
Even though I’m distracted by personal crap lo these several weeks, I’m still trying to find time to read and watch some good stuff – if only to take my mind off of the distracting personal crap.
So, because I know that you care what I read and watch, here's what I'm reading and watching at the moment (well, not right this moment as I am, in fact, writing this but earlier today and over the last week or so).
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Crooked Little Vein</em></a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Warren Ellis</a> -- A really cool and crazy detective thriller novel by a really cool and crazy writer who's work I'm loving more and more as I get into it. Can't wait to see what he does when he takes over <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Astonishing X-Men</em></a> from Joss Whedon. Should be pretty cool (and maybe even a little crazy). Also, if you get the chance, try to check out his comic <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Black Summer</em></a>. Great stuff.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Preacher</em></a> written by <a href="" target="_blank">Garth Ennis</a> with art by <a href="" target="_blank">Steve Dillon</a> -- This is a terrific series I was late getting into. But man, is it good and asks some of those questions about life, the universe and everything that we all wonder about sometimes. Plus, it has God, magic, vampires, sex and lots of blood a gore. All in all, a great time. Ennis is a great writer who's other work, including the excellent <a href="" target="_blank"><em>The Boys</em></a>, is definitely worth a look.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Mad Men</em></a> -- If you haven't checked out AMC's original series about early 60s Madison Avenue advertising execs you don't know what you are missing. Its a great show full of interesting characters, drama, humor and a rather reveling look at how things were in business and between men and women not that long ago.
There be Monsters

on my recent trip to miami i read and finished the print version of david wellington’s novel “Monster Island” and it’s fantastic. i really liked it and recommend it highly to any of you who are zombie fans or who just like a great read (or both). now, i will hand the book over to someone else who can appreciate it as much as i did. i want to share the wealth.
really, it would make a great movie. i think i will try to get in touch with david and see what’s what on that score. he has several other novels serialized on line at his site. “Monster Nation” is the next one, followed by “Monster Planet”. plus, he has an even newer one called “Thirteen Bullets” which looks interesting as well. hopefully, the others will be in print soon enough. although, there are ipod version so i might have to check those out in the meantime.
you may ask me why all the praise for these books and this author. well, i really liked “Monster Island” and for me that doesn’t happen as often as it used to. plus, i love the fact that he is self-publishing these books online first in serial format for all to read. more important than that, though, is i want to to support people who embrace new media and non-traditional methods and then become successful at it. its a trend that should continue and needs our support.
so, read “Monster Island” and download the crap out of his other work so that some other author out there with a dream sees david’s success and decides to put their own work out there for people to experience. who knows, we might find the next “great american novel” that way. plus, did i mention its a really great book? go get it.