Carrie Fisher
The First 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Teaser Has Arrived
I’m sure you’ve already watched the teaser for The Last Jedi a hundred times, but I just wanted to make sure. I’ve watched it quite a few times myself. In short, I like it.
It’s a Star Wars movie. Of course I like it. That said, it didn’t have quite the same impact as the first teaser for The Force Awakens did, at least for me. The Force Awakens was the first real Star Wars movie in a long time. A long time.
So, it was more of a big deal to me. And no, I didn’t have the same feelings about Rogue One either. The move itself was okay, but it was hard to make much of a connection to any of the characters and the story was, well, lacking in some areas. I still enjoyed it, but in my mind it’s more of a whimsical diversion and will never be a real Star Wars movie. Fight me.
But The Force Awakens had Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Princess/General Leia in it and looked, felt and smelled like a real Star Wars movie. So naturally, as those are the characters and story I grew up with and loved since that first dark Valley Circle, CA theater in 1977, those were the characters and story I was, and am, most interested and excited about. I don’t see that changing any time soon.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the new characters, especially Rey and Poe. And perhaps if I was seeing these movies for the first time as that kid who saw the first Star Wars, I might feel differently. I’m pretty sure I would. But it’s just not the same. It can’t be.
And that’s not to say The Last Jedi won’t be great. I’m sure it will. Once the movie hits and I get a chance to see it, I have no doubt I’ll love it. Will I love it as much as the original trilogy?
Not on your life. And that’s okay. I’ve always got my copies of the original, un-altered trilogy to watch. In fact, I think it’s about time for a rewatch.
'Star Wars' 'Suicide Squad' Trailer
As I’m a huge fan of Star Wars (of course) and also looking forward to Suicide Squad, this mashup trailer by The Usual Suspect amused me quite a bit.
'Star Wars', Comics and More
I haven’t been reading very many comic books lately. In fact, I almost never buy single issues of any comic title. I only get trades of titles I’m interested in.
And that list is pretty short these days. In fact, I think it’s pretty much just The Walking Dead on the list right now. Like I said, short.
The reasons for this are several, but the most important of them is the time involved in reading and keeping up with monthly titles and the storage of same. I already have quite a few long boxes of comics in the house (more than quite a few) and am not really looking forward to adding an additional room to accommodate more.
And yes, I know the majority of the titles are available in digital form which would allow me to read them on the iPad or some other tablet. That wouldn’t take up much space at all. But for whatever reason, call me a purist, I prefer my comics in floppy form. I also like reading a newspaper too.
Of course, as is often the case, an exception comes along. Said exception du jour is the new Star Wars comic from Marvel. It started in January with two issues out so far. They are scheduled to come out monthly, at least until the new movie (Star Wars: The Force Awakens if your keeping score at home) is released in December. But I would imagine, if it continues to be such a big success, the comic could go on indefinitely. That would be fine with me.
My one word review of the first two issues is this: awesome. I’m really enjoying it so far and I have no reason to think I won’t continue to do so. The writing by Jason Aaron and art by John Cassaday are both outstanding with Aaron really nailing the mannerisms and speech of the major (and minor) characters.
I won’t get into the story or anything but if you’re not currently reading the Star Wars comic, I highly suggest you do so – especially if you’re a Star Wars fan. I like it so much it was even my pick on a recent episode of The Flickcast. A ringing endorsement to be sure.
I’ve lived a fair amount of time on this planet and have probably become a bit jaded over the years. It’s refreshing when something like a comic book comes along and reminds me me how fun things can be. It’s helped change my attitude for the better, to be sure.
Of course, I can’t forget another reason for my improved attitude: there’s a new Star Wars movie coming out this year. This. Year.
I was pretty sure that was never going to happen. I’m very happy to be wrong.
Yeah, life is pretty good.
David Lynch's 'Return of the Jedi'
You’ve probably heard George Lucas once offered David Lynch the job of directing Return of the Jedi back in 1981. Lynch, of course, turned it down and the movie went on to be directed by Richard Marquand (at least most of it).
But what if Lynch hadn’t turned it down?
That’s what user C-Spit on YouTube wondered too. But instead of just wondering forever, he did something about it. He made a trailer for Jedi as if Lynch had directed it.
It’s pretty spot on. Enjoy.
The Original 'Empire Strikes Back' Teaser Trailer
If you saw this teaser trailer for The Empire Strikes Back today, I wonder, would it make you excited for the movie? Trailers sure have come a long way in the last 30 + years.
Of course, filmmaking has also come a long way too, so maybe that has something to do with it. Still, seeing things like this is great fun and takes me back to easier, carefree times when I was just a kid excited to see movies.
I try to recapture those feelings as much as a can, but it isn’t always easy. Life intrudes and the demands on “adults” can often stifle those feelings. But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up. Not by a long shot.
Anyway, here’s the trailer.
Over 1000 Behind the Scenes Photos From the 'Star Wars' Trilogy
The internet can be home to some pretty amazing things. Sure, there’s also a lot of porn too. Fortunately, the worthwhile bits outnumber the naughty ones.
A prime example of this is Imgur user JoinYouInTheSun who’s taken the time and made the effort to assemble over 1000 behind the scenes photos from the original Star Wars trilogy. As someone who grew up with this first (and some say only) trilogy of movies, these images brought back a lot of wonderful memories and were great fun to look at.
In fact, I liked them so much I clicked through each and every one of them. Slowly.
If you’re a Star Wars geek like I am, you’ll understand.
Here’s a couple more. Head over to Imgur for the rest.
'The Empire Strikes Back' Is 33 Years Old Today, So How About Some Bloopers?
It should come as no surprise to anyone that I am a huge fan of the original Star Wars trilogy. In fact, I’m such a fan that I know The Empire Strikes Back was released 33 years ago today. Yes, I was there to see it on opening day.
Although, opening day was actually the second time I had seen it. The first time was at a press screening a few weeks earlier my Mom had won tickets for by listening to the radio all day while I was at school.
Do I have a cool Mom or what?
I still have that press kit somewhere with all the awesome black and white photos from the movie. Must dig that up someday soon.
To commemorate this milestone in history, here’s some bloopers for the first (and only good) trilogy. Enjoy.
All Six 'Star Wars' Movies at the Same Time
Yep, you read that right. Someone went to the trouble to put all six Star Wars movies together in the same screen and run them at the same time. To be honest, I don’t know if I love this or hate it. Maybe a bit of both.
I do know I’ve got a headache from watching it. Enjoy and you’re welcome.
35 Years Ago Today . . . In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
On this day in 1977, before it was known as ‘Episode IV’, a little movie called Star Wars made its debut and changed the way things worked in Hollywood for all time. It also had a very significant impact on a young boy named Chris who learned an important lesson that day: there’s no limit to what you can imagine.
Happy 35 Star Wars.