I Don't Like Change
If you know me, or have read this site for very long, you probably know I’m not a fan of change. I know it happens, and needs to in many cases, but I really don’t like it. It’s not good.
I’m not sure anyone really does. If they do (or say they do), I think there’s probably something wrong with them.
Why do I bring this up today? Glad you asked. We are making some changes over at The Flickcast and it’s bothering me quite a bit.
Specifically, we are migrating to new, fancier servers and during that process we can’t make any changes to the site or they may not make the trip over. So, a couple days (maybe) without any new content.
That’s kinda a bummer. I realize it’s necessary and better for the site in the long run, but see above for my feelings on change – especially change that could potentially cost us readers/visitors. I don’t like it. No, not at all.
But really, what are you gonna do? It has to be done so it has to be done. Can’t change it or delay it any longer, so there we are.
Such are the vagaries of online life and business. But I don’t have to like it.
Things Are Different . . . But Also the Same
Some of you may have noticed, at least those of you who are paying attention, that the name of this site has changed. Well, if you came here looking for, then you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve taken the liberty of consolidating some of my websites to make things easier on, well, mostly me. However, it may make things easier on you too, I can’t be sure.
So, from now on if you type in you will end up here at I think that has a better fell to it and I’m going to make my complete home on the interwebs.
I hope the change wasn’t too hard on all of you and I hope those of you reading this via RSS won’t get too confused. To summarize, is no more (except to redicrect you here).
All of my personal stuff will be here at I hope that clears it up and I hope to see you around here often.
In Other News, Moving Sucks

As someone who’s lived in Los Angeles for over 15 years, I never thought I would live anywhere else. Sure, on occasion, I’ve imagined moving to New York or Austin or Portland (or somewhere even more exotic), but I never really thought I would leave LA.
But over the last few years, something changed. The city I loved started to annoy me. Then, grate on me. Then, I really started to dislike it intensely. It was an odd feeling to be sure and one I was sure I would never have. But, as they say, things change. LA and I had grown apart.
So, with that in mind and looking for new adventures, I packed up my stuff, grabbed Heather and her stuff after selling her place and moved South.
No, I haven’t moved to the “real” South, I’ve only moved South of LA and behind what people like to call “The Orange Curtain.” For the moment, H and I are renting a relatively new apartment that was originally built as a condo while we look for a house or similar.
But I gotta tell you, even though I really was looking forward to the move and really like the place and area we picked (Irvine, if you’re curious), the move itself was a pain in the ass that almost killed me.
I had not moved in quite a few years and the last time I did it I was apparently much better at it (and in better shape) as I don’t remember it being this difficult.
But this time, I really wasn’t very good at it. It really took a toll which I’m just now shaking off almost a week later. Before you ask, we had movers. They did all of the heavy lifting (and most of the light as well). It just seems to be such an overwhelming task this time.
I’m pretty sure almost everyone dislikes moving. Or, lets face it, hates it with a fiery passion hotter than a thousand suns. Even at its best, its very unpleasant. It really throws a wrench into your life even if you’re going to a place you really want to go and you have lots of help. It’s still a pain in the ass.
The unfortunate part is as much as I disliked having to move this time, I’m going to have to do it again this year once we find a more permanent place to live. Plus, I’m also going to have to move my Mom closer to us as well this year and vacate the house she’s lived in for over forty years.
Damn. And I thought I had it bad this time.