What Your Coffee Says About You
Continuing a fine tradition of coffee-related posts, I’ve got another one for you. This one is a new, handy chart that tells you just what the coffee beverage you order says about you as a person.
Check it out below. Oh, in case you’re wondering, according to this chart I’m “assertive and outspoken, don’t let seasons dictate how I live my life and I like straws.” Huh, maybe there’s something to this chart after all?
What kind of coffee are you?
Your Caffeine Intake Levels
As you might have guessed, I like coffee. In fact, some would say, I’m slightly obsessed about it. Truth be told, I don’t think I’m alone in that. I think lots of others like coffee as much, or more, than I do.
So, in the spirit of helping out my fellow coffee fans, here’s a handy little graphic that helps illustrate just how much caffeine you’re getting from various kinds of beverages.
I hope this helps.
A Helpful Coffee Chart for a Tuesday
In the interest of being helpful, I found this handy coffee chart that you can use to determine exactly what you’re drinking and, more to the point, what your drink consists of. Of course, if you like coffee as much as I do, you probably already know all of this.
Still, I kinda like it and it could be helpful, so there you go.