Cool Stuff
From the 'Want' Department: The Sonos SUB
I may have mentioned I’m a big fan of Sonos and their products. I use a Play 5 every day and it’s an awesome way to listen to music from your personal music collection, Pandora or Spotify. Plus, like my Macs, it “just works.”
Now Sonos has a new piece of shiny I want: the SUB. Check out this video of the SUB in action and tell me you don’t want one too. And no, that’s not CG.
Post Hump Day Report and a Bit About 'Sons of Anarchy'
Yes folks, today is Thursday. Yesterday, as you might be aware, was Wednesday. That day is also know as “hump day” in the parlance of our times.
I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, but I just thought I would point it out. It may be relevant to some of you so that’s just one of the many services I try to provide to my favorite readers. Yes, I’m talking to you.
So, what’s been happening? Well, I’ve been watching a lot of a show called Sons of Anarchy for the past week or so. I had initially started watching it when it premiered a few years ago but as is sometimes the case, things distracted me and I wandered off to be transfixed by some other shiny thing. But now I’m back.
Fortunately, Netflix has my back on this one and has the first three seasons available to watch. I’ve gone through all of them and then resorted to Apple and iTunes for season four, which I’m currently in the middle of.
In case you’re not familiar with the show, it deals with a group of Harley Davidson enthusiasts and mechanics who, mostly through no fault of their own, have misadventures. You see, they’re a club, not a gang and they just want to be left alone to pursue their dream of living outside the mainstream.
Sadly, the law sees it differently and tries to impose the collective will of the self-righteous on our band of likable rouges and anti-heroes. Fortunately, the law turns out to be rather inept and for various reasons is prevented from taking any real punitive action and our favorite club is pretty much free to pursue its version of the American Dream.
The show was created and is principally written by Kurt Sutter. He cut his teeth writing and producing another gritty, anti-hero heavy show called The Shield, one of the best cop shows ever to grace the small screen.
With Sons of Anarchy Sutter is able to take things to a high level and spin his Hamlet-inspired tale in his own, unique fashion. In short, the show is very enjoyable and you quickly come to root for the “bad guys” regardless of any nefarious shit they might do.
That’s one of the cornerstones of good writing and good drama. You are able to take these, by some standards, despicable people and not only make them likable but cause the audience to root for them and hope they succeed.
The Shield had this same quality. Even though Vic Mackey and the strike team were, for lack of a better word, bad you really hoped they would “get away with it” in the end. Sutter obviously learned a lot from The Shield creator Shawn Ryan and he was able to take that knowledge, expand on it, shape it and create a show to be proud of.
This post has somehow turned into a mini-review of Sons of Anarchy, but that wasn’t really my intention. What I really wanted to accomplish here is to make sure that when I find great writing, I let people know about it.
Is Sons of Anarchy a perfect show? No. Does it occasionally veer off into melodrama and borderline soap opera territory? Sure, but rarely.
However, for the most part, it’s a well-written, skillfully produced TV series featuring an excellent cast that includes Charlie Hunnam, Maggie Siff, Ron Perlman, Kim Coates, Mark Boone Junior, Ryan Hurst and Katey Sagal and a cool, counter-culture lifestyle based on freedom to do what you want, when you want.
Any really, who doesn’t think about living that life sometimes? I know I do.
Although, maybe with a bit fewer stabbings, shootings, murders and explosions.
Coffee, Macs and More
I love gadgets, tech and toys. As I’ve grown older, that love hasn’t lessened. Although, the quantity of gadgets, tech and toys may have decreased slightly, the quality (and the associated cost) has increased, so there’s that.
That’s just the “circle of life” or something. Anyway, that leads me to recent developments. One of these developments has to do with my search for the perfect way to make coffee at home.
Some of you may be shocked and wonder how I could betray my beloved Starbucks, Coffee Bean or various other establishments I frequent. It’s simple, really, I just want to do it at home so I get used to working at home again. I would also like to save some time where I can too.
On a busy morning, if I have to take the time to stop at Starbucks or wherever on the way somewhere else, it can often take quite a bit of time. So, in the interest of efficiency (and to save a buy or two, let’s face it) I’m going to make coffee at home.
During a previous attempt at this I had purchased one of the Tasimo devices that makes coffee from a capsule. The results were less than stellar. In fact, the coffee kinda sucked.
This time around I’ve done much more research and committed to a much better solution. At least I think it is.
I’ve decided that the only way to make it work at home is to get the best coffee maker you can get. That one, if you ask pretty much anyone who knows anything about it, is The Moccamaster.
That’s a picture of it right there. Nice, huh.
I expect this little beauty to arrive early next week and I will report back on how awesome it is. Yes, I expect it to be awesome.
In other news, I am also trying something else again that I had tried several years ago: going all-laptop and having no desktop Mac.
At this moment, I have two computers. One is a 27" iMac and the other is my 13" MacBook Air. I’m am giving the iMac to a worthy person (selling, actually) and will be using the MacBook Air exclusively from this point forward.
However, this choice does present a few problems. The first of which is my iTunes library is way too big to fit on the Air. So, for the moment, it will have to reside on an external drive. Not ideal.
Second, my iMac also served as the media and print server for the house. With it gone, certain people are going to have to go upstairs and connect to the printer via usb if they want to print. Also, not ideal.
So, that means I will most likely have to get some sort of computer to use as a file, media, print server and iTunes repository. That will most likely mean a Mac Mini.
Before you ask, I’m not considering a Windows or other solution at the moment. We’re too invested in Apple tech at home to try to make that work right now. Maybe if I get some more free time I can put together a nice Windows server instead.
For now, it will probably be a Mac Mini running Apple’s Lion Server that will take on those duties at home. Plus I would like to work with Lion Server a bit more so the new Mini serves that purpose as well.
Of course, if I’m going to be using the MacBook Air as my only machine from this time forward, I kinda think it should be the latest model, don’t you? Just go with me here, okay? The one I have know is a 13" 2.13 Ghz Core 2 Duo with 256 GB SSD.
I feel a newer 13" MacBook Air i7 would be better for the tasks to come. Plus, I would like to give my previous generation Air to someone I think will like it. Yeah, that’s good reason.
So, lots of changes coming in my tech world. Fortunately, I don’t mind change all that much – especially when it brings newer, shinier toys.
Sunday, Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday
Today is the Big Game. Although, to have to call it that because of some copyright or trademark deal is a bit stupid. So, let’s try that again. Today is The Super Bowl. Let ‘em come after me.
This means, of course, people are going to be getting together to watch the game at various parties and such. It also means we’re probably going to get some interesting new commercials today.
I like the commercials during The Super Bowl. In fact, this is pretty much the only time during the year I actually watch commercials. The rest of the time I usually fast forward through them like most other people do. Thank the gods for the DVR, amirite?
So far, I’ve seen a few commercials already that are going to be shown during the game. One of them features Matthew Broderick shilling for Honda and sorta pretending to be his character from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
If you haven’t seen it yet, I’ve included it below. I’m not sure how I feel about it but I guess it doesn’t really matter. It’s done. Besides, maybe he needs the money?
For more selections and highlights of commercials shown today as well as those of the past, I’ve been looking at this website. It’s got a lot of good ones and reminds me that at one time, the commercials were very good.
Oh, I’ve also included one other commercial that’s being shown during The Super Bowl. It features Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima. I’m not exactly sure what she’s selling but really, who cares? It works.
You’re welcome.
I Believe In 'Believer'
I “borrowed” the title of this post from my friend Joe Dilworth but that’s okay, we’re working on the project (and others) together. What is that project you may ask? Well, I’m pleased to announce we’re launching a brand new comic book publishing initiative and a Kickstarter Campaign to, well, kick things off.
Our first project was written by myself and Joe and is called Believer. It’s a hard-boiled detective thriller with a supernatural twist and combines many of my favorite elements into one fun and exciting story. Plus, in addition to the writing, we’ve got some great art to go with it from Kris Carter.
He really does a terrific job and I look forward to seeing the rest of the pages as they are done. It’s an exciting time to be alive and doing creative things. My sincere wish is to see this as the first of many projects and the start of a larger publishing enterprise.
I feel pretty good about it.
For all the important details on the comic, the Kickstarter campaign and more, head on over to the official Kickstarter page for Believer. Also, and after many years in show business and elsewhere raising funding for projects I still feel funny about saying this, if you do feel like supporting us by making pledge of at any level, I would appreciate it.
Plus, you do get some pretty cool rewards for your support, if I do say so myself. Really, I shouldn’t feel weird about mentioning we’re looking to raise money. After all, if you don’t believe in something you’re doing and are enthusiastic about it, how can expect anyone else to be, right? Right.
Things are going to start happening to me now.
My Favorite Movie Poster So Far
I see a lot of movie posters, especially these days working with The Flickcast, and I have to say that this one from Robert Rodriguez's upcoming Machete is probably my favorite of the year so far.
It's fun and cool and goes a long way to tell you exactly what the movie is about. Which is, of course, everything you would want from a movie poster.
Plus, the movie looks pretty awesome too with a great cast including Danny Trejo, Robert DeNiro, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Jeff Fahey, Steven Segal and Lindsey Lohan. I know, right?
Check it out and enjoy. Also, if it's still up, check out the trailer for the film over at The Flickcast.
Video Friday -- The Trapeze Girl
As many of you know, I was at Macworld Expo in San Francisco all this week covering the show for TUAW. Consequently, this video Friday is coming out on Saturday. However, to compensate you for having to wait, I think this is a pretty good one.
This video highlights one of the attractions at this year's Cirque du Mac party. Yes, that's a girl on a trapeze. Mac geeks like girls too. Enjoy.
Video Friday
Because I liked the “photo a day” deal so much, I’m also going to try and find cool videos to post as regularly as I can – mostly on Fridays. I may end up shooting some of them but I also may just post other ones that I find around the Internets.
So, to get us going, here's the first one out of the gate. In some ways, this video is better and more original than many things that come out of Hollywood (or the BBC for that matter). This point is made all the more interesting because this video was not made by Hollywood (or BBC) pros, but by a family on vacation who simply love a show and wanted to do something fun. Enjoy.
Michael Mann's 'Lucky Star'
Here’s an interesting fake trailer for a movie called ‘Lucky Star’ that’s actually a commercial for the Mercedes SL500. Made in 2002, starring Benecio Del Toro and directed by Michael Mann, its one of the longest and most expensive commercials ever made. Sadly, I did not work on it. However, even without my involvement, it’s still pretty damn cool – mostly because Mann is pretty much a genius.
Chicago is a Great Town
Or at least I think it is. Sadly, I’ve been here since Thursday afternoon (late) and I’ve only seen the hotel I’m staying at and the convention center I’m across the street from. Sure, that might not seem like a bad thing to some people, but I kinda like checking out places and seeing what’s what. Especially places I’ve never been, like Chicago.
I've heard that later we'll all go see exciting stuff in Chicago. Until then, I've got to tough it out in Rosemont at a hotel almost perfectly positioned for the convention yet still, annoyingly far away.
Not that Rosemont is a bad place. Far from it. At least I think so. It's just that if I decide to visit somewhere it would great if I got to see the "actual" city I'm supposed to be visiting. I know that's going to happen no matter what because I made an effort to actually stay a bit longer.
Anyway, I've also discovered on this trip that I can drink a ton of booze and eat way too much. I kinda thought I was over all of that. Sadly, it seems I am not. I'm sure my liver and my increasing weight will both be very unpleasant later on.
However, all is not negative at Wizard World in Rosemont (aka Chicago). I did manage to meet a few cool people, spend time at some interesting gatherings and generally have a bit of fun. It's just too bad that I wasn't able to do more work. I kinda felt like I didn't talk to enough people at the show and turn out enough content.
If anything, this show was a good primer for San Diego and really highlights how difficult it is to cover a convention like Wizard World with what is, essentially, two people. Especially when one of those people needs to be in the hotel editing and publishing posts instead of working the floor.
We did manage to get some interesting stuff and some of it is already posted at ComicMix. So, be sure to head on over and check it out. Here's some links:
<a href="">My interview</a> with <em>World War Z</em> and <em>Reported Attacks</em> graphic novel author Max Brooks.
ComixMix's Rick Marshall's reports on <a href="">day one</a> and <a href="">two</a> of the show.
Some <a href="">photo galleries</a> of the <a href="">costumes</a> and "flavor" of the Wizard World Chicago show.
Finally, here's some great art from some of the books coming out from publisher Avatar Press. This stuff just looks cool and I can't wait to see it in its final form. Check them out.
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I must have this.

I don't <em>need</em> it but, of course, I really want it. I wonder if they're taking orders. <a href="">Check it out</a>.
Cool Art and Wizard World stuff
Sometimes in my travels I come across cool things and want to share them. Here’s an example of that:
<img src="" alt="THORAGES001006-07large.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="373"><img src="" alt="THORAGES001004-05large.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="373"><img src="" alt="THORAGES001002-03large.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="373">
These panels were part of the 'Mondo Marvel' presentation at Wizard World LA this weekend -- which even though it was pretty small was still a great time. I attended the panel for ComicMix and was pretty impressed with this <em>Thor</em> artwork by Patrick Zircher. This guy rocks and I think will have along career in comics.
I also got a chance to interview a bunch of other cool people at WWLA including another artist whose work I like very much: Jacen Burrows. That interview is <a href="">already up</a> over at ComicMix. Here's a couple of things from him including a page from 303, which he did with Garth Ennis, and a Blackgas cover, a book he did with Warren Ellis:
<img src="" alt="jacen303large.jpg" border="0" width="350" height="499">
<img src="" alt="jacenbg2large.jpg" border="0" width="350" height="545">
I also had a chance to talk with <em>X-Force</em> and <em>Dark Tower</em> writer Peter David, <em>Battlestar Galactica</em> Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden and superstar screenwriter Zak Penn. Look for those articles soon.
You know, its pretty cool to work in the business I work in. This writing thing is pretty darn fun.
Cool. I want one.
Even though its not practical at all, I really want one of these. Why? 'Cause its cool. Anyone care to order one for me as a gift? I don't mind, really. I like gifts.
On another note, I've been working quite a bit at ComicMix this week trying to help raise the page views by having more regular content. So, if you get a minute (or ten) be sure to click on over and browse as many of the articles as you can.
In fact, if you really want to help out, try reading and then commenting on a few. That would be nice. If you do that, you don't have to get me a Han Solo desk.
Sounds fair, right?
I ordered a new MacBook Air
Yes, yes I did. If you happen to be curios as to my reasons, head on over to TUAW and <a href="" target="_blank">take a look</a> at the article I wrote explaining it all. Apparently, judging from the number of comments (almost 140 I think so far) this particular topic appears to be one of interest. Check it out.
Almost Real
Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.
Can't Talk, Playing With the iPhone
Yes, I managed to snag one on Friday (the 8gb model, btw). Yes, its very, very cool. Yes, I will have more to say about it. Yes, I can’t say it here (blame AOL, not me). So please, look elsewhere for all things iPhone from me and other far more intelligent people. In fact, why not go here.
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Six Issues Facing the Comic Book Industry
Over at The Comics Reporter, Tom Spurgeon lays it out for you and shares his thoughts about the biggest issues facing the comic book business today. Its a good read and one, if you have any interest in comic books, that you should take a look at. For a different perspective, Heidi MacDonald at The Beat offers her observations of Tom’s observations. Its all very observationy (if that’s even a word. let’s pretend it is, ok?)
Oh, the picture below is of my favorite alternative covers of <em>Astonishing X-Men #1</em> by the gripping <a href="'Otto">Gabriele Dell 'Otto</a>, written by the wonderful <a href="">Joss Whedon</a> and with art by the cool <a href="">John Cassaday</a>. This series of books is one of the reasons I got back into comics after a long haitus. Now, thanks to Joss and company I've gotten to experience a whole new world of comic books I never read before. Its been great so far and I expect it to get even better.
And yes, I like the X-Men. You got a problem with that?
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My New Favorite Movie 'DOA'
Sure, you could call it cheesy but what the hell. its got action, swords, guns, explosions and hot babes. All you could ever want in a movie. And heck, even Eric Roberts is in it too. What could be better? Enjoy!
Building the Ultimate Millennium Falcon
Awesome. I love all things Lego. Especially all things Lego made into the Millennium Falcon. Go get one for yourself.