'009ノ1: The End of the Beginning' Looks Pretty Crazy
I’m a fan of movies from around the world, and this trailer for 009ノ1: The End of the Beginning is one reason why. Sure, it doesn’t have the high dollar production value of a Michael Bay “epic”, but it does have one important thing going for it: heart.
I know, I know, but I can tell these actors, and the rest of the team, are really having a great time here. And that, to me, is pretty important.
I think it makes for better, more entertaining, movies. Plus, I firmly believe loving what you do, and having a great time doing it, applies to pretty much all parts of life, not just work.
We’re all here a relatively short time so let’s try and not get so caught up in the BS and have a little fun along the way, okay? Good.
Turing back to the trailer, no, I can’t tell you what they’re saying or really, what the movie is about. I can tell you it’s based on a classic Manga from the late ’60s, early ’70s and that the movie is hitting Japan in September. Oh, and it has cyborg girls and other interesting bits too.
But all that doesn’t really matter at this point, does it? It just looks cool. Check it out below.
Here's Some 'Community' Outtakes for a Friday
Many of these made me laugh. Some made me, well, experience other emotions. Anyway, here’s a little video containing some fun Community outtakes.
Enjoy them as this week’s episode may be the last one ever. Fingers crossed for a renewal from NBC, though. Thursday night’s episode would be a hard way to go out.
No, I didn’t think it was that great. I was hoping for more. On a side note, don’t read anything into the fact that most of these outtakes contain scenes with Alison Brie. That’s just a coincidence.
I also have no idea how the picture of her eating ice cream came back again. I thought I got rid of that. Please accept my humble apologies and I will try not to let it happen again.
Alison Brie as Captain America Works For Me
In keeping with the Avengers theme going this week, I saw this, courtesy of the fine folks at Fan Art Exhibit, and had to post it.
Alison Brie as Cap. I like it. Quite a bit. Probably a bit too much.
Oh well.
One More Thing
Well, it’s really more than one. Occasionally when I’m bored, or avoiding work, writing or whatever, I check out a site called The Chive. If you’ve seen it, you know what it is. If not, maybe you’ll check it out sometime.
For those of you who don’t know and don’t want to check it out, let’s just say I like to go there sometimes because once in awhile a guy just wants to see pictures of girls in yoga pants and random people doing random, and often strange, things. And did I mention the yoga pants? I think I did. Okay.
Case in point on the random tip are the photos below. I had a distinct reaction to each of them. I will leave it you you to guess what that reaction was.
I also included these photos because I may start highlighting some random photos here every friday. Or, who knows, maybe more often.
Okay, continue with enjoying your Friday/Weekend.
Phoebe Cates Is Number One
How I didn’t see this before I’ll never know, but apparently the site Mr. Skin rated the all-time best nude scenes in movies and one of my favorite actresses of all time was number one. I’m talking about, of course, Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
To a young man such as myself, Cates represented all that was awesome about girls and helped start us on the way to manhood. I’m very happy that many others obviously share my enthusiasm for Cates. She truly is one of a kind and still looks great today (at 46), btw.
But here she is in her younger days in one of my favorite movies of all time. Also, keep in mind, this video is probably NSFW. Enjoy.
I'm Chris and I Approve of This
I’ve seen a lot of movies over the years and many of them had one or more superheroes in them. Some of those superheroes were also women and probably looked pretty good in their costumes. However, I’m fairly certain none of them ever looked this good.
I give you Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in <em>Iron Man 2</em>. You're welcome.
<div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="scarlett-johansson-iron-man-2-black-widow-stills-07.jpg" border="0" width="550" height="643"></div>
'Sports Illustrated' Reveals New 2010 Cover Girl
Here’s the new SI cover girl Brooklyn Decker looking very good. You’re welcome.
<div style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="sports-illustrated-cover-brook.jpg" border="0" width="525" height="707"></div>
Moving on Up
I’ve moved this blog from hosted Wordpress to my own server also using Wordpress. Yes, I’m that cool and know how to do stuff.
However, due to the migration, things still look a bit wonky and will for a few days until I get time to fix them. So, please bare with me while I finish up the migration.
In the meantime, to thank you for your patience, take a look at this picture featuring a few of my favorite things. Enjoy.
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Video Friday -- The Trapeze Girl
As many of you know, I was at Macworld Expo in San Francisco all this week covering the show for TUAW. Consequently, this video Friday is coming out on Saturday. However, to compensate you for having to wait, I think this is a pretty good one.
This video highlights one of the attractions at this year's Cirque du Mac party. Yes, that's a girl on a trapeze. Mac geeks like girls too. Enjoy.
Megan Fox and Marissa Miller
As it happens to be Wednesday and I haven’t done it in some time, here’s a few photos of two of my favorite females – Megan Fox and Marissa Miller. Megan’s photos are from a recent GQ shoot and Marissa’s are from a recent shoot for Malibu Magizine.
At the moment, as I've tragically never met either of them, I can only admire them for their looks. Which is one of the main reasons I feel like sharing these pictures. I'm sure, if I met them and got to know them better, I would find that in addition to their stunning looks, they are also both intelligent, funny, generous and all-around fantastic human beings. Until then, I'll just have to be content to think they just both <em>look</em> fantastic.
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Because I Can Never Get Enough
Here’s yet another picture of the divine Marissa Miller just in time to be a day late for “Photo Tuesday.” Although, I did give you some great shots of Tricia Helfer and Katee Sackhoff from the BSG press event yesterday – so no complaining, please.
I also realize that having these kind of photos may land me a bit on the pandering side of things. But then again, who cares? She looks purty. And sweaty. And I feel like sharing.
Megan Fox - 'Star Wars' Nerd
So, it appears my blog has turned into one run by a fifteen-year old boy who likes to look at pretty girls. Ah well, who can blame me really? Especially when the girl in question is Megan Fox and she’s sporting a rather cool t-shirt from one of my favorite movies of all time. I mean, come on?
Also, as if Megan wasn't enough, <em>I'm</em> also doing some things as well. Although, I won't look nearly as good as Megan does while I do them. But yes, its Comic-Con time again in San Diego and I'll be there representing with the crew from <a href="">ComicMix</a>. We even have a booth this year so if you happen to be at the show, be sure to come by booth #2308 and bring me cookies. Or, just say hello. But did I mention I like cookies? Okay, just wanted to make sure. Chocolate chip, btw. In case you were wondering. Okay, that's it for the cookies. Thanks.
And, to talk about how great I am just a bit more, I've got a couple new interviews up. Last week the first part of my interview with writer, actor and Internet giant <a href="">Wil Wheaton</a> hit <a href="">at ComicMix</a>. Part two drops on Monday (I believe) and part three (Yes, I spoke with Wil a long time and he was nice enough to do it) will hit the following week.
I've also got an interview with <em>Buffy</em>, <em>Angel</em> and <em>Battlestar</em> writer/producer <a href="">Jane Espenson</a> coming out this week as well. She was super-cool and a pleasure to interview. Plus, I'm sure there will be one or two things from me as Comic-Con gets into full swing later this week. In fact, I know there will because I know who and what I'll be doing already.
Not that I'll be "doing" anyone at Comic-Con. Although, I do have a thing for girls in "Slave Leia" costumes. And Wonder-Woman too. Also Emma Frost and Poison Ivy. But that's a story for another time.
Anyway, be sure to check ComicMix early and often for all the latest from me and the rest of the gang of very talented and extremely cool people who work there. And now, here's Megan (Yes, in addition to the <em>Star Wars</em> t-shirt that appears to be an iPhone in her hand. What a girl.):
<img src="" alt="meganfoxstarwars.jpg" border="0" width="475" height="712">
Photo Tuesday with Marissa Miller
Seriously, does it get much better than this woman? Living in Los Angeles, I’m lucky enough to see and come in contact with (aka sit across the Starbucks and stare at) some of the most beautiful women in the world. However, with all those other woman running around here, Marissa Miller still rises to the top.
So, in honor of photo Tuesday, here's a few shots of her from a recent issue of GQ. Heck, there's even one in Black & White to fulfill the "arty" quotient for this week. Oh, and if you're interested, check out <a href="">all </a>of <a href="">my</a> <a href="">photos</a> from the recent Wizard World Chicago extravaganza over at <a href="">ComicMix</a>.
But for now, enjoy these and be inspired.
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I realize I missed this week’s ‘Photo Tuesday’ but I have a good excuse for it. Unfortunately, I can’t say what it was because its a secret – at least for now. Let’s just say I spent some time on Tuesday doing something very cool and I will be revealing just what that thing was shortly.
Until then, let's take a look at some interesting links for the week, shall we?
My interview with <em>Hack/Slash</em> creator Tim Seeley at <a href="">ComicMix</a>
My latest BSG Weekly at <a href="">ComicMix</a>
My interview with innovative filmmaker James Liu at <a href="">TUAW</a>
I thought I had <a href="">a lot of computers</a>.
If you happen to be in LA on June 1st and want to take a stand against abuse of photographers taking pictures in public places, check out <a href="">this post</a>.
And just so we have some artwork to accompany this post, here's a couple of my favorites from Tim Seeley. One from<em> Hack/Slash</em>. Which, by the way, is a great comic you should be reading. And one from his other work on <em>Forgotten Realms: Halfling's Gem</em>. Enjoy
<img src="" alt="hackslashSG.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="607">
<img src="" alt="halflinggem.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="454">
Random Photo Tuesday with Kristen Bell, Marissa Miller and More
As I’m stalling so I don’t have to work on something else I should be writing, I thought it would be a good time for some random photos. And, as it happens to be Tuesday, we can call this new feature: Random Photo Tuesday. Fun? Oh yeah.
Ok, let’s get to it:
Cameron Diaz.
Kristen Bell.
Scarlett Johansson from some movie or another.
Megan Fox.
And one more for old times sake. Marissa Miller.
Mmm, all these pics seem to be of beautiful women. Not so random as I first thought. Oh well.
Good Luck Today

If you just don't feel very lucky even though today should make you feel that way, at least you can take a look at this picture of <a href="">Megan Fox</a> (from a recent FHM Magazine article), currently co-starring in the mega-hit <em>Tansformers</em>. Dating her -- now <em>that</em> would be lucky.
<img src="" alt="meganfox-1.jpg">
Whatever happens, good luck to all of you today.
Taking a Quick Photo Break
While I was looking for something else I found this picture. That’s all. You can go about your business now. Happy Sunday.
<img src="" alt="jolene-blalock-more-pic-5-big.jpg">
My New Favorite Movie 'DOA'
Sure, you could call it cheesy but what the hell. its got action, swords, guns, explosions and hot babes. All you could ever want in a movie. And heck, even Eric Roberts is in it too. What could be better? Enjoy!
Apple won’t sell 10 million iPhones, Secrets and “Mac Chicks”

I don't know for sure but it does <em>seem</em> like <a href="">Lance Davis</a> doesn't have much love for Apple, Steve Jobs or the iPhone. Or, it could be that he's just a reserved Brit used to having lowered expectations and settling for less. Or, he's just not been effected enough by Job's notorious "reality distortion field." Whatever the case, his conclusions seem wrong to me. I could tell you why but over at TUAW, David Chartier <a href="">does it for me</a> (and you) so take a look over there.
Why am I linking to another Apple website instead of commenting myself? Well, I could tell you but its not something I can talk about yet. Yes, another one of those "secrets" I seem to have of late. I know, I hate secrets too. And while we're on the subject, surprise birthday parties. But rest-assured all will be revealed in short order. As soon as I know something, I will let you know. Until then, enjoy this months latest "Mac Chick of the Month" <a href="">Mandy Amano</a> over at <a href="">Macenstein</a>.
Actually, on a bit of a side note, my frequent collaborator Anthony D. and I almost cast Mandy in a project once -- right before her now infamous Pepsi Superbowl add aired. Sadly, the project fell through (as they sometime do) and we didn't have the pleasure of working with Mandy. Maybe next time. Although now, we probably can't afford her. At least we still have the new photos and the <a href="">one I took</a> at the casting.
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