Hugh Jackman
Weekly Roundup 9.1.24

Can you believe it’s September already? Yeah, me neither. This month is made especially important (at least to be ) by the fact that it’s the month of my son’s birth. That’s pretty great. He’s great too.
He opted out of having a party this year and instead asked for some VR goggles, the MetaQuest 3 in particular. We’ll see how that goes. He’s probably gonna get some books, underwear and socks just like I did at his age.
Some traditions should continue.
Plus, I’m not sold on the necessity of 11-year-olds needing $500.00 VR goggles. Sounds sus to me. My son would tell me I’m being cringe for saying “sus.” What can you do?
Putting that aside, let’s go on with the things I’m watching, reading, listening to and otherwise enjoying and consuming lately.
The Trap - Writer/Director M. Knight Shyamalan’s latest with Josh Hartnett is a pretty fun movie. I’m not always 100% sure if the director or his star know exactly what kind of movie they’re making, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it. And no, the fact that the director’s daughter is in it and features prominently didn’t make me like it any less.
Although, there’s one point in the movie where I was sure Bruce Willis’s characters from Unbreakable was going to show up. But I’m not gonna spoil anything, so I’ll stop there.
Longlegs - Scary and moody. A film that definitely has a vibe. Also, I’m pretty good at figuring out movies but this one took longer than most and actually had a twist I didn’t see coming until almost the end. I liked it.
And, of course, Nick fucking Cage. Awesome. He is the only actor who could have played that character. I won’t be taking questions at this time.
Deadpool and Wolverine - Loved it. Loved all the insider MCU and comics stuff. Was it a “great” movie? No. Did it need to be? No. It did pretty much what it had to do and did it very well. It was fun and it was great to see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine again.
Plus, so many other great cameos I won’t spoil here. Let’s just say they were awesome and it was a delight to see some of those characters and actors again.
Homicide: Life On The Street - The classic TV series from the early 90s is back and on streaming for the first time. Sure, you gotta get Peacock to watch it . . . so I got Peacock. It’s a classic show for a reason with an amazing cast led by the superb Andre Braugher. He was a titan and is missed. If you’ve never seen it, you really should. It’s that good.
Andre Braugher conducts an acting masterclass every episode and the number off guest stars who appeared on the show is a who’s who of people who became famous. I won’t spoil who they are, just check it out. It’s worth the price of Peacock for a month or two.
I’m not reading a lot right now. Just two books.
A Little Hatred By Joe Abercrombie - I love sword and sorcery and fantasy and all the in-between so this one was a no-brainer for me. I’ve read several of his other books and this one is excellent too. Recommended.
Death Without Company By Craig Johnson - The second Walt Longmire mystery novel. I enjoyed the first so now I’ve moved on to the second. I expect I’ll read them all.
Listening To
New Order (and more) - I’m a kid of the 80s/90s so part punk and part New Wave (and part Grunge too, if I’m being honest). I’ve been listening to a lot of The Cure and New Order lately as well as Soundgarden, Alice In Chains and even some Nirvana. Yes, I contain multituides.
Mozart - I always enjoy some Mozart and I’ve been listening to several of his operas lately, and in particular Don Giovanni. It doesn’t end particlarly well for Don. Let that be a lesson, kids. Don’t be a selfish prick all your life.
I’m also watching a ton of YouTube videos about how to use Final Cut Pro and make travel-related “content.” Some people have expressed, let’s call it dismay, over my choice of Final Cut. All I can say is I was one of the members of the Official Final Cut Pro users group in LA way back in the day and I continue to be a fan and user of it to this day.
I first used an Apple computer over 30 years ago and I haven’t looked back. Call me a fanboy or a simp or whatever, I don’t care. I will be an Apple user until the day I die. It just works.
Speaking of that, I decided to treat myself to a new computer. It’s a 14" M3 Pro MacBook Pro (say that three times fast) and I gotta say, it’s pretty great. I’m not sure why I waited this long to switch to Apple Silicon.
It’s that much of a difference from my previous 13" MacBook Pro with Intel i7. It makes using FCP and Logic a real pleasure and it handles al my 4K footage with ease.
Well, that pretty much wraps it up for this one. Until next time, be kind to each other.
Photo: Joe Maidment / Walt Disney Co.
These Japanese Posters for 'The Wolverine' Are Very Cool
In the old days (before the Internet) movie posters were considered a big part of how to market a movie and get people interested in seeing it. Back then, studios also spent a lot more time and money (most of the time) designing said posters.
These days, movie posters mostly tend to look the same. Giant heads of the main actors and maybe an explosion or something. At least in this country. Fortunately, the movies are a global business and we often get some really great posters from elsewhere.
These posters for The Wolverine are a prime example. Check them out below.
Some Oscar Thoughts and Predictions Because People Asked
As you’re likely aware, the Oscar nominations were announced this week by the event’s host, Seth MacFairlane, and the lovely actress Emma Stone. As usual, the nominations brought a flurry of angry denouncements from people on Twitter, and elsewhere, about what film, actor or director got “snubbed” and how the Academy doesn’t know what it’s doing.
This kind of anger and confusion is to be expected and happens every year. After a few years of really caring a lot, I’ve pretty much given up being angry, outraged or disappointed by anything the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences says, does or thinks is worthy of consideration.
The opinion of that group just doesn’t matter all that much to me, except for my friends who are actually in the Academy. Their opinion means a great deal to me. You know who you are and I thank you.
Still, seeing as how they went to all the trouble of announcing nominations, I suppose I should comment on them and make a few predictions. So, with that in mind, let’s go through the major categories and I’ll tell you who I think should win and then who I predict will win.
Let’s play our game.
Best Actor
Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln Hugh Jackman in Les Misérables Joaquin Phoenix in The Master Denzel Washington in Flight
I’m torn right off the bat. On the surface it seems Daniel Day-Lewis should have this one locked up. He basically channeled Lincoln in the movie and from the first moment he’s on screen, he owns. Still, people really seem to love Hugh Jackman (and you can’t blame them really) and he’s playing a pretty well known character in a pretty well known musical, so it could end up being him.
As for the rest of the nominees, as much as I love Denzel, this feels more like a courtesy nomination, so I don’t think it will be him. Joaquin Phoenix won’t get it either because he’s been better in other things. Plus, nobody is going to give props to a movie that basically rips Scientology a new one. Not in today’s Hollywood.
This brings me to Bradley Cooper. Not bad for a guy who played what my friends and I used to call “Casual Will” on Alias. Good for you Bradley, but this isn’t your year. This is also a courtesy nomination. Don’t worry, you’ll get ‘em next time – or maybe the time after that.
Who should win? Hugh Jackman Who will win? Daniel Day-Lewis