Man of Steel
How 'Man of Steel' Should Have Ended
I’m not sure I agree with everything in this video. However, I do appreciate the time and effort that went into making it by the folks at and it does raise some very good points.
So, if you’re one of the people who thought Man of Steel should have gone a bit differently, this just might be for you. Okay, who am I kidding, it never would have ended this way, especially not for a big Hollywood blockbuster. It’s just for fun.
But heck, it’s still pretty funny.
Also, while we’re on the subject of comics and movies (as we often are), I’ll be in San Diego later this week for Comic-Con. So, if you’re going to be there, be sure to say “Hello” if you see me.
I will also be posting some stuff here and over at The Flickcast during the show so be sure and look out for that. You don’t want to miss it.
Enjoy the video.
The History of the Superman 'S' Logo
In honor of Man of Steel, Zach Snyder’s take on Superman (which opens tonight at midnight), I thought it would be fun to take a look at the evolution of Superman’s “S” logo over the years. Fortunately, someone has already thought of the idea and created a handy infographic showing all of the logos since the character was first introduced in Action Comics #1 in 1938.
Yes, there’s a lot of them. And yes, I think they’ve gotten better over the years. Of course, I do have a special place for the one from 1978. That’s the one worn by Christopher Reeve in Richard Donner’s classic Superman, which I saw in the theater with my parents on opening weekend.
That’s the logo, and the movie, that made a young boy truly believe a man could fly. As cliche' as that may sound today, after a heavy dose of Star Wars the year before and a whole host of other sci-fi, fantasy and comic book influences and input on a daily basis, I was ready to believe . . . And I did.
Let’s hope Snyder’s Man of Steel can work that same magic again on the much older and somewhat cynical (yet still a kid at heart) adult I’ve become. I don’t think it’s too late for me. I think there’s still a chance.
Because, dammit, I want to believe again.
The Latest 'Man of Steel' Trailer . . . Made With Lego
Occasionally, I really like something I find on the Interwebs. In those cases, I feel compelled to share what I’ve found with the three or four of you who read this site. Okay, maybe the eight or ten of you.
With that in mind, I bring you the latest trailer for Zack Snyder’s upcoming Man of Steel – made with Lego. I loved Lego as a kid and obviously, the person who created this video still does. Kudos, I say. Kudos.
Enjoy. After the break.
The New 'Man of Steel' Trailer Looks Pretty Awesome
Here’s Zack Snyder’s version of Superman. I think it looks pretty good. What say you?