Interview with Rob Zombie
My friend and colleague Matt Raub interviews musician/writer/director Rob Zombie about his latest film Halloween 2. Which, oddly enough, I review right here.
Check it out.
Video Friday - Magnum Vs. Solo
I’ve been very busy getting The Flickcast on its feet at new hosting (Thank you Media Temple) so I’ve been remiss with the blog. Shocking, I know. Fortunately, I’ve got a great video to share with you this week.
I don't have much to say about this video except that its <em>extremely</em> funny, especially if you're an avid fan of both Magnum, P.I. <em>and</em> Star Wars. Which, I'm happy to say, I am.
Enjoy this and realize what it took to make it work. These guys are pretty smart indeed.
The New 'The Flickcast' Site is Alive!
I’m pretty darn excited about my latest venture The Flickcast. I’ve been working on it for a couple months now doing a weekly podcast about movies, tv, comics and other geek stuff and its been great fun and pretty successful so far.
In addition to the podcast, I've also started a news site as a companion to the weekly show that's also been doing pretty well. One thing that had always bothered me about the site, though, was that it looked too much like a blog and not enough like a professional news site should look.
Fortunately, that's no longer the case because my new favorite web designer, <a href="">Robert Palmer</a>, has done a kick-ass job and totally redesigned the site to make it look awesome <em>and</em> professional.
This site and podcast are just the start of what I hope will someday be a giant media empire. Meanwhile, if you get a minute, head on over to <a href=""><em>The Flickcast</em></a> and check out the new look, read a review or two and listen to some great podcasts.
I feel very privileged to be able to start this new venture and it wouldn't be possible without some other great people like my podcast co-hosts Matt Raub and Christina Warren, my "web guy" Robert Palmer, site contributors like David Press, John Carle, all the Mahoneys (Sean, Tom, Adele and Heath), some great tools like Wordpress and last, but not least, the inspiration, encouragement and help I've received from various friends, colleagues and mentors.
Thank you all. I sincerely appreciate it.
Also, if you've got any feedback, feel free to drop it in the comments here or at <em><a href="">The Flickcast</a></em> site.
Video Friday (Saturday Edition) - The New 'Harry Potter' Trailer
I’ve been busy getting the new venture, The Flickcast, on its digital feet. So that mean that this blog might suffer a bit. However, I have not forgotten it completely because here’s the latest trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
I'm not as big a fan of the <em>Potter</em> movies and books as other people are. I enjoy them but they haven't become "part" of me like the books and movies I experienced when I was younger.
That said, this new trailer looks great and makes me even more interested in the movie when it comes out. In the end, that's what a trailer is supposed to do. Enjoy.
Video Friday - The 'Moon' Trailer
I like space stuff. Some of my favorite movies and TV shows have been about space. Shows like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff
and From the Earth to the Moon
have always fascinated me. So, I’m pretty interested in the new movie Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.
The trailer looks great and gives some good insight into the psychology of isolation that's obviously going to play out in the film. Plus, I've always been a fan of Sam Rockwell. I'm looking forward to seeing this one as soon as I can. Enjoy.
Oh, and I'll just take this moment to mention that there's a new episode of <strong>The Flickcast</strong> <a href="">now available</a> We've also we've started <a href="">posting some other material</a> today as well. So, head on over and check it out.
Video Friday - Sunday Edition: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Here is is, one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. The origin of one of the comic book world’s most loved characters: the mighty Wolverine. I can’t wait to see this movie and now, you don’t have to. Enjoy.
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Awesome 'Thundercats' Movie Trailer
Sure, its not real but its still awesome. Made by my new favorite fake-trailer superstar, WormyT, this trailer shows what a real fan can do with talent, technology and determination. Plus, who hasn’t secretly imagined some of the casting WormyT has for his trailer. Brad Pitt as Lion-O, Hugh Jackman as Tygra and Vin Diesel as Panthro? Come on, that’s just plain cool. Enjoy.
Heath Ledger Oscar Campaign Ad
This is pretty clever – even if it is overshadowed by the actor’s tragic death. Still, I can appreciate the effort.
<img src="" border="0" alt="heathledgeroscarad.jpg" width="450" height="640">
Thanks to my friend David Press for <a href="">pointing this out</a>.
Video Saturday - The New Star Trek Trailer
After watching this trailer for J.J. Abrams upcoming relaunch of the Star Trek franchise, all I can really say is that it looks like something Michael Bay might have done. I can only hope that lurking somewhere behind all the visuals and explosions is a decent story and a faithful treatment of the characters.
I guess we'll see in May 2009. Until then, enjoy.
Video Friday - The Matrix Runs on Windows
Just imagine how annoying and frustrating things would have been for Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and the gang if The Matrix ran on Windows. Although, if it did and ended up having this many errors, we might have been spared the two sequels.
Alas, that didn't happen. But its fun to think about the what if? Enjoy.
Video Friday - The 'Twilight' Trailer
Apparently, teenage girls across America are gaga for these books and are waiting with bated breath for the feature film version to come out. Truthfully, I don’t get it – and I really like vampires, monsters and all that kind of thing.
Of course, the problem may be that I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a teenage girl. So, all of the hype and fervor is probably lost on me. Still, as always, feel free to watch and judge for yourself.
Who knows, perhaps if I watch it enough times I will understand. Until then, I think I'll just watch 'Lord of the Rings' or some McCain/Palin anti-Obama commercials if I want to get my fill of fantasy.
Video Friday - The Original 'Star Wars' Trailer
Yes, that’s right kids, its the original trailer from 1977 for one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made in the history of movie-making: Star Wars.
Before it was called 'Episode 4' and before George Lucas went a little mad and decided to change a bunch of stuff (Han shot first, dammit!) this movie shocked, stunned, entertained, enthralled and inspired me like no other had before -- and pretty much no other has since.
So, for this Video Friday, sit back, relax and enjoy this trip to a galaxy far, far away. I know I will.
The Great Orson Welles
This is a video of my favorite director’s last TV appearance ever on the Merv Griffin show, October 10th, 1985 . Even at 70 years old, you can still see his wit, charm and intelligence come through. It’s a great video of a great and supremely talented man who’s influence on films and filmmaking is enormous.
And to make it even more interesting, two hours after his appearance on the show, Orson Welles died in his home of a heat attack.
But wait, there's more. Here's a trailer for a movie that Orson Welles supposedly (at least according to rumor) wanted to make -- Batman. With Welles himself playing the title role, of course. Even though this video is actually fake and was not made by Welles, its still very well done and poses a great "what if" scenario that I, as a fan of the master and <em>Batman</em>, would love to have seen.
Megan Fox - 'Star Wars' Nerd
So, it appears my blog has turned into one run by a fifteen-year old boy who likes to look at pretty girls. Ah well, who can blame me really? Especially when the girl in question is Megan Fox and she’s sporting a rather cool t-shirt from one of my favorite movies of all time. I mean, come on?
Also, as if Megan wasn't enough, <em>I'm</em> also doing some things as well. Although, I won't look nearly as good as Megan does while I do them. But yes, its Comic-Con time again in San Diego and I'll be there representing with the crew from <a href="">ComicMix</a>. We even have a booth this year so if you happen to be at the show, be sure to come by booth #2308 and bring me cookies. Or, just say hello. But did I mention I like cookies? Okay, just wanted to make sure. Chocolate chip, btw. In case you were wondering. Okay, that's it for the cookies. Thanks.
And, to talk about how great I am just a bit more, I've got a couple new interviews up. Last week the first part of my interview with writer, actor and Internet giant <a href="">Wil Wheaton</a> hit <a href="">at ComicMix</a>. Part two drops on Monday (I believe) and part three (Yes, I spoke with Wil a long time and he was nice enough to do it) will hit the following week.
I've also got an interview with <em>Buffy</em>, <em>Angel</em> and <em>Battlestar</em> writer/producer <a href="">Jane Espenson</a> coming out this week as well. She was super-cool and a pleasure to interview. Plus, I'm sure there will be one or two things from me as Comic-Con gets into full swing later this week. In fact, I know there will because I know who and what I'll be doing already.
Not that I'll be "doing" anyone at Comic-Con. Although, I do have a thing for girls in "Slave Leia" costumes. And Wonder-Woman too. Also Emma Frost and Poison Ivy. But that's a story for another time.
Anyway, be sure to check ComicMix early and often for all the latest from me and the rest of the gang of very talented and extremely cool people who work there. And now, here's Megan (Yes, in addition to the <em>Star Wars</em> t-shirt that appears to be an iPhone in her hand. What a girl.):
<img src="" alt="meganfoxstarwars.jpg" border="0" width="475" height="712">
Happy 25th 'Return of the Jedi'
Loved the movie (of course) but I found those short, furry creatures kinda lame. But after this, I gave them a second chance. Maybe you will too.
Excuses are like. . . And new photos too.
Obviously, I have some sort of issue with deadlines. For whatever reason I don’t seem capable of making them. For example, here it is Wednesday and I didn’t post anything for “Photo Tuesday” yesterday. How can I expect people to faithfully read this blog if I can’t even remember to post something regularly?
That's a good question and one that deserves an answer. Sadly, I don't really have one for you. Perhaps someone smarter than myself can offer one? That would be great.
Meantime, let's start with a few links. First off, here's a couple to direct you to my latest articles from around the internets.
I go out on a limb and pick six of <a href=""><em>The Best Movies Adapted from Comic Books</em></a>.
The<a href=""> latest installment</a> of my ongoing <em>BSG Weekly</em> articles.
Rick Marshall on <a href="">why his life is like <em>Rocky IV</em></a>.
An interesting, and disturbing, story about <a href="">a van driven onto the runway</a> in Seattle and nobody notices or seems to care.
Napster <a href="">offers DRM-free mp3</a> music.
LAist<a href=""> loves Ikea's salty balls</a>.
<a href="">This is funny</a>. TUAW-bashing is always good for a laugh.
And, as I still do<em> try</em> to meet deadlines, even if circumstances get in the way, here's a couple photos to commemorate "Photo Wednesday." These were taken by my friend <a href="">Anthony Dalesandro</a> who, besides being a great director, is also a pretty good photographer too. Enjoy.
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Quick Links for the Day and Tuesday Photos
Yes, I’ve been busy contributing and making the Internets a better place with my work. You want examples you say? Well, come close and take a look at these: My latest BSG Weekly article and also my article about the Six Worst Movies Adapted from Comic Books.
And of course, it being Tuesday and all, how about some photos? Sure, what the heck. Here's a couple taken by me on my recent trip to New York.
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Uwe Boll is a Genius -- According To Him
I find this very amusing. I don’t think Uwe Boll is a very good filmmaker but I also agree a bit with his complaints about Michael Bay and the like. So much conflict for me at such a (relatively) young age.
Say what you will about his mostly-lacking skills as a filmmaker, but he sure <em>does not</em> lack self-confidence. Enjoy.
Late Night Decisions
This whole time change thing has got my internal clock messed up or something as I'm normally, at least these days, tired at this time of night and ready to go to sleep. Yes, its sad. I know.
You wouldn't think one hour more or less would make that much of a difference, but apparently it does. Anyway, it gives me a chance to do a blog post and also watch some great (or not-so-great) TV shows or movies.
Right now, I'm choosing between 'Disturbia', 'Open Water 2: Adrift' or 'Executive Decision' and am leaning towards the first one, mostly because its an updated version of one of my favorite Hitchcock films: 'Rear Window.' Here's the trailer, just in case you're interested.
[youtube=]Or, there's probably something already recorded on the Tivo I could watch. At the moment, the Tivo is filled with shows like the series finale of 'The Wire', episodes of 'The Tudors' and probably a couple 'Reaper' episodes too. Also, probably a few movies as well including 'Torn Curtain' (another great Hitchcock film) and 'Last King of Scotland' starring Forrest Whitaker as Idi Amin.
Oh, I almost forgot about all the stuff on the Apple TV that streams from my media iMac in the office and also has been downloaded fro the iTunes music/TV/movies store. On that device, I believe, are episodes of 'Weeds', 'Baslisk', 'Babylon 5' and movies like 'Eastern Promises', 'Shoot 'em Up' and 'Live Free or Die Hard.'
So, more things to consider when trying to decide how to keep myself entertained while I can't sleep. With all this media and entertainment basically at my fingertips 24/7, why am I worried about trying to sleep? Maybe I should just enjoy being awake and catch up on all my movie and TV viewing.
Choices, choices, choices. I guess its a good thing but really, I probably watch too much TV. Maybe, instead of sitting here and watching programs created by other people i should get back to creating some of my own?
I think that's a good idea . . . right after this show's over.
David Lynch on product placement
Direct and to the point, just how it should be. Plus, I happen to agree with him