More Useful and Interesting Things
It’s the weekend so many of you are probably out doing weekend-type things. Good for you. Enjoy yourselves.
In the interest of enjoyment, or in some cases entertainment or information to enhance your lives, here’s another list of useful and/or interesting things I’ve found this week.
• I don’t know about you, but I loved arcades as a kid. In fact, I worked in one for almost a year while I was in High School. Games like Asteroids, Missile Command, Galaga and Pac-Man helped shape my childhood. It also cost me a hell of a lot of quarters.
But that’s okay, it was great fun and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. Sadly, it seems future generations may not have the same opportunity for fun as I did. The Verge spells out the situation in a must-read article for anyone who loved these places as a kid.
• Once again the folks at Lifehacker come through with some good info. This time it’s what to do before and after a disaster.
• Do you blog? Do you have an iPhone or other iOS device? If so, you may want to check out this great piece of software called Poster. I’m trying it out now and so far, I like it. You might like it too.
• Tired of paying through the nose (or other orifice) for a wireless plan and smartphone? If so, you might want to check out Republic Wireless. It’s a very interesting approach and something I’m going to be looking into in more detail soon.
That’s it for now. Once again, enjoy your weekend. I know I will.
The Latest 'Man of Steel' Trailer . . . Made With Lego
Occasionally, I really like something I find on the Interwebs. In those cases, I feel compelled to share what I’ve found with the three or four of you who read this site. Okay, maybe the eight or ten of you.
With that in mind, I bring you the latest trailer for Zack Snyder’s upcoming Man of Steel – made with Lego. I loved Lego as a kid and obviously, the person who created this video still does. Kudos, I say. Kudos.
Enjoy. After the break.
All Work and No Play . . .
For those interested, and I think I see one or two of you way in the back, I’ve started a new writing project. This is in addition to the several other things I’m currently working on.
Yes, I like to keep busy. Someone once told me, or it may be an actual “thing” people say, “Once you slow down, you die.”
I’m not ready to die just yet.
So, that brings me to the new writing project. It’s a bit different from what I normally write, so it’s challenging on that level. A large part of the challenge also has to do with the fact that, even after all these years, I’m not really sure if I’m any good.
I suspect I’m not alone here. I would bet most “creative” people, at one time or another, feel their work just doesn’t measure up. Or, that it just plain sucks. Or they’ve been told by others their work sucks.
It’s just the nature of the thing. But even if you or some other people do think your work (or my work) sucks, who cares? I don’t. Well, not that much anyway.
The reality is I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it because I don’t have any other choice. The words, images and such are in there, and they need to come out. So, I let them come out and whatever will be, will be.
You hear that? Time to come out.
Some Useful And Interesting Things
I guess I might reconsider the title of this post and perhaps change it to something like “Things That Are Useful to Me” or even “Things That Are Useful And Interesting to Me.” Although, because I’m the only one writing here (at least as far as I know), I guess it’s pretty much implied that anything I list in a “useful” or “interesting” post is, or has been, useful or interesting to me personally.
That’s not to say you won’t find these items useful or interesting too, you may. In fact, I hope you do. Anyway, here we go. . .
• Because everyone seems to be getting sick these days, Lifehacker has a no-nonsense, non-alarmist, essential guide to Flu and how to deal with it. Useful indeed.
• The California State University system is going to give online courses a big test and offer a lot of them online during a trial program at San Jose State University. This could save the state quite a bit of money. I wonder how it will go?
• Facebook unveiled a new search feature today which will allow users to search, well, Facebook. The new feature, called “Graph Search,” is designed to allow users to search for content on Facebook such as news posts, status updates, photos, locations and more within the Facebook Social Graph. Sure, why not?
• Over at Sprouted Kitchen, Hugh details his Chemex brewing method. If you like coffee as I do, this is a great way to make it. To make things even easier, he’s put together a video demonstrating the process. Check it out below.
[vimeo 48920310 w=500 h=281]
The photo above is also from Hugh’s article. Just wanted to mention that.
Sunday Meetings Are Fun -- No, Really
It isn’t really a secret, but yes, I’m working on a movie. It was written by an old friend of mine (old in the sense I’ve known him a long time, not the other thing) and he is also directing it as well. This isn’t his first movie. In fact, he’s directed several already, but he’s trying to broaden his range and show he can do something different than he usually does.
I appreciate that and I can relate. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons I’m producing the movie with him. Although, I’ve produced movies before so my motivation isn’t exactly the same as his. More on that in a later post.
In the meantime, we have our first production meeting today (Sunday) where all the key people get together, go through the script and discuss how we’re going to get this movie done. It’s usually a good time full of lots of creative energy and optimism.
It’s also one of the few times everyone will be in the same room before we get to the set on the first day to actually start filming. Or, in this case, capturing images to a really large flash drive. Still, it’s pretty much the same process.
I haven’t been to one of these meetings in some time, so I’m looking forward to it. In truth, I’m looking forward to the entire process.
I guess I missed it.
In case you were wondering, the picture above is of legendary director Sam Peckinpah on the set of The Wild Bunch, one of my favorite movies. If you haven’t seen it, now is a good time to remedy that situation.
Some Oscar Thoughts and Predictions Because People Asked
As you’re likely aware, the Oscar nominations were announced this week by the event’s host, Seth MacFairlane, and the lovely actress Emma Stone. As usual, the nominations brought a flurry of angry denouncements from people on Twitter, and elsewhere, about what film, actor or director got “snubbed” and how the Academy doesn’t know what it’s doing.
This kind of anger and confusion is to be expected and happens every year. After a few years of really caring a lot, I’ve pretty much given up being angry, outraged or disappointed by anything the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences says, does or thinks is worthy of consideration.
The opinion of that group just doesn’t matter all that much to me, except for my friends who are actually in the Academy. Their opinion means a great deal to me. You know who you are and I thank you.
Still, seeing as how they went to all the trouble of announcing nominations, I suppose I should comment on them and make a few predictions. So, with that in mind, let’s go through the major categories and I’ll tell you who I think should win and then who I predict will win.
Let’s play our game.
Best Actor
Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln Hugh Jackman in Les Misérables Joaquin Phoenix in The Master Denzel Washington in Flight
I’m torn right off the bat. On the surface it seems Daniel Day-Lewis should have this one locked up. He basically channeled Lincoln in the movie and from the first moment he’s on screen, he owns. Still, people really seem to love Hugh Jackman (and you can’t blame them really) and he’s playing a pretty well known character in a pretty well known musical, so it could end up being him.
As for the rest of the nominees, as much as I love Denzel, this feels more like a courtesy nomination, so I don’t think it will be him. Joaquin Phoenix won’t get it either because he’s been better in other things. Plus, nobody is going to give props to a movie that basically rips Scientology a new one. Not in today’s Hollywood.
This brings me to Bradley Cooper. Not bad for a guy who played what my friends and I used to call “Casual Will” on Alias. Good for you Bradley, but this isn’t your year. This is also a courtesy nomination. Don’t worry, you’ll get ‘em next time – or maybe the time after that.
Who should win? Hugh Jackman Who will win? Daniel Day-Lewis
Trailer Tuesday - A New One for 'Pacific Rim'
It’s CES time in Las Vegas and yes, I’m very glad not to be there. I’ve been several times and each time I vowed it would be the last.
This year I was able to keep that promise. Although, strangely enough, I’m kinda sorry I wasn’t there to at least see this new trailer for Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim.
Oh well, at least we always have the power of the Interwebs. That is, until the trailer gets taken down. . .
2013 - Shit Just Got Real
That title above, dear friends, is how I feel about 2013. And who better to help me express my feelings than Mr. Smith, Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Bay.
Happy 2013.
Back to Work
Looks like I’ll be starting a new project next week to kick off 2013. I can’t say too much about it except that it’s a movie, it’s written/directed by a good friend and I’m looking forward to working with him again and to helping out in any way I can.
Other than that, mum’s the word. That said, expect some updates over the next few weeks/months as we gear up to do this thing and actually, well, do it.
Also, that pic above, from Starship Troopers of course, is actually a clue to the identity of the mystery friend. Although, in truth, probably not a great one. Still, if you know much about me, you might be able to figure it out.
Okay, enough of that. Now the real work begins.
Some 'Avengers' Behind the Scenes Fun
As always, when I see something cool I bring it to you. This time it’s a very interesting video showing how (and why) a particular shot was accomplished for The Avengers.
Cool stuff indeed.
Christmas Aftermath
In a nutshell, I’m tired. Christmas has come and gone and it was a long, long day. And we don’t have any kids and didn’t have to fly anywhere.
I can’t imagine how my parents did it or, for that matter, how other parents do it today. it must be exhausting, especially if you have to travel a long way and keep some young ones entertained.
As for us, we had a very nice time with H’s parents, her brother and my Mom. Just the six of us in the comfortable environs of Ventura eating lots of food and opening a metric crapload of gifts.
We may have even had one or two drinks too. Good times all around.
Out of the many, many gifts, we all got some really nice stuff. I will probably even keep the vast majority of my gifts. . . Probably. Nah, they were all great. I’m keeping ‘em.
That’s a pic of our tree. Pretty nice, huh? I think so.
Hope you all had a very good day. Now, to the nap chamber!
Happy Holidays
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The holidays are upon us. Because I’m a certain type of person, I’m going to go ahead and wish you all a Merry Christmas.
I occasionally use the more PC “Happy Holidays,” (like in the title of this post) but I just don’t feel like it this time. So there we are. That said, if you choose to use it, feel free. I won’t hold it against you.
I hope you have a great couple of days, spend quality time with those you love and get everything you asked for from Santa. If you’re still on the fence about what to get me, or even trying to decide if you’re going to get me anything at all, I’ve already taken the liberty of spelling it all out for you.
I like to make things as simple as possible . . . for all of us.
The Live-Action 'Star Blazers' Movie Is In the Wild(Star)
When I was a kid, I used to watch an animated TV show called Star Blazers in the morning before going to school. It was a great show and I really enjoyed it. Well, it was great to me at the time anyway.
Later, I learned it was actually called Space Cruiser Yamato in Japan (the Star Blazers title attached to it in the States to capitalize on the popularity of Star Wars no doubt) and in the years since I first watched, it has become quite popular in Japan and spawned several animated movies and seasons of TV.
More recently, they made a live-action version of the series. I posted a trailer for it awhile back. It was released last year in Japan and has now found its way online.
It’s also available on DVD and Blu-ray, if you can find it. I managed to order a copy from Amazon. We’ll see if it actually arrives.
Until then, there’s always YouTube (or the eventual American remake supposedly being written by Chris McQuarrie).
Enjoy. I did.
Saul Bass' Poster Designs for Kubrick's 'The Shining' Are Way Cool
I’m a big fan of director Stanley Kubrick and, in particular, his movie The Shining. I’m also a big fan of designer/genius Saul Bass.
So, when these things intersect, as they do with Bass’s poster designs for Kubrick’s classic movie, I take notice. When I take notice, I feel obligated to bring it to your attention. You’re welcome.
If you happy to live in the LA area (or don’t mind a little drive), you can see these posters, and more, at the Kubrick exhibit at the LACMA. Or, you can take a look at the one above and quite a few more right here.
Impressive indeed.
More On the iPad as a Writing Tool
It seems I can’t stop using the iPad now that I’ve realized its true potential as a writing tool. I’m using it for all sorts of writing now, but still primarily for scripts using the Final Draft Writer app.
However, it is also great for other types of writing. In fact, I’m using the Wordpress app on the iPad to do this post right now. Fancy that.
After several days I’m pretty convinced the iPad could become my primary writing tool perminantly. Using it really feels good and allows for a more tactile approach to writing that I don’t experience as much when using a laptop or desktop with a traditional keyboard. Other people (with far more readership and insight) seem to feel the same way I do.
One thing, though, I do feel a little bad for my MacBook Air. It looks sorta lonely sitting there unused.
I’m sure it won’t sit idle forever. I’m sure I’ll get back to using it for something soon enough. Until then, it’s the iPad for me all the way.
The New 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' Trailer Looks Awesome
This is a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Let’s hope it lives up to the trailer. I think it will.