Photo a Day - Day 1
Here’s the first of the series of pictures I’m going to be taking each day for the next thirty days. One down, twenty-nine more to go.
I’ll also be putting these up at my flickr page as well.
Every Picture Tells a Story
Or, so people say. So, to challenge myself and because I feel what meager photography skills I may have once had are dwindling rapidly, I’ve decided to embark on a little experiment. I’ve decided that I shall acquire a newer, smaller digital camera and then take it everywhere with me for the next thirty days.
During these thirty days I will take photos each and every day and post at least one each and every day to this here blog. In so doing I hope to spark some creativity in myself and also, perhaps, get a few interesting photos in the process.
Now that I've made this decision and this plan, the first step is to acquire said smaller, lighter digital camera. I'm doing this mostly because I don't want the camera and its weight or bulk to get in the way or serve as an excuse why I'm not keeping up with the plan.
After a bit of research, I've decided on the <a href="">Canon Powershot SD 1100IS</a> as the newer, smaller camera of choice. Its on-order from Amazon and should arrive Monday. Just in time for me to start this thirty day project. So, keep a lookout for new pics right here every day starting Monday.
To be honest, I'm wondering if I will be able to keep up this schedule of taking and posting a picture every day. I guess we'll find out. To start us off a bit early but in the right direction, here's a pic I took the other day of my pal Matt Raub and Robert Englund (aka Freddy Krueger):
<img src="" alt="robertandmatt.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="356">
Because I Can Never Get Enough
Here’s yet another picture of the divine Marissa Miller just in time to be a day late for “Photo Tuesday.” Although, I did give you some great shots of Tricia Helfer and Katee Sackhoff from the BSG press event yesterday – so no complaining, please.
I also realize that having these kind of photos may land me a bit on the pandering side of things. But then again, who cares? She looks purty. And sweaty. And I feel like sharing.
Photo Tuesday with Marissa Miller
Seriously, does it get much better than this woman? Living in Los Angeles, I’m lucky enough to see and come in contact with (aka sit across the Starbucks and stare at) some of the most beautiful women in the world. However, with all those other woman running around here, Marissa Miller still rises to the top.
So, in honor of photo Tuesday, here's a few shots of her from a recent issue of GQ. Heck, there's even one in Black & White to fulfill the "arty" quotient for this week. Oh, and if you're interested, check out <a href="">all </a>of <a href="">my</a> <a href="">photos</a> from the recent Wizard World Chicago extravaganza over at <a href="">ComicMix</a>.
But for now, enjoy these and be inspired.
<img src="" alt="marisa-miller-gq-001.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="336">
<img src="" alt="marisa-miller-gq-006.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="591">
<img src="" alt="marisa-miller-gq-008.jpg" border="0" width="450" height="592">
Excuses are like. . . And new photos too.
Obviously, I have some sort of issue with deadlines. For whatever reason I don’t seem capable of making them. For example, here it is Wednesday and I didn’t post anything for “Photo Tuesday” yesterday. How can I expect people to faithfully read this blog if I can’t even remember to post something regularly?
That's a good question and one that deserves an answer. Sadly, I don't really have one for you. Perhaps someone smarter than myself can offer one? That would be great.
Meantime, let's start with a few links. First off, here's a couple to direct you to my latest articles from around the internets.
I go out on a limb and pick six of <a href=""><em>The Best Movies Adapted from Comic Books</em></a>.
The<a href=""> latest installment</a> of my ongoing <em>BSG Weekly</em> articles.
Rick Marshall on <a href="">why his life is like <em>Rocky IV</em></a>.
An interesting, and disturbing, story about <a href="">a van driven onto the runway</a> in Seattle and nobody notices or seems to care.
Napster <a href="">offers DRM-free mp3</a> music.
LAist<a href=""> loves Ikea's salty balls</a>.
<a href="">This is funny</a>. TUAW-bashing is always good for a laugh.
And, as I still do<em> try</em> to meet deadlines, even if circumstances get in the way, here's a couple photos to commemorate "Photo Wednesday." These were taken by my friend <a href="">Anthony Dalesandro</a> who, besides being a great director, is also a pretty good photographer too. Enjoy.
<img src="" alt="avalontopofhead.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="267">
<img src="" alt="sarawall.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="267">
<img src="" alt="powerlines.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="266">
Quick Links for the Day and Tuesday Photos
Yes, I’ve been busy contributing and making the Internets a better place with my work. You want examples you say? Well, come close and take a look at these: My latest BSG Weekly article and also my article about the Six Worst Movies Adapted from Comic Books.
And of course, it being Tuesday and all, how about some photos? Sure, what the heck. Here's a couple taken by me on my recent trip to New York.
<img src="" alt="buildingcloser.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="272">
<img src="" alt="central park2.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="300">
<img src="" alt="cpwalk2.jpg" border="0" width="400" height="290">
Last Minute X-Mas Gift Thoughts
I like to take pictures. It's really fun and sometimes even results in a great photo or two that I can be proud of. So, owning several digital cameras (and a few film ones still as well) was not a hard decision for me. That's my new digital SLR in the photo there. The Nikon D300. A great camera.
So, if you're still wondering what to get that special someone on your list why not be like thousands of others these days and get him/her a digital camera too? They're fun and mostly easy to use and let you have a camera ready when you really need one. But now that you've decided to get some sort of digital camera, which one do you get? Its a tough decision and one with a lot of variables.
Fortunately, some people have taken most of the guesswork out of it and put together a few ideas on how to select the right digital camera. Interested? Well then, head on over here for the help you need on digital camera selection. Or, if you're like me and want more from your cameras and don't mind spending extra to get it, check out this guide to picking the right digital SLR camera.
Happy Shooting!
Almost Real
Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.
Quick Update and Vacation News
Just in case anyone still comes here let’s just say that I’m almost to the point of returning. As you know, many things have happened lately, including my father being very ill, that have basically turned my life into pale imitation of its former self. Not that what I was doing was so great, just that I had more time to actually do it.
Now, it seems like most of my time is spent dealing with "things" and not my own life. Although, I'm sure there are people in the world with far more going wrong in their lives than me so I will do my best not to bitch. Still, things were going pretty great up until recently and I would really like to get back on that road as soon as possible.
Until then, I will content myself with thoughts of sandy beaches, warmer climes, large bar tabs and a much needed vacation. All of it coming soon courtesy of the impeding nuptials of Tony and Jenn who have graciously decided to have their wedding in the <a href="">Cayman Islands</a>. Naturally, I felt obligated to attend. After all, they are my friends. I couldn't very well let them get married on an exotic Caribbean island without being there to celebrate with them. I felt I owed it to them.
The fact that I benefit as well never entered my mind. To help tide you over until the inevitable deluge of photos from the trip, here's a few of the island taken by someone else besides myself (the groom-to-be actually). Enjoy.
<img src="" alt="Caymanpier" border="1" height="475" hspace="4" vspace="4" width="321"><span style="font-size:0;"></span>
<img src="" alt="Caymanpierwithpeople" border="1" height="315" hspace="4" vspace="4" width="475">
Chinatown Pictures and Flickr Meetup
Went and met about 50 other photographers in Chinatown last Saturday. It was part of the first Flickr Meetup of 2007. In case you don't know, Flickr is a cool photo sharing community where people post photos and talk about photography and whatever else strikes their fancy. Its a great place to see some cool photographs and meet some interesting people.
At the meetup, we walked around and shot some photos and also had some lunch. A nice bunch of people. Here are a few of my pics from that day.
chinatown neon
union station light
rain drops close
A Minor Update and Some Cool Pictures
In case anyone was wondering I have been busy of late. Yes, I know what you are thinking: “what's with all the excuses?” Well, what can I say except that for some reason I seem to be somewhat in demand. Not so much in demand I guess, but more like time crunched. I have commitments to several things these days: writing for cinematical, comic book resources, running the other business and many other things.
Plus, as of last week I am now the technology editor at LAist so that means they are gonna expect more from me as well. No more just writing what I want whenever I feel the “muse.” Now, I gotta come up with some tech stuff each and every week or else they won't give me my hard-earned buckets o' cash. Well, buckets is probably too strong a word. What's a word that means one small step above absolutely nothing? I don't know but whatever it is, its small.
Anyway, I've been working on all that stuff so this blog, as always, ends up suffering for it. I really wish there were more hours in the day or, more to the point, that I wasn't such a lazy procrastinator. That way, I could actually make time and have time for all the things I need to do in my life. Perhaps there are some tidbits of info from somewhere in the vastness of the internet where I could get help with my problems? If only that were true. I'll look around and if I find anything, I'll get back to you.
In other news, this past week I went to the opening night festivities for the Photo LA show and saw quite a few interesting photographs. I always wish I would make more time to take pictures so seeing these photos I was hoping would inspire me to do it. I think it helped a little but time will tell. I just don't feel inspired to create as much as I used to. I'm not sure what that means but I don't like it very much. I hope its just a temporary thing and will pass. Let's hope so.
So, take a look at some of these photos and try to get inspired. I will too.
Flickr cross posting and fake vegas
there's this thing you can do with flickr that allows you to cross-post to your blog when you upload photos to your flickr account. i'm going to try to do that from time to time (or more often if i have nothing to say) just to see how it works and also because its fun. yay!
on another note, i really wish i had gone to sunset junction (even though zach had some issues with it) instead of the rather lame vegas in la thing last night. even with vip treatment (thanks leah) it was still mostly a lot of wine that wasn't very good and food that was either bland or had run out by the time we got to it. although, the very nice (and very attractive) ladies at the pizza rustica booth were kind enough to give me a coupon to visit the restaurant and eat for free because they had run out of food. classy.
plus, as much as a gambled with the fake money they gave us (vegas, remember), i couldn't loose it. we finally had to give it away to the chief from border grill just so we could leave. i hope he enjoyed it. i wish my luck was that good in real vegas but no . . . only in fake vegas in santa monica do i win so much money i have to give it away.
oh well could be worse i guess. at least some of the desserts were good. especially the little coconut cream pies from luna park. they were yummy.
enjoy the rest of the weekend.
The Future is Now (so is the past)
i like these photos:

see more here.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
yes, the title says it all. its sunday here and i have spent many hours this weekend watching tv. not just tv really, i watched a couple of movies too. i’m not sure why but it seemed like the thing to do. i watched battlestar galactica, the jacket (with adrien brody and the very cute keira knightley) , both NFL conference championship games (go seahawks) and new episodes of the west wing and grey’s anatomy (yes, i watch grey’s anatomy, so what?).
i also managed to squeeze in a birthday party for a one year old (my friends gil and holly’s son, julian) and also a trip to the santa monica civic to see the photo la exhibit. plus lunch and dinner and some time at whole foods market for a crap load of soy milk and other stuff. a full weekend indeed.
after taking a look around the photo la event, i am even more convinced that i am a mildly skilled photographer at best (one of my photos is in this post). those photos at photo la are really, really good. not just good, really interesting and inspiring. just what great art is supposed to do. inspire. it did for me.
i am more determined than ever to try to improve my photography skills. i have a long way to go. i am prepared to suffer for my art though so i got that going for me, which is nice.
my friend j-rod could tell you many more fascinating details about the various photographers whose work were on exhibit at photo la. i, however, can’t do much of that. i will say that i particularly liked the photos of Eikoh Hosoe and David Hilliard. check them out if you get a chance. unfortunately, photo la ends today i think so maybe you can make it next year. try, its worth it.
perhaps i will have improved by then. fingers crossed.
just wanted to show this

something for the weekend. and something for the new video ipod you just got. have fun!