Mondo's 'Alien' Posters Are Pretty Awesome


I’m sure some of you have seen these Alien posters already. I used to keep up with all the posters Mondo released (even though I could never seem to buy any), but lately I’ve lost track. As usual, I was too late to get one of these posters from one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time.

But I’m not bitter. They’re still pretty fun to look at right here. Tyler Stout did a great job. Maybe next time I’ll have more luck and get a poster of my very own. And maybe next time I can even get to the Alamo Drafthouse to actually see the movie. I think it’s good to have dreams.

So, which do you prefer? Red or green?

I’m kinda partial to the red myself.



These Japanese Posters for 'The Wolverine' Are Very Cool


In the old days (before the Internet) movie posters were considered a big part of how to market a movie and get people interested in seeing it. Back then, studios also spent a lot more time and money (most of the time) designing said posters.

These days, movie posters mostly tend to look the same. Giant heads of the main actors and maybe an explosion or something. At least in this country. Fortunately, the movies are a global business and we often get some really great posters from elsewhere.

These posters for The Wolverine are a prime example. Check them out below.






Saul Bass' Poster Designs for Kubrick's 'The Shining' Are Way Cool


I’m a big fan of director Stanley Kubrick and, in particular, his movie The Shining. I’m also a big fan of designer/genius Saul Bass.

So, when these things intersect, as they do with Bass’s poster designs for Kubrick’s classic movie, I take notice. When I take notice, I feel obligated to bring it to your attention. You’re welcome.

If you happy to live in the LA area (or don’t mind a little drive), you can see these posters, and more, at the Kubrick exhibit at the LACMA. Or, you can take a look at the one above and quite a few more right here.

Impressive indeed.

My Favorite Movie Poster So Far

I see a lot of movie posters, especially these days working with The Flickcast, and I have to say that this one from Robert Rodriguez's upcoming Machete is probably my favorite of the year so far.

It's fun and cool and goes a long way to tell you exactly what the movie is about. Which is, of course, everything you would want from a movie poster.

Plus, the movie looks pretty awesome too with a great cast including Danny Trejo, Robert DeNiro, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Jeff Fahey, Steven Segal and Lindsey Lohan. I know, right?

Check it out and enjoy. Also, if it's still up, check out the trailer for the film over at The Flickcast.
