The New 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' Trailer Looks Awesome

This is a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Let’s hope it lives up to the trailer. I think it will.


One of My Favorite 70s Conspiracy Movies

I’m a big fan of movies. Some of you might already know that. I have a particular fondness for movies from the 70s and in particular, conspiracy/thrillers.

One of my favorites is the Peter Hyams sci-fi conspiracy thriller Capricorn One. It stars James Brolin, Elliott Gould, Sam Waterston, Hal Holbrook, Brenda Vaccaro and O.J. Simpson. In case you’re not familiar (and we could get into a bit of spoiler territory here), it concerns a group of NASA scientists who, along with some astronauts, fake a mission to and landing on Mars.

The astronauts go along with it until something goes wrong with the spacecraft sent up as part of the fake missions and the entire world ends up thinking they’re dead. So, in order for the conspiracy to keep going they have to be dead. . . for real.

Knowing this, they escape and try to survive long enough to let people know they’re alive and it was all a big hoax. It’s a fun movie and well worth watching. Give it a try.

For fun I’ve included the trailer for the film below. It’s fun to watch trailers made before MTV and before people’s attention spans dropped off to nothing. The editing style is so very different.


Behind the Scenes of 'Blade Runner' with Sean Young


I don’t think it’s much of a secret that I’m a film nerd. I love movies of all genres but have a special place in my heart for sci-fi. Among my favorites is Ridley Scott’s 1982 film Blade Runner.

						The film, an adaptation of Phillip K. Dick's novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," made quite an impression on me as a young man. I saw the film at a rough cut screening in San Diego after having won tickets on a local radio station and was treated to a version somewhat different from the finished product. It was a great experience.

						I've watched the film so many times since that day and each time I still see something new in it. It was definitely before its time and not something soon to be repeated -- any potential reboot/remake notwithstanding.

						One of the stars of the film is <a href="">Sean Young</a>. She played Rachel, the replicant who thought she was human. During my travels in Hollywood I almost worked with Sean on a film but she ended up doing it and I ended up dropping out. At least I had the pleasure of meeting her once during pre-production.

						She could not have been nicer during the meeting and towards the end even put up with a few<em> Blade Runner </em> questions from me that had absolutely nothing to do with the project we were talking about at the time. I enjoyed that meeting very much.

						Recently, Sean <a href="">put up a bunch of polaroid photos</a> of her, and others, taken during the <em>Blade Runner</em> shoot. They are pretty cool and show a lot of my favorite actors as their younger selves. They also give us a glimpse into the friendship and bond that takes place during the making of a film. 

						I've often heard people in the business describe the filmmaking process as like going to war. You have a mission and you have a group of people all working together to reach a common objective. I've never been to war nor do I ascribe the same significance to filmmaking as I do to the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. 

						However, I get what they mean. Long hours, sometimes difficult working conditions and a sense that you're isolated except for the rest of the people working with you can lead to that esprit de corps often talked about in military circles. 

						I've experienced the bond and friendship that comes from hours, days, weeks and months "in the trenches" and often it <em>is</em> an amazing experience that you keep with you for the rest of your life. It's one of the things I miss most about working in the business, on set, helping to create something.

						Still, I do like what I'm doing now. Writing is, in some ways, much harder. But is also very rewarding when you know you've done a good job on something. As you often work alone, you don't develop the camaraderie and bond as you would on set but the sense of accomplishing and creating something is certainly there, and often more pronounced.

						No, I don't think I would change how things are now. I've got my memories of the good times and I'm still great friends with many of my comrades in arms. For me, those are enough.

'Space Battleship Yamato' Rocks

Here's a trailer for a film I'm really looking forward to seeing. Sadly, it doesn't have a US release . . . yet. Let's hope by the power of the Internets we can make it happen. Until then, enjoy Space Battleship Yamato.


Funny and Awesome

I think I will just let this one stand on its own and not offer any comments.


Awesome Comic

I don’t update here as often as I could (big surprise, right?) but I do when I see something cool or fun that I want to share. I have to say this is pretty darn funny, especially if you’re a fan of a certain sci-fi show. Hat tip to my pal ProgGrrl over at the great Galactica Sitrep site for this. Enjoy.

						<img src="" alt="2009-11-25-luna-nueva.jpg" border="0" width="550" height="310" align="center">

Video Friday - Magnum Vs. Solo

I’ve been very busy getting The Flickcast on its feet at new hosting (Thank you Media Temple) so I’ve been remiss with the blog. Shocking, I know. Fortunately, I’ve got a great video to share with you this week.

						I don't have much to say about this video except that its <em>extremely</em> funny, especially if you're an avid fan of both Magnum, P.I. <em>and</em> Star Wars. Which, I'm happy to say, I am. 

						Enjoy this and realize what it took to make it work. These guys are pretty smart indeed.


Video Friday - The 'Moon' Trailer

I like space stuff. Some of my favorite movies and TV shows have been about space. Shows like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff and From the Earth to the Moon have always fascinated me. So, I’m pretty interested in the new movie Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.

						The trailer looks great and gives some good insight into the psychology of isolation that's obviously going to play out in the film. Plus, I've always been a fan of Sam Rockwell. I'm looking forward to seeing this one as soon as I can. Enjoy.


						Oh, and I'll just take this moment to mention that there's a new episode of <strong>The Flickcast</strong> <a href="">now available</a> We've also we've started <a href="">posting some other material</a> today as well. So, head on over and check it out.

Video Friday (on Tuesday) -- Le Wrath di Kahn

Today’s special Tuesday edition of ‘Video Friday’ comes from a show called Robot Chicken. If you are not watching Robot Chicken, you should be. It’s that good.

						I won't bother making any brilliant, funny or incisive comments about the video. Suffice to say that its just plain awesome and you should watch it. Now.


Video Friday -- "Star Wars" Retold by Someone Who Hasn't Seen It

Much like previous weeks, this Friday brings another “Star Wars” themed video. Yes, I like Star Wars, so what? When you have your own blog you can post videos about your favorite movies, no matter what they are.

						Until then, enjoy this one about, you guessed it, "Star Wars." Did I mention this is about "Star Wars"? I just want to make sure I mention "Star Wars" enough so there's no confusion regarding this video. Its about "Star Wars." Clear? Good. Enjoy.

Video Friday - The New Doctor Who

Here he is. Its Matt Smith, the eleventh actor to portray the iconic character. He seems like a nice enough fellow – at least in this interview. He also seems genuinely excited to have the role. How will he be as the Doctor? I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Enjoy.


Bonus Video - 'Star Trek' versus 'Star Wars'

Finally, the definitive battle between Star Trek and Star Wars is waged with the victor emerging triumphantly to take its place at the top of the galactic food chain. Or, does it? Enjoy.


Video Friday - The Original 'Star Wars' Trailer

Yes, that’s right kids, its the original trailer from 1977 for one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made in the history of movie-making: Star Wars.

						Before it was called 'Episode 4' and before George Lucas went a little mad and decided to change a bunch of stuff (Han shot first, dammit!) this movie shocked, stunned, entertained, enthralled and inspired me like no other had before -- and pretty much no other has since.

						So, for this Video Friday, sit back, relax and enjoy this trip to a galaxy far, far away. I know I will.


Video Friday

Because I liked the “photo a day” deal so much, I’m also going to try and find cool videos to post as regularly as I can – mostly on Fridays. I may end up shooting some of them but I also may just post other ones that I find around the Internets.

						So, to get us going, here's the first one out of the gate. In some ways, this video is better and more original than many things that come out of Hollywood (or the BBC for that matter). This point is made all the more interesting because this video was not made by Hollywood (or BBC) pros, but by a family on vacation who simply love a show and wanted to do something fun. Enjoy.


The 'Battlestar Galactica' Women


Battlestar Galactica is a great show. It has exceptional writing, engaging stories, compelling characters, cool visuals, talented actors and directors and is just plain fun to watch. It also has some really great looking women on it – which doesn’t hurt either.

Here’s some recent pictures of the three main BSG Babes from Interview Magazine. Enjoy.


Grace Park


Tricia Helfer


And my personal favorite, Katee Sackhoff

Oh, and if you’re interested in other things BSG-related, don’t forget to check out BSG Weekly over at ComicMix. It’s a fun read, but sadly, only features myself and BSG Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden. No babes, sorry.

Sure, that was a shameless plug, but what the hell? This is my blog after all. If you get one of your own you, can plug the heck out of whatever you want.

That’s what makes America great.

That and the Internet, TV shows like BSG, beer, pizza, movies, dogs, freedom, sex, love and the ability to achieve your dreams if you really want them bad enough.

Is this a great country or what?

Happy 25th 'Return of the Jedi'

Loved the movie (of course) but I found those short, furry creatures kinda lame. But after this, I gave them a second chance. Maybe you will too.


What really happened to that X-Wing Fighter

Apparently, the previous video is not the complete story because there’s this. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Are we really alone?[youtube=]

Do you have your own X-Wing Fighter?

Build and launch your own X-Wing Fighter? Sounds impossible? Not for these guys. Although, it doesn’t end so well.[youtube=] 

Time Magazine thinks like me (sort of)


time magazine and i are in sync (at least a little). its like i’ve been saying all along here and at LAist. “Battlestar Galactica” is a kick ass show. if you are not watching it, you should be. don’t be put off by the “sci-fi” thing. solid drama, intereting characters and compelling stories transcend genre. so, get on with it and tune in.

as for the other “best of” picks, i differ on several but do think “my name is earl” and “ the office” are worthy of the top ten. as for “prison break”? well, don’t get me started. i realy tried to watch this show. i just couldn’t do it.

if you enjoy it, however, then have a great time. if i want to see a prison, i will just watch my dvd’s of the vastly superior show “oz” or just go and make another movie at lincoln heights jail here in LA. man, that was fun.

Intelligence and some space stuff (real and fake)

Couple things. First, every five years our favorite intelligence agency, the CIA, funds a detailed forecast for the next fifteen years. Take a look at it here. Interesting reading, especially the part about the rise in economic and technological might of Asia. Surprised? Not me.


And, for you sci-fi geeks out there (me included) the new Battlestar Galactica series premieres tonight. After watching the back-door pilot for this show several times (aka the four-hour mini series), I have to say that I like the direction that the show has gone. It’s darker and grittier and seems to get into the characters quite a bit. Much more than the original series, which I have also been watching lately as Sci-Fi Channel has been running it. (don’t get on my case about the picture. that’s how they are promoting the show. sex sells baby. and this Cylon is hot)

Also, showrunner (aka big boss) of the show, Ron Moore, has started a blog where he will, no doubt, enlighten us as to his thoughts and plans as the series progresses.

The entire cast from the mini series is back and the first episode, called ‘33’, picks up almost where the mini series left off: The humans are still on the run, but each time they come out of hyperspace, the Cylon armada catches up 33 minutes later … every 33 minutes. When we join the crew this has been going on for five days. Should be fun. Or, it will crash and burn in a few weeks as some shows seem to do. (sadly, many of mine did just that).

And, in other space news (the real kind) the first close-up peek at Saturn’s moon Titan brought tears to the eyes of scientists at the European Space Agency in Germany. The probe Huygens transmitted back its first packet of data today, including black and white images it captured as it neared the moon’s surface. Here it is:
