Some 'Star Trek: TNG' Season 7 Bloopers


Continuing the Star Trek theme of the last post, but on a much more upbeat note, here’s a blooper/gag reel from Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7.

I find this stuff pretty amusing. You might too.

Wil Wheaton Reads Warren Ellis' 'Gun Machine'

Because I feel bad about the Star Trek:TNG video not working (see previous post), I’ve decided to give you a new thing to watch that probably won’t go away any time soon. Well, we hope not anyway.

Like the vanishing Star Trek:TNG video, this video is also very cool. It’s Wil Wheaton reading an excerpt from Warren Ellis' new novel Gun Machine, which you can get right here. It also has some great art by Ben Templesmith as well.

And it’s even Star Trek:TNG related. See, I do care. Enjoy.

'Star Trek: TNG' Season Two Bloopers? Make It So!

As a huge fan of the original Star Trek series, I was quite skeptical when Star Trek: The Next Generation came out. Fotunately, it only took about five minutes for the new show to win me over and I’ve been a big fan of Picard, Riker, Data and the rest ever since.

With the series coming out on Blu-ray, we’ve gotten some great supplimental material. One such bit of greatness is this blooper reel from Season Two of the series.

Great stuff indeed. Enjoy.

Update: Sorry kids but it seems the video has been taken down by YouTube for those pesky “copyright violations.” I’ll see if I can find it somewhere else. Meantime, go read a book or something.
