'Great Gatsby' VFX Before and After

great gatsby

Helping to continue our irregular series of visual effects articles is this new video from visual effects supervisor Chris Godfrey. According to Godfrey, he’s been allowed by director Baz Luhrmann to show this video highglighting the before and after visual effects of his most recent film The Great Gatsby.

This video serves to highlight, once again, what a crucial role visual effects play in modern motion picture production. In truth, it’s hard to imagine a movie made these days (especially a period piece) that didn’t have at least some visual effects shots in it.

With all that it does for filmmakers, let’s hope that the visual effects industry will begin to get the respect it deserves. That would be nice.

Meantime, as I’m a fan of this movie, the director and behind-the-scenes movie secrets in general, this video is pretty interesting to me.

I hope you find it that way as well.

[vimeo 68451324 w=560 h=315]

Fun With Trailers

It’s no secret I like movies. In fact, you could even say I love them. Although, that’s a bit weird. They’re just things after all, not people (or dogs) or anything so how can I really love them?

I don’t know, that’s a question for the scientests or philosophers among you. I just know I love them and that’s all I have to know. Anyway, I’m looking forward to a bunch of movies coming out this Summer and fortunately for me (and by extension you) they have trailers.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, here’s some trailers for movies I’m looking forward to seeing this Summer. Or, in some cases, have already seen and/or enjoyed/hated/was indifferent to.

Yep, there’s a lot of ‘em.

Django Unchained

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8VJ9aeB_g?rel=0&w=500&h=343]

The Dark Knight Rises

The Great Gatsby

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rARN6agiW7o?rel=0&w=500&h=343]

The Bourne Legacy

[blip.tv blip.tv/play/hJh3… width=“500” height=“343”]


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCNKahG1ksg?rel=0&w=500&h=343]


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1byZkbNB3Jw?rel=0&w=500&h=343]


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1bv6baU1aY?rel=0&w=500&h=343]


[blip.tv blip.tv/play/hJh3… width=“500” height=“343”]


I’m sure there’s more, but for the moment, that’s enough. See anything you like?