Weekly Roundup 3.9.24

And, we’re back. Or, more to the point, I am. As I often say, I’m trying to write here more frequently and would prefer it on a regular weekly (or more) basis. Sadly, what I want isn’t always how it turns out. You just have to learn to live with stuff like that I guess.
You know what helps live with things not going your way? Activities. Hobbies. Entertainment. All that kind of non-work and non-BS stuff. You know, distractions. A way to engage your brain in other actives so it doesn’t think about the state of the world and how fucked we may be. Damn, there I go again. Moving on.
This week (as we often do) let’s talk about some of the things I’m currently reading, watching and/or doing.
I’m still in the middle of the audio books for Lord of the Rings as read and performed by Andy Serkis. I’ve made it through Fellowship and I’m almost done with The Two Towers. We’re getting to the big battle towards the end. You know the one.
I’m also still reading Roger Zelazny’s The Chronicles of Amber. There’s several books and I’m currently deep into Sign of the Unicorn (aka Book Three). Still really enjoying the books. I wonder if we’ll ever get an Amber movie or series? I can see it being a series more than something than a theatrical release. I don’t think it has the deep fanbase The Lord of the Rings has.
It’s more of a story you’d watch on Amazon or Netflix or Hulu. Actually, it would have been a good fit for HBO back when HBO was HBO and needed a followup to Game of Thrones. Although, I guess it’s easier and better for them to just keep making spin-offs or prequels to GOT rather than bring in a whole new series. Business over creative and all that.
Speaking of series based on books, I’ve started watching Shōgun on Hulu. Which, as you may know, is based on the epic novel by James Clavell released in 1975. It’s epic for a lot of reasons but it’s also just a big, long book with lots of words. Not that that’s a bad thing. Just know before you dive into it. It’s a big one.
In short, the show is terrific. I love everything about it. But then, I’ve always been a fan of that time in history, the culture and those types of stories.
I’m currently through episode three and looking forward to the next. But I must confess, I’m really excited for the eventual episode where the Ninjas show up. I’ve always been fascinated by them. Maybe it was watching Chuck Norris in The Octagon when I was way too young that did it. Or reading The Ninja by Eric Van Lusbader. I was probably way too young to be reading that too. Oh well.
Anyway, if you love exciting, interesting stories well-told, check out Shōgun. It’s that good.
I’m also drawing, sketching, painting, etc. again. I missed it. I was drawing or sketching infrequently before, as I’ve done my entire life. I’m just trying to make it a daily habit now.
I think it’s good to focus on something for a time and try not to think about other things. It works. When I’m drawing or painting (or making photos or whatever) I’m only thinking about making the art and not anything else. It’s great, you should try it.
As for why make art at all? Lots of people have said a lot of things about that. I think this quote from Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. sums it up nicely:
“Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.”He's a smart guy. Works for me.
If you’d like to start drawing or sketching or paining, I’ve got a bit of advice on how to begin. You don’t need much in the way of tools. You just need to do it.
And don’t worry, you’re not going to be great at the beginning . . . but you can be. Or, at the very least, good. Stick with it. Have fun and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. This art is for you. If you love making it, that’s what matters.
Here’s the minimum I think you’d want to get started:
• A sketchbook - I like the Canson XL mixed media with the blue cover. It’s good for pencil, pen and ink or even some watercolor. My favorite size is currently the 7 x 10, but get whatever size you want and just start using it.
• Pencils - It can be as easy as whatever HB pencil you have around the house. And no, that’s not exactly a Number 2 pencil, but it’s close. Try to get one that’s graded as an HB, or try out a few if you can. Maybe you’re more of a 2B or an F? Experiment and see what works for you. But to start, even a Number 2 will do. Or, you can grab a Mars Technico 780 lead holder from Staedtler and some HB leads. That’s what I do most of the time.
It saves on having a pencil sharpener around (although I have a lot of those too) and the 2mm leads are a joy to work with. You’ll probably want an eraser too, at some point. Grab a Tombow Mono Dust Catch and you’re good.
• Pens - If you’re feeling confidant, you can skip the pencil and go right to the pen. I have a lot of pens, but for a couple dollars you can’t really beat the Sakura Pigma Micron. I also use a Uni Pin or even a Uniball Vision, if that’s what I have on hand. They’re all fine and can work well.
When you’ve been doing it longer you may find you want to use something like a fountain pen to draw with. People do it all the time. My fountain pen of choice for that is usually either the TWISBI Eco or the Lamy Safari. Each is a great pen and not terribly expensive. You can also write with them too. They’re quite versatile.
And that’s pretty much it. Have fun. Make art.
Until next time, be kind to each other.
Further Updates for 2021

So far, I’m enjoying 2021 much more than 2020. Sure, this new year isn’t without its share of issues. But things are still looking up and still moving in the right direction . . . in my humble opinion at least.
Which brings me to the update promised in the title of this post. Here goes: we’ve started posting new content at The Flickcast. Not just podcasts, mind you, other content too. Fun!
Starting to post content again serves several purposes, not the least of which is getting me into the habit of writing every day. That’s a good thing.
Plus, who knows, maybe some people will go to the site and it will generate a few bucks of income? It could happen. It’s happened before. We have pretty small overhead so almost anything would be good.
That said, if you feel so inclined, head over and read some articles and maybe click on one of the ads? I’d appreciate it.
Speaking of websites, there’s another one you should check out for sure: Hapa Grey. I’m probably biased (I am) but it’s one of my favorites. If you love bargains and deals and knowing about the latest trends, Hapa Grey is the site for you. Check it out.
Other than that, I’m playing a fuckton of D&D (in private and on Twitch), we’re not frozen anymore, don’t have to boil our water, my son hates doing school online, it’s basically been a year since we started quarantine and I almost got my first dose of the COVID vaccine.
Maybe I’ll get it tomorrow? Maybe. Hope you get yours soon too.
Until then, stay safe, wear your mask, social distance and try not to be a dick.
Image: Adobe Stock
Some Favorite SDCC18 Trailers
As has been the case for the last few years, I wasn’t at Comic-Con in San Diego this week. The reasons I don’t go are varied, but the main one is after going pretty much every year for the last 30 years or so, I’m kinda burned out.
Also, I’m waiting for my son to get a wee bit older before I scar him for life by taking him to the con. I’m not sure he’d be able to handle it right now. There’s just too much of it and it’s all happening at the same time. If you’ve ever been you know what I’m talking about.
Heck, I’m an adult with decades of con experience and I’m not sure I could handle it right now either. Well, I probably could. Probably.
Even though I didn’t go this year I did keep tabs on most of the things happening during the week, especially the trailers for new movies and TV shows. Here’s some of my favorites.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
As a huge fan of OG Godzilla movies, and especially Destroy All Monsters, this made me very happy. I’ll be seeing this as soon as I can.
Star Trek: Discovery Season 2
Say what you will about this latest Star Trek series (and about CBS All Access which, let’s face it, kinda sucks) this trailer looks great and I’m very interested in the new season.
And the one I’m most excited about: Glass. Been waiting a long time for an Unbreakable sequel, and now it’s here. Looks great. And yes, I realize Split was a sorta sequel, but this is more what I had in mind all along.
There were, of course, a lot more trailers, news, announcements and whatnot from the show. It is Comic-Con after all. But these were the highlights for me.
Here's the LEGO 'Walking Dead' Season Five Trailer
Due to “circumstances” I need to keep this brief. So, here’s the trailer for Season Five of The Walking Dead made with LEGO, thanks to the efforts of Kristo499.
I like it. Perhaps the actual show should be LEGO all the time? Might be an improvement.
Oh, here’s the “real” trailer for Season Five featuring humans. Which is better? You decide.
Comic-Con 2014
As many of you know, it’s San Diego Comic-Con time this week and thousands of geeks/nerds will be making their way to the promised land to experience all the Con has to offer. I will not be one of those geeks/nerds.
Well, that’s not entirely true. I will be going to San Diego, but just for one day. That’s it.
So, for those of you who care, I will be at the Con on Saturday and will be wandering the halls getting into adventures. If you happen to run into me, feel free to say “Hello.” But no, I won’t be giving out any free hugs. Sorry.
Why am I only going on Saturday? Well, let’s just say I’m trying to avoid any Imperial entanglements. That sounds a lot cooler than the real reason.
Happy Nerd Prom to one and all!
A New Episode of The Flickcast
As I’ve been busy doing things (taking care of a baby, for example), I’ve been neglecting other responsibilities, like this site. Well, only for a week or so. Still, I want you to know I care.
I do. Just not right this minute. Or, more to the point, just not all that much right this minute. You know, busy. Like I said.
However, I do care about at least one thing right at this moment: a new episode of The Flickcast. That’s right, another week has gone bye and there’s a brand new episode. See if you can guess from the pic above what Joe and I might be talking about. Not for the entire episode, mind you, but a chunk of it to be sure.
Give it a listen, why don’t you? And if you’re feeling saucy, feel free to tell a friend or two how much you liked it. That would be nice of you.
And don’t worry, I’ll be back here with even more caring, insightful (and all that other stuff) writing very soon. I just can’t get enough.
A New Episode of The Flickcast
Hey, I do a podcast. You probably already know that. But if you don’t, forgot for some reason or are trapped under something heavy with nothing to do but listen to podcasts, I thought it would be a good idea to mention it again.
In fact, a new episode just dropped yesterday. It’s a pretty good one. Actually, I would go so far as to say it’s very good.
So yeah, I do a very good podcast. It’s called The Flickcast and on it my co-host Joe Dilworth and I discuss lots of geeky stuff like movies, TV, comics, tech, gadgets, beer and a whole lot more. Yes, more. Lots of more.
Heaps of it, in fact. I’m not sure you can handle all the more, but you should try. Trust me, it’s worth it. It’s very worth it.
You can find the podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher and at The Flickcast website. Check it out, won’t you? And if you like it, feel free to tell someone and, perhaps, rate or review it.
Thanks. You’re a real sport.
Happy (Soon to Be) 50th 'Star Trek'
As my friend and The Flickcast podcast co-host Joe Dilworth pointed out recently, it was supposedly about 50 years ago (on or about March 11) that Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry first put pen to paper (or fingers to typewriter) and wrote a proposal for a new sci-fi TV series.
His first words? “Star Trek is . . .”
Since that day his creation has spawned several TV series, a bunch of movies, action figures, models, conventions and whole generations of adults of all ages all over the world who dreamed of boldly going where no one has gone before. Those words, and the resulting TV series, had power . . . Power to entertain, to inform, to spark debate and highlight the important social and political issues of the time. Plus, the show was just plain fun.
I’m sure we’ll start to see all sorts of tributes and honors for this amazing and groundbreaking TV series, and the phenomenon it became, as the actual 50th anniversary of the original series, which first aired in 1966, hits in 2016. Until then, let me put in my two cents now and say “Thank You” to Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek for the countless hours of fun and entertainment.
The Original 1967 'Wonder Woman' Pilot
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: making TV (or movies for that mater) is hard. Well, making them isn’t that hard, but making them good, that’s the real trick.
Sadly, this video of the 1967 pilot (more of a pilot presentation really) for a Wonder Woman TV series, featuring Ellie Wood Walker as the titular heroine, falls into the “not good” category. In fact, it’s pretty much unwatchable.
I don’t know the full history of this, but I do know it was made by the same folks who made the 60’s Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. So yes, it’s supposed to be campy.
I can take campy. Heck, I even like campy sometimes. But this, this is something else entirely.
I guess you should just judge for yourself. I can’t imagine why this didn’t get the green light to become a series.
Happy Holidays from George R.R. Martin
As many of you know, I like to bring fun or interesting things I find on the Interwebs to your attention. This one today, made by the fine folks at Dorkly, fits the bill nicely.
Plus, it will hopefully serve to get you more into the spirit of the holidays. I know it did for me.
Happy Holidays!
Medieval Land Fun-Time World
You can probably guess I’m a big fan of the HBO series Game of Thrones. If you know me at all, ever heard my podcast or read most anything I’ve written, it should be pretty obvious I’m a geek/nerd. And geek/nerds love GOT.
The show is really fun and I enjoy pretty much every minute of it. In fact, I can’t wait until it starts again with season four.
I never read the books before I saw the series, but I don’t really see that as a problem. I think the series stands on its own as one of the best on TV.
That said, I can also see the potential humor in a lot of what goes on during the show. Some of it, although taken very seriously, could be very funny if presented in a different way. Apparently, the folks who made this video agree and have taken the idea and run with it. Far.
I haven’t laughed this much in some time. That could be because I’m extremely tired (we do have a new baby in the house after all), but if so, that doesn’t take away from the fact that this video is extremely funny. Enjoy.
'Breaking Trek'
In truth, I haven’t watched the last couple seasons of Breaking Bad . . .yet. I have, however, watched every episode of every Star Trek series. More than once, in fact.
I also like when smart, talented people put things together and see what happens. Keeping that in mind, what do you think you get when you combine Star Trek and Breaking Bad?
Well, wonder no more because in the video below, we all get to find out.
On a mostly unrelated note, being a new father has, as you may expect, caused me to lose considerable sleep. Consequently, I’ve been having some difficulty being on a regular schedule and also fining the time, and coherent moments, to put anything here. Rest assured, I will get back to my version of normal as soon as I can.
Although, I guess with a new son I need to be open to the possibility things will change quite a bit and I will have to adopt a “new” normal. Fortunately for all concerned, the new boy is pretty awesome so if things have to change (which they surely will) I won’t mind one bit.
Anyway, here’s the video.
DIY Not?
As I’m currently sitting in a hospital room waiting for the circle of life to begin, I have some time to reflect on other, somewhat less important, topics. Here goes.
As some of you may know, we recently purchased a house. As the house is relatively new (only about 10 years old), it didn’t require any major renovations, or anything of that nature, for us to be able to move in and be happy/comfortable.
All we really did is paint the inside, change the locks and make a few other basically cosmetic changes. Nothing big and nothing that required a reciprocating saw or a sledge hammer. I can’t decide for sure if I’m disappointed about that or not.
Now that we’ve been in the house a couple months, I’ve become more or less hooked on DIY TV shows (that and increasing my arsenal of cool tools). In particular, I watch several shows on the DIY network including The Rehab Addict and Holmes Make It Right. Or, really, anything with Mike Holmes.
These shows are pretty interesting and often very informative. I’m also entertained and I usually learn something. They do, however, have one downside: I now want to redo the entire house (or most of it anyway).
Since I’ve been watching the shows I look around the house and I see a lot of things I want to upgrade or improve. I could redo the bathrooms, change the stairs, add a room above the garage or upgrade the kitchen. There’s just so many possibilities. In short, I now have a DIY issue.
I don’t think it’s really going to be much of a problem as long as I keep in mind the fact that the last time I did any real construction, or anything like it, was over twenty years ago. At the time I was pretty good at it, but again, it was a long time ago.
Sure, things haven’t changed that much, but I do think some more information and thought is required before I tackle any real DIY projects at home. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t keep building my collection of awesome tools, right?
The D&D Animated Series Is 30 Years Old This Week
I still remember that day in 1983 when this show graced the Saturday Morning Cartoon airwaves. To be perfectly honest, I can’t remember for sure if I loved it or not. I think I did, but that was a long time ago.
No matter, it’s always fun to check out things from my past, especially the mostly innocent ones. Here’s a bit of the series in all of its 1983 glory.
Scooby Doo Walking Dead
More often than not, you come across things on the Internets that are lame and not worth the time it took you to see them and decide they were lame. Things like that are a waste of time and that time is something you will never, ever get back.
But then, once in a while, you find something that is really cool, worth the time and makes you smile. That’s right kids, this is one of those times.
I won’t say too much more about these images, created by the very talented Jeff Zoet, except to say that I wish I’d thought of this. It’s really quite clever and makes perfect sense. Combining Scooby Doo with The Walking Dead (sorta) is a brilliant concept and a is deftly captured in these images.
Jeff has got plenty more great concepts, videos and photos at his website, so be sure and check them all out. Hey, maybe you’ll even hire him to do some work for you? That would be a nice thing to do. And no, before you ask, I don’t know Jeff at all.
I just like what I like.
New Trailer for Season Four of 'The Walking Dead'
I read The Walking Dead back when it was just a comic book and not a hugely successful tv series. Even then I was hooked on it and devoured each new installment the moment I could get my hands on it.
Then, it became a tv show. And of course, I watched it. And each week it delivered a solid bit of tv drama complete with all the characters and situations (for the most part) that I’d loved from the comic. It also became a mega success.
Sure, it got kind of bogged down when the show decided to spend a lot of time searching for Sophia and living at the farm. But then things got really great again after they reached the prison and met the Governor.
It hasn’t gone exactly like the comic, but that’s okay. It doesn’t have too. It’s a tv show adapted from the comic, and that’s all the loyalty it owes to the source material.
Fortunately, what they’re doing with the show lately is really paying off and I’m very much looking forward to the next season. Speaking of that, there’s a new trailer for Season Four that’s just come out.
Check it out and let me know whart you think. I know what I think.
I. Can’t. Wait.
Jon Snow's 80's Style Training Montage
There’s lot of examples of ‘80’s movies with great training montages like Rocky III, The Karate Kid and Breakin. Heck, even Scarface had a montage. Although, that one wasn’t so much about actual training – unless you count training to be a drug dealer. I do.
But what if you could combine Game of Thrones with an 80’s style training montage? What would that look like? Fortunately, we don’t have to wonder becuase someone on YouTube has already gone ahead and done it. Did you expect anything less?
So, without further delay, here’s Magooch86’s Game of Thrones ‘80’s style training montage featuring everyone’s favorite man of the Night’s Watch, Jon Snow.
That’s right, we’re gonna need a montage.
(h/t to Star Foster for the link)