Looking For Inspiration
No matter what I’ve achieved in my life, occasionally I find myself in need of some inspiration or motivation (or both). Usually, whatever I need comes from inside me and I end up making it work somehow.
Other times, I need to look elsewhere for what I need. Today is one of those days. So, to help me move forward and do what I need to do, here's a little inspiration from my man Steve Jobs.
Whatever you may think of him or Apple, he certainly knows his way around public speaking. We could all hope to be this good at something someday.
Money quote:
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition."
Yep. I needed that.
'Space Battleship Yamato' Rocks
Here's a trailer for a film I'm really looking forward to seeing. Sadly, it doesn't have a US release . . . yet. Let's hope by the power of the Internets we can make it happen. Until then, enjoy Space Battleship Yamato.
Phoebe Cates Is Number One
How I didn’t see this before I’ll never know, but apparently the site Mr. Skin rated the all-time best nude scenes in movies and one of my favorite actresses of all time was number one. I’m talking about, of course, Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
To a young man such as myself, Cates represented all that was awesome about girls and helped start us on the way to manhood. I’m very happy that many others obviously share my enthusiasm for Cates. She truly is one of a kind and still looks great today (at 46), btw.
But here she is in her younger days in one of my favorite movies of all time. Also, keep in mind, this video is probably NSFW. Enjoy.
Funny and Awesome
I think I will just let this one stand on its own and not offer any comments.
Some Cool New Trailers
First of all, this trailer for what will surely be my favorite game of the year, Modern Warfare 2, is now up at The Flickcast. In short, it looks awesome. Also, it looks better than most movie trailers I see these days. Curious. Anyway, like I said, its awesome so check it out.
And while we're on the subject of movie trailers (we were, remember?), here's the new trailer for <em>The Killer Inside Me</em>, based on the novel by one of my favorite authors, Jim Thompson. In this trailer, which <a href="">is also up at <em>The Flickcast</em></a> with more info about the movie, you will see many things including Jessica Alba get spanked with a belt. Yes, you read that right. You're welcome.
My Favorite New Apple Ad - 'Broken Promises'
As you probably know, Windows 7 came out this week and, of course, Apple launched an ad campaign to fight this latest encroachment by the “evil empire.” Here’s my favorite one of the new ads so far featuring your old friends Mac and PC. Enjoy.
My Favorite Patrick Swayze Movies
Sadly, the world lost a great guy, a great dancer, a great actor and a great fighter today when Patrick Swayze passed away at 57 from complications due to pancreatic cancer. He will be missed.
I've been a fan of the man for years and even had the chance to meet and work with him long ago on a movie probably best forgotten. It wasn't one of his best films (or mine) and at the time he was a little worse for wear, but still he was always a professional, a friendly, happy man and a pleasure to work with.
That's the way I'm going to remember him.
Also, I'm going to remember him through his movies. So, in honor of Patrick Wayne Swayze, here's a few of my favorites.
Interview with Rob Zombie
My friend and colleague Matt Raub interviews musician/writer/director Rob Zombie about his latest film Halloween 2. Which, oddly enough, I review right here.
Check it out.
Video Friday - Magnum Vs. Solo
I’ve been very busy getting The Flickcast on its feet at new hosting (Thank you Media Temple) so I’ve been remiss with the blog. Shocking, I know. Fortunately, I’ve got a great video to share with you this week.
I don't have much to say about this video except that its <em>extremely</em> funny, especially if you're an avid fan of both Magnum, P.I. <em>and</em> Star Wars. Which, I'm happy to say, I am.
Enjoy this and realize what it took to make it work. These guys are pretty smart indeed.
Video Friday (Sunday Edition)
I’ve been busy (Again with the excuses, right?) and have been working hard to get The Flickcast on its feet. Now that the show and the site are going and we’re gathering some great writers to participate, I’m turning my attention to a new, better design for the site itself – which also takes some time and attention.
Of course, that means I'm still a bit neglectful of this here blog. Unfortunately, as I get older I find I can't multi-task as well as I once did. Not that I was spectacular at it when I was younger, I just seem to be <em>particularly</em> bad at it now. But really, what does this mean for you O reader of this blog?
Basically, it means that while I'm distracted with the shiny new thing the not quite as shiny new thing is going to feel a bit neglected. Probably, so will you. My apologies but that's just the way it is. Try not to take it personally. I won't.
At this point, I really feel I've made enough excuses and introduced the horse to a sufficient beating so I think I'll stop instead of my rambling on for several more sentences. What shall we do instead? Glad you asked. Seeing as its 'Video Friday', let's take a look at a very funny video from your friends and mine Barats and Bereta. Enjoy.
Video Friday (Saturday Edition) - The New 'Harry Potter' Trailer
I’ve been busy getting the new venture, The Flickcast, on its digital feet. So that mean that this blog might suffer a bit. However, I have not forgotten it completely because here’s the latest trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
I'm not as big a fan of the <em>Potter</em> movies and books as other people are. I enjoy them but they haven't become "part" of me like the books and movies I experienced when I was younger.
That said, this new trailer looks great and makes me even more interested in the movie when it comes out. In the end, that's what a trailer is supposed to do. Enjoy.
Video Friday - The 'Moon' Trailer
I like space stuff. Some of my favorite movies and TV shows have been about space. Shows like Apollo 13, The Right Stuff
and From the Earth to the Moon
have always fascinated me. So, I’m pretty interested in the new movie Moon starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.
The trailer looks great and gives some good insight into the psychology of isolation that's obviously going to play out in the film. Plus, I've always been a fan of Sam Rockwell. I'm looking forward to seeing this one as soon as I can. Enjoy.
Oh, and I'll just take this moment to mention that there's a new episode of <strong>The Flickcast</strong> <a href="">now available</a> We've also we've started <a href="">posting some other material</a> today as well. So, head on over and check it out.
Video Friday - Sunday Edition: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Here is is, one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. The origin of one of the comic book world’s most loved characters: the mighty Wolverine. I can’t wait to see this movie and now, you don’t have to. Enjoy.
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Video Friday (Saturday Edition) 'Flying Dog Ale'
In the interest of blatant self-promotion (and promotion of my friends) here’s a commercial my friend Anthony Dalesandro directed as a spec. I also helped in a small way by coming up with the concept and producing the commercial for him. Enjoy.
Video Friday -- Thursday SXSW Edition -- Dennis Liu's 'Pretending to Work'
Yes folks, its true. I’m in the wonderful city of Austin, Texas for that melange of music/film/interactive goodness known as South by Southwest. Or, as all the cool kids refer to it: SXSW. I’m here covering the event for the fine folks at AOL/Weblogs who, on occasion, pay me to write about cool events such as this.
I do not complain about the weather or anything else when out at events like SXSW and always appreciate the opportunities afforded me as a member of the AOL/Weblogs team. Thank you benevolent AOL/Weblogs overlords for all that you do for me.
Okay, with that done, we can now get on to the business at hand and I can bring you a cool new video from innovative filmmaker <a href="">Dennis Liu</a>.
You may recall I interviewed Dennis for TUAW awhile back about his previous work, a music video for <a href="">The Bird and the Bee's</a> song "Again and Again." Now, Dennis is back with another Mac-centric short film which I find not only highly amusing but extremely innovative in its simplicity. Plus, it helps you find ways to watch porn at the office.
Putting it another way, this kid's got chops.
Oh, before I forget, if you happen to be in Austin for SXSW, be sure to say hello. Also, I accept most offers of free beer and/or cookies. And cake. I like cake. But please, no pie. Sorry, you gotta draw the line somewhere and I draw it at pie.
Enjoy the video.
Video Friday (Saturday Edition) - The Carwash
Yes, I got a new camera (the Flip Mino HD) and yes I was looking for things to shoot with it. So, here’s a little ditty about Jack’s carwash.
Wow, that was a mesh of John Cougar Mellencamp <em>and</em> Chuck Palahniuk. Check me out. I am awesome. Oh, and enjoy the video.
Video Friday - 'Ad Guys'
Just like Mad Men, only funnier. Here’s episode one of Ad Guys, made by the dynamic comedy duo of Barats and Bereta. Go on, laugh a little. It won’t hurt you.
Video Friday (on Tuesday) -- Le Wrath di Kahn
Today’s special Tuesday edition of ‘Video Friday’ comes from a show called Robot Chicken. If you are not watching Robot Chicken, you should be. It’s that good.
I won't bother making any brilliant, funny or incisive comments about the video. Suffice to say that its just plain awesome and you should watch it. Now.
Video Friday -- "Star Wars" Retold by Someone Who Hasn't Seen It
Much like previous weeks, this Friday brings another “Star Wars” themed video. Yes, I like Star Wars, so what? When you have your own blog you can post videos about your favorite movies, no matter what they are.
Until then, enjoy this one about, you guessed it, "Star Wars." Did I mention this is about "Star Wars"? I just want to make sure I mention "Star Wars" enough so there's no confusion regarding this video. Its about "Star Wars." Clear? Good. Enjoy.