What Your Coffee Says About You
Continuing a fine tradition of coffee-related posts, I’ve got another one for you. This one is a new, handy chart that tells you just what the coffee beverage you order says about you as a person.
Check it out below. Oh, in case you’re wondering, according to this chart I’m “assertive and outspoken, don’t let seasons dictate how I live my life and I like straws.” Huh, maybe there’s something to this chart after all?
What kind of coffee are you?
Sunday Old School with 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'
I’ve been thinking a lot about Raiders of the Lost Ark lately, so I decided to watch it for what must be at least the thirtieth time. I will assume (dangerous, I realize) that most of you have seen it. If not, I think you should immediately find a way to see it and then come on back here.
For the rest of you, you know how truly awesome the movie is. From the acting to the story to the set pieces to the cool stuff going on just under the surface (the subtext, as we writer-types like to call it), Raiders has so many amazing things about it, and going for it, that it’s considered by many (myself included) to be one of the best movies of all time. In fact, it’s on my top ten all-time best list. If it isn’t on yours, it should be.
I was alive and there on opening day when Raiders first arrived in theaters On June 12, 1981 and as a young boy I was captivated by Indiana Jones and his adventures from the moment the Paramount mountain first dissolved to a real mountain until the last frame as the Ark is being put in a safe place, presumably until those so-called “top men” have time to examine it.
Director Steven Spielberg, producer George Lucas and writer Lawrence Kasdan knew just what to include in Raiders so kids of all ages would be entertained, enthralled and still be watching, and talking about, this moving textbook of filmmaking excellence over thirty years later. You certainly can’t say that about most films made in the last thirty years, especially a vast majority of the immediately forgettable crap that seems to pass for movies these days.
Raiders is one of a handful of films that help remind me what’s possible when a dedicated group of highly creative people get together and use their considerable talents and imaginations to create something. It helps me recapture the sense of wonder and, dare I say it, magic that’s sorely lacking in today’s films and, let’s face it, in society in general.
It truly is one of the greats and worthy of the esteem it holds with millions of fans around the world.
Here’s the original trailer for the film below. Enjoy. And really I can’t stress this enough, if you haven’t seen the movie, you owe it to yourself to watch it as soon as possible.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uABsht2bgY?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
'Star Wars' In the Kitchen
To be clear, I don’t cook very many things and I don’t think I’ve ever baked. However, seeing these may cause me to start.
In short, these are pretty awesome. Check out all the possibilities right here.
Sunday Old School With 'Jason and the Argonauts'
Today is Sunday. Check the calendar if you don’t believe me. Okay? We good? Maybe take a guy’s word for it next time, huh?
Anyway, as I often do on Sundays (at least until Project M “officially” begins), I’m watching old movies. Although, the one today isn’t that old.
It’s 1963’s Jason and the Argonauts featuring the amazing stop-motion work of the master Ray Harryhausen. If you’ve never seen it, it is definitely worth watching. . . for many reasons.
Not the least of which is this pretty awesome skeleton fight that blew me away when I first saw this movie as a kid. No, not when it came out. Later, on TV.
In fact, I think the first time was a Sunday much like this one on the old Channel 13 in LA. I miss that channel, they had some great stuff.
Here’s the skeleton fight, just so you can get a taste of what I’m talking about.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_Fi7x93PY?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
Your Caffeine Intake Levels
As you might have guessed, I like coffee. In fact, some would say, I’m slightly obsessed about it. Truth be told, I don’t think I’m alone in that. I think lots of others like coffee as much, or more, than I do.
So, in the spirit of helping out my fellow coffee fans, here’s a handy little graphic that helps illustrate just how much caffeine you’re getting from various kinds of beverages.
I hope this helps.
'Walking Dead' Season 3 Visual Effects
Continuing our trend of highlighting visual effects work, here’s a reel from Stargate Studios showcasing their work on The Walking Dead season 3. In addition to all the great zombie kills, pay particular attention to what they did with the prison. And they did it all with Adobe After Effects. Huh.
Great stuff.
[vimeo 63430867 w=525 h=295]
Building a T-Rex
I had the privilege of knowing effects guru Stan Winston a little, having met him originally though a mutual friend. In fact, I visited his studio during the time he was working on the first Jurassic Park movie.
I was amazed at what I saw and when the movie eventually came out, I was even more amazed at how it all came together combining Stan’s animatronics with Dennis Muren, Phil Tippett and Michael Lantieri’s work (among many others). It changed the way movies were made forever.
In short, he was pretty much a genius.
So, many years later, it’s fun to see these videos put out by the Stan Winston School shot during the time he was working on the movie. Things sure have come a long way in the visual effects world, but at the time, this was the pinnacle of technology and very cutting-edge stuff.
I think it still looks pretty damn good. Enjoy.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SK1qTnhHzI?list=UU1rKAv7IwCeynqa9MPNfYaA&w=525&h=295]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoswY2-1AbM?list=UU1rKAv7IwCeynqa9MPNfYaA&w=525&h=295]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZtJVh3nUyU?list=UU1rKAv7IwCeynqa9MPNfYaA&w=525&h=295]
All Six 'Star Wars' Movies at the Same Time
Yep, you read that right. Someone went to the trouble to put all six Star Wars movies together in the same screen and run them at the same time. To be honest, I don’t know if I love this or hate it. Maybe a bit of both.
I do know I’ve got a headache from watching it. Enjoy and you’re welcome.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOLqGxuvf08?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
The 70's Were Awesome
Because it’s Easter weekend (and I had had a few drinks), H and I watched Jesus Christ Superstar last night with some friends at a BBQ where we had earlier in the evening eaten a lot of steak. The irony was not lost on us.
Based on the rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, JCS tells the story of Jesus' rise, fall and rise again through song and dance. If you’ve never seen JCS, the video below will give you an idea of what it’s like.
It’s not my favorite musical (or my favorite ALW/TR collaboration), but it’s still pretty fun. It’s also directed by the guy who directed Rollerball (the original), so that’s pretty cool.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3mFBh2z9sc?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
How to Teach Your Unborn Child About 'Star Trek'
Geeks/nerds out there expecting a child in the near future, this video is for you: How to Teach Your Unborn Child About Star Trek. That’s right, it’s never too early to start teaching your child the important fundamentals.
Well, you might want to wait until they actually have ears and can hear (about 20 weeks or so). But then, get to it.
If I ever have children (hey, you never know), in addition to Star Trek, I will also be teaching them about Star Wars during the all-important internal gestation period. This will, of course, inevitably lead to many enjoyable Star Trek vs. Star Wars debates.
That does sound like fun. I may have to work on that.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch
(h/t to Dr. Tom Mahoney for the link)
And Now, a Very Special Episode of 'Downton Zombey'
This amused me quite a bit. Of course, it helps if you watch Downton Abbey… And love zombies.
Fortunately, I do. I guess I should also mention that if you do watch Downton Abbey but haven’t seen this season’s finale, you may actually get some spoilers in this. So, beware and enjoy.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p540lbdF70?rel=0&w=525&h=394]
A 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' Trailer. . . Made With LEGO
If you recall a couple weeks ago, I posted the trailer for Man of Steel made with LEGO. Well, Antonio Toscano is back and he’s got a new trailer.
This time it’s for Star Trek: Into Darkness and yes, it’s also made entirely out of LEGO. I think this is great. You probably will too.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7JGT0yxxMw?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
Google Glass Meets Beer Glass
In honor of St. Patrick’s day (on Sunday, you drunks), some enterprising folks thought about what it would be like to use Google’s Glasses during the holiday. Naturally, they made a video. You can see that below.
In other news, I made another step towards responsible adulthood today. There was a lot of paperwork, phone calls and, unfortunately, some harsh language. But in the end, it all worked out and basically boiled down to writing a big check.
To be honest, it was the biggest one I’ve ever written. And yes, it hurt. . . But only a little.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to one and all. Yes, I think I’ll have a beer. I know I’ve earned it today.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GAd1QDcutc?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
Really Living With Less
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about reducing the amount of stuff I have. I’m guilty of accumulating a lot of things over the years, as many people are, but I’ve realized I can live with far less.
That doesn’t mean giving up everything, but it does mean trying to reduce what I have to the more like just the essentials. A good rule I’ve heard, and this may not be new to you, is that if you haven’t seen, used or played with something in a year, you should probably get rid of it.
I like the idea and am starting to consider many of the things I have in those terms. Of course, some people have really taken that idea to a whole new level.
I don’t know if I could live like this, but the concept and execution are still quite impressive.
[vimeo 55389782 w=525 h=295]
A Helpful Coffee Chart for a Tuesday
In the interest of being helpful, I found this handy coffee chart that you can use to determine exactly what you’re drinking and, more to the point, what your drink consists of. Of course, if you like coffee as much as I do, you probably already know all of this.
Still, I kinda like it and it could be helpful, so there you go.
Shakespeare and Joss Whedon? Heck Yeah
In truth, this is one film I really wanted to see at SXSW. Sadly, due to other commitments, I won’t be going to Austin this year. Next year for sure. Of course, I said that last year too, so yeah, who knows?
Anyway, Joss Whedon has made an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. It’s got a great cast including Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof, Nathan Fillion, Fran Kranz, Jillian Morgese, Sean Maher, Reed Diamond, Clark Gregg and Tom Lenk, is in black and white and is based on one of my favorite plays. And yes, it’s Joss Whedon so I, of course, pay attention.
Anyway, here’s the trailer. Enjoy.
'Before VFX' Is Fascinating
A couple days ago I posted a video showing some before and after visual effects shots from various TV shows and movies. Many people were surprised at the number of effects being used and also that, in many cases, effects were used at all.
Yeah, Hollywood likes to use visual effects to do almost anything these days. They do it a lot. To help illustrate just how much, a new website has sprung up showcasing what the author calls “The Canvas” of visual effects.
It’s a fascinating look at the “Before” shots in lots of famous movies including The Dark Knight, Twilight, Captain America, Kick-Ass, Avatar and a whole lot more. Plus, it gives you a greater appreciation for what the actors have to go through. Playing a big, emotional scene with a bunch of dots stuck to your face can’t be that easy.
Here’s a few of the “Before” pictures. Head over to the Before VFX website for a whole lot more.
[caption id=“attachment_2872” align=“aligncenter” width=“525”] “Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl”[/caption]
[caption id=“attachment_2873” align=“aligncenter” width=“525”] “Kick-Ass”[/caption]
[caption id=“attachment_2874” align=“aligncenter” width=“525”] “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance”[/caption]
Some News and a New 'Mad Men' Promo
I have been extremely busy the last several days and as such, haven’t had much to say here. Rest assured I’ll be back in short order. In the meantime, check out this promo for the upcoming season of Mad Men.
It’s in black and white, so you know it’s gonna be classy. Also, see if you can spot any new faces in the mix. I bet you can.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I03g36sbU8Y?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
The Green Screen Is Your Friend
If you watch a lot of movies and TV as I do (and occasionally even make them), you’ve probably sometimes wondered “How did they do that”? Well, as you’ll see from this video, they “did that” with a lot of green screen and visual effects.
Visual effects is a huge part of Hollywood and the men and women who work in that industry should be recognized and rewarded as such. This is only a small fraction of the work they do each and every day.
Enjoy and try not to be too shocked.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clnozSXyF4k?rel=0&w=525&h=295]
Steve Jobs and 'One More Thing'
I had the good fortune to be at several MacWorld Keynote events over the years, including the one in 2007 where Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone, so this video was a real treat for me. In it, the enterprising folks of YouTube’s Every Steve Jobs Video channel have compiled pretty much all of the times Steve Jobs had “one more thing” to share.
And his “one more thing” was usually pretty awesome. He would have been 58 this week. RIP Steve.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QQLyS0MnzM?rel=0&w=525&h=394]