And Here's a Trailer for a Movie I'm Not So Sure About


Yes, it’s been a week of trailers so far and today is no exception. This time it’s the new one for G.I. Joe: Retaliation.

See, I don’t always put up trailers for movies I think are going to be awesome. This is one I’m definitely not sure about.

Although, it does have Bruce Willis . . . and Adrianne Palicki, which is both cool and easy on the eyes. I’ll let you figure out which is which (For me, at least. You may feel the opposite).

Either way, enjoy (Or not). Also, apologies for the auto-play and having to put this one after the break. Blame Yahoo.

The New 'Man of Steel' Trailer Looks Pretty Awesome

Here’s Zack Snyder’s version of Superman. I think it looks pretty good. What say you?


More On the iPad as a Writing Tool


It seems I can’t stop using the iPad now that I’ve realized its true potential as a writing tool. I’m using it for all sorts of writing now, but still primarily for scripts using the Final Draft Writer app.

However, it is also great for other types of writing. In fact, I’m using the Wordpress app on the iPad to do this post right now. Fancy that.

After several days I’m pretty convinced the iPad could become my primary writing tool perminantly. Using it really feels good and allows for a more tactile approach to writing that I don’t experience as much when using a laptop or desktop with a traditional keyboard. Other people (with far more readership and insight) seem to feel the same way I do.

One thing, though, I do feel a little bad for my MacBook Air. It looks sorta lonely sitting there unused.

I’m sure it won’t sit idle forever. I’m sure I’ll get back to using it for something soon enough. Until then, it’s the iPad for me all the way.

The New 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' Trailer Looks Awesome

This is a movie I’m looking forward to seeing. Let’s hope it lives up to the trailer. I think it will.


Writing On the iPad with Final Draft and More

Even though I’ve had an iPad since day one, I haven’t really embraced it as a pure writing tool and it hasn’t completely replaced my laptop for that purpose as I hoped it would. I have used it for some writing, and various other tasks like watching videos or perusing Flipboard, but I still found myself turning to the laptop for any work for The Flickcast or for this site, especially when editing pictures or embedding video were involved.

However, I recently discovered that the iPad is particularly great for writing at least one thing: scripts. I discovered this fact when I finally got around to using the Final Draft Writer app for the iPad that I’ve had installed for some time but basically ignored in favor of its Mac OSX-based brother.

In short, the Final Draft Writer app is quite intuitive and works extremely well. And, much to my surprise, it’s very usable without an external keyboard. I just type on the screen. That’s a big plus when it means you only need to carry an iPad in your bag which, even compared to my 13" MacBook Air, is still lighter and much more portable.

Plus, the Final Draft Writer app integrates with Dropbox so I can work on scripts and then save them to the Cloud for later editing on the MacBook Air, desktop or even the iPhone (if I’m really bored in line at the DMV or something). Sorry, no Google Drive integration yet, just Dropbox. And yes, to take advantage of this feature you do need an iPad with a data connection (I have the Verizon 4G LTE version) or, of course, available WiFi.

Still, the combination of the Final Draft Writer app, Dropbox integration, the retina display and long battery life of the iPad and no need for an external keyboard, makes this an excellent alternative to a laptop or desktop. In fact, I’m going to try using the iPad exclusively to work on my various scripts for the next couple weeks and see if I can leave the desktop and laptop behind.

I’ll keep you posted.

And before you ask, no, I’m not writing a script called “The Swans of Brooklyn.” That’s a demo script that comes with the software.

Louis C.K. Is Absolutely Correct 'Everything Is Amazing'

Take a look at this clip. He’s absolutely right. We should be happier because the world is pretty amazing. I know it’s hard to keep this in mind when things are looking down, but try. In the end, you’ll be happier for it.

All I Want for Christmas Is . . . Nothing

With both Christmas and my birthday fast approaching, I thought it would be prudent to share some thoughts I have about the holidays that will hopefully answer the question I frequently get asked around this time of year: “What do you want for Christmas and/or your birthday?”

The short answer is I don’t really want anything. That’s right, I don’t want you (or anyone else) to get me anything.

Confused? Allow me to elaborate.

I don’t need anything – The truth is I already have pretty much everything I need. If I do really want or need something I don’t already have, I’m extremely fortunate enough to be in the position to just go ahead and buy it for myself.

If there is something I haven’t already bought that I really want, it’s probably very expensive and definitely not something I would ever expect anyone to buy for me. Or, as it is in a lot of cases, I just don’t need it that bad and am willing to go without.

I already have too much stuff – In fact, I’m really trying to downsize the amount of stuff I already have, so adding new stuff is not really a priority. Plus, I am currently looking for a new place to live, which may or may not have more space than I currently have, so I really can’t be adding a lot of new until that’s sorted out.

Although, even if I did end up with a lot more space, I would likely still be trying to downsize. The simple fact is I realized a few years ago I can live with less. It was a terrific realization and I’ve tried to stick with it. So far, I’ve been pretty successful.

I could go on with more reasons, but those are the big ones. I have a good life and I’m thankful for it. I’m also extremely satisfied with the current quantity and quality of “things” in my life.

Although, if someone did want to buy me one of these, or one of these, or one of these (perhaps all three?), I might find a way to make an exception.

Until then, I’m just gonna sit over here on my more than adequate pile of stuff.

Happy Long Weekend and a Fitness Update

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate until they could eat no more. As for me, I didn’t actually do that much eating this weekend as I’m in the midst of getting in shape for the rest of my life.

Yes, I realize the “rest of my life” thing might be heady stuff for this early on a Sunday, but what can I say? I’m taking steps to better myself, it’s going pretty well and I feel like sharing.

Since I started eating better, not drinking booze/beer and working with a personal trainer three months ago, I’ve lost over 20 pounds and can now fit into clothes I used to wear long ago and new ones I bought thinking I would eventually fit into them. I gotta say, it’s a pretty great feeling to be accomplishing a goal like this.

I’ve still got a lot of work to do so I can’t stop just yet and start eating pizza and drinking beer. That will come around again once I get to the weight and level of fitness I want to get to. At that point, an occasional binge here and there won’t be a problem.

Until then, it’s protein bars and turkey wraps on whole wheat tortillas for me. Fortunately, I actually like eating both of those things, so it’s not really that much of a problem.

The weird part is that I don’t really miss the bad food or booze all that much. I really thought I would. Sure, I think about eating pizza or a cheese burger, having a beer or, perhaps, a bit of 21 year old scotch now and then, but I really don’t miss any of it. It just isn’t as important as I thought it was.

What it really comes down to is this: I want to live a long, happy and healthy life instead of any of the alternatives. In short, I choose me.

I think I made the right choice.

Working for the Weekend

That title goes back a long way. Back to an ‘80’s pop band called Loverboy. Yes, I’m making a Loverboy reference. Deal with it.

Hey, they were pretty popular in the ‘80’s. I’ll bet if you think about it, or hear some of their songs, you’ll realize you know them and maybe even like them. Sure, they’re Canadian, but you can’t really hold that against them, can you?

I don’t. In fact, I have some good friends that are either from Canada or live in Canada right now. So there. I’m no Canada hater.

In fact, I’ll prove it by posting a video for one of the band’s most famous songs right here. That’s right, it’s “Working for the Weekend.” Did you expect something else? If so, you really haven’t been paying attention.


And, as if that wasn’t enough, here’s some bloopers from Big Bang Theory. Why? Why the heck not? They’re funny.


I’m not entirely sure what any of this has to do with anything, but if I’m being completely honest here (and I should be, right?) I’m really just stalling instead of working on the script I’m supposed to be writing.

I do that. Stalling, I mean. I’m really good at it. In fact, I’m really, really good at it. Really, really, really good.

Now I’m doing it again. Crap.

I’m hoping Loverboy references and Big Bang bloopers help get the creative blood flowing. Maybe I should have gone a different way?

Some New Photos

Took these over the weekend. One more in my “California” series and one just because I thought it was funny. Taken with the iPhone 5 using Instagram.


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House Hunting

Be very, very quiet . . . I’m hunting houses. Yes, that’s right, I’m in the market for a new place to live. I would like it to be somewhere with a yard, although I’m not completely sold on that. That’s more of H’s thing.

Still, having a yard would be cool for some things, I suppose. Of course, if you have a yard people will want to come over and be in it for BBQs and so forth, which is also one of the many hazards to having a yard.

And don’t get me started on the zombies. They love a good yard . . . especially when there’s lots of people in it gathered for said BBQ.

Maybe I need to look for a nice, easily defensible condo? Or, perhaps, a place like this.

The 'World War Z' Movie Could Be Good

As my esteemed colleague Joe Gillis wrote over at The Flickcast, let’s try to forget this movie has supposedly had a bunch of problems during production. That won’t mean dick if the movie turns out well and makes money – even if it only makes money.

The long and short of it is this trailer looks cool and I’m liking what I see. I think it bodes well for the movie when it finally arrives. It’s certainly been a long time coming.

The novel came out in 2006 and hell, it’s been four years since I interviewed the novel’s author Max Brooks about the movie and that’s the week Brad Pitt’s company bought the rights to the novel and started working on adapting it for the big screen.

A long time indeed. Anyway, check out the first World War Z trailer below and let me know what you think. Or don’t. Whatever.


Moving Forward . . .Together

This post will not be a victory dance or joyful celebration of any sort. That’s not what’s needed now. The election is over and the best man, in my opinion, won. You may have a different opinion and may have voted for the other guy, and that’s just fine.

I’m glad you voted at all. As I expressed recently, voting is very important.

But now that we’ve decided, by popular and electoral majority, to give President Barack Obama four more years, I think it’s time to put aside our differences and the vitriol generated by the election and at least try to work together to solve the country’s problems.

In the words of the well-intentioned, but highly misguided, Grand Moff Tarkin: This bickering is pointless.

Let’s all try to work together for once and see how it goes. Who knows, if we stop blaming each other for everything, we might actually accomplish something?

I know it may be just a dream and a crazy notion, but then again, this country was founded by a bunch of dreamers with a crazy notion or two. We’ve already got that crazy dreamer thing going for us, and if we harness it, we can accomplish anything.

The truth is we are much stronger together than we are apart. It’s really that simple.

Voting Is Very Important

I find it somewhat hard to believe that in this day and age I have to remind people voting is important. Regardless of which candidate you like, or even if you’re just voting for the guy who seems like the lesser of two evils, the act of voting itself is significant.

Ask anyone, I’m pretty lazy and don’t like to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, but I still managed to vote. My 87-year-old mother who can barely walk, and really shouldn’t be driving, still managed to vote.

In other words, there’s no excuse not to vote. Just get off your ass and do it. Those episodes of Dancing with the Stars, Honey Boo Boo or The Real Housewives of wherever will still be on your TiVo when you get back. I promise.

If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain. If you do vote, you can bitch for the next four years about how you picked the other guy and that everyone is crazy for thinking the guy who won would do a good job. It’s your right as a voter and as an American.

If you don’t vote and then try to complain, I will ask you to kindly shut the hell up.

It’s that simple.

Oh, in case anyone was wondering or had any doubt, I voted to give President Barack Obama a second term (I’ve been a fan of his for some time). My reasons are many but the bottom line is I don’t believe Mitt Romney’s values and beliefs are in line with my own.

I don’t think he’s a bad person, I just don’t think he represents what I believe in and that he wants to make this county a place I would choose to live in. He’s simply not the person I want as my President.

You are, of course, free to disagree. But if you do, please, keep it civil. Of course, if you do disagree but violate the above and don’t vote, kindly see that you, once again, shut the hell up.

Icons of My Childhood

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Proof of life. November 3, 2012.


Weekend Plans, New Apple Stuff and More

I realize today is only Thursday, but it’s never too late to plan for the weekend. That said, it is likely I will be in Long Beach this weekend going to the Long Beach Comic & Horror Con.

I’ve been taking care of a lot of things recently (many of them personal) and need a bit of a break to explore my inner (and outer) geek. So, in that spirit (and because I missed Comic-Con in San Diego due to my back) I’m going to head to Long Beach this weekend.

I expect it to be interesting and fun. Plus, it will be nice to see a few people I haven’t seen in some time as well as check out some new comics and horror stuff.

Plus, there’s a couple panels I want to go to as well. They mostly have to do with making comics and such, stuff most of you probably are not all that interested in. I also plan on taking a few pics, so be on the lookout for those as well.

In other news, I have opted against getting a new 13" MacBook Pro with Retina Display and will also not be getting an iPad Mini. Why?

The short answer is I already have way too much stuff already. The longer answer is I just got a new laptop a few months ago (the amazing 13" i7 MacBook Air) and I already have an iPad I hardly ever use.

So, I don’t need to spend the money on new stuff I don’t really need or something I probably wouldn’t use very often. Plus, I’ve read a fee reviews of the new MacBook Pro and from what i gather it isn’t quite all there yet. So, I’ll wait until it is.

I’m actually quite pleased with these decisions. I think I’m growing.

See you in Long Beach.

Another Fun Trailer for 'A Good Day to Die Hard'

Die Hard is one of my favorite movies and I’m happy they seems to keep finding ways to extend the franchise. This new one, A Good Day to Die Hard, looks like a lot of fun. I’m in.

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My pal Scott.

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