The 'Evil Dead' Remake Looks Darn Good
I’m not always very receptive to remakes of classic movies I’ve enjoyed. Too often the remake isn’t very good and probably shouldn’t have been attempted in the first place.
Of course, even if there’s a remake, I still have the original to enjoy, so it really shouldn’t bother me. right? Well too bad, it does. . . sometimes. However, there’s also the occasional remake that can stand on its own, be enjoyable and not take anything away from the original. Some remakes even end up being even better than the originals.
I can think of a few at the moment: John Carpenter’s The Thing, which is an awesome remake of the original Howard Hawks film and one of my favorites; The Fly, directed by David Cronenberg and the Coen Brothers True Grit, a terrific western update of the classic John Wayne film.
This upcoming remake of Evil Dead just might make the list too. It has the virtue of being produced by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, so I’ll bet that helps.
Plus, I do like the trailer (which is NSFW, btw). It looks pretty cool. I think I’m gonna give this one a chance.
Personal Deadlines Suck
I’ve never really been a fan of any kind of deadlines. Still, they’re often pretty important to other people (especially if they’re paying you for something and need it by a certain date/time), so I tend to try to stick to them when I have no other choice.
The problem I’m facing now is that I’ve got a deadline, but the only person I need to finish this particular project for is me. I’ve imposed the deadline on myself. And that sucks.
I am the worst offender when it comes to procrastination. In fact, I was going to write this post a few days ago, but I blew it off in favor of something shiny that was most likely a complete waste of my time.
I have to find the motivation myself and finish this project by the deadline I’ve set. It isn’t easy, I gotta tell you. Any freelancers in the house? You know what I mean.
Yep, personal deadlines suck. Now, back to work . . . or something.
A Little Apple History: Print Advertising 1975 - 2002
If you know me, even a little bit, you know I’m a huge fan of all things Apple. I use an iPhone 5, MacBook Air, iPad and have had other Apple products going all the way back to before the first Macintosh. In short, I’m old school.
Let’s face it, the company makes, and has made, some insanely great products. Another thing the company is known for is its advertising. They’ve created some of the most innovative and informative commercials in history, probably the most famous of which is Ridley’s Scott’s ‘1984’ spot. That’s it at the bottom.
They’ve also had some pretty cool print ads over the years as well. To illustrate, these guys (and gals) have taken the time to put together a very nice look at Apple’s print ads from the years 1975 to 2002.
It’s pretty cool and I actually remember some of these ads. It’s fun to look back and see how far Apple, and we, have come.
Meetings Are Fun
That title may be a touch sarcastic. In truth, I often find meetings to be mind-numbingly boring. People who think they’re informative, funny or somehow interesting tend to ramble on about this or that and after a few minutes, I’m pretty much done.
You all know what I mean so don’t send angry letters telling me I’m the jerk who doesn’t like people. I do like people, just not boring, know-it-all people.
However, over the last week or so I’ve had meetings with people I did find very pleasant and were a pleasure to talk with. It was extremely refreshing and I highly recommend it.
These great meetings where we found common ground, had stimulating and productive discussions and made advances toward our mutual goals almost made up for the others I had to sit through where I seriously considered jabbing a pen into my eye so I could be taken to the hospital and not have to listen anymore.
Okay, maybe that’s a bit extreme (and probably an exaggeration), but you get the idea. Still, progress is often difficult and as I intend to make progress towards my goals, I guess I’m going to have to kiss a few frogs along the way, figuratively speaking of course . . . There’s no actual frogs involved.
Now I’m going to get letters from animal rights groups chastising me about my treatment of frogs. Awesome.
Decisions, Decisions
I really hate making decisions in most situations. Often, I have good reasons for choosing either option I’m deciding between. Sadly, I’m in the midst of such a quandry at the moment and not sure how to proceed.
Over the years I’ve discovered that I have a lot of interests. Sometimes, those many interests hinder my focus on one thing in particular. After all, there’s only so many hours in the day and I only have so much energy so. . . you get the idea.
I’m going to be soliciting advice from people who’s opinions I trust and will arrive at some sort of decision sooner rather than later. That’s my process and I guess it’s pretty much the best way to go. I don’t like it but I’ll do it.
Although, I really shouldn’t feel too bad about having to make these kinds of important decisions. It could be so much worse.
I’m very lucky that I even get a choice at all.
Happy Friday No. 2221 with Added Debate Spin and Harry Hamlin!
I would like to take this moment and wish each and every one of you a happy Friday. I’m having a pretty good day so far. I’ve continued my workouts and went to the gym at 7AM. It didn’t hurt that much. Don’t tell my trainer.
I’ve also started to get in touch with some old friends and colleagues to get the ball rolling faster on my triumphant return to the business of show. So that’s cool. So far, people have been very nice and encouraging about the idea.
With all the unemployment these days, they probably, genuinely do wish me well. At least I like to think so. As for the debate last night between Mr. Biden and Mr. Ryan, I’ve really got nothing insightful to say. I already know who I’m voting for (shocker, it’s the incumbent) so the VP debate, and the P debates, are pretty much wasted on me.
Still, it did seem that Mr. Ryan was kinda uncomfortable and that Mr. Biden was sorta a dick. In truth, I don’t really care for the kind of debate where the participants try to shout over each other to make a point. I know that’s the style of discourse that’s popular on TV these days (thanks a pantload Fox News), but that doesn’t mean I have to like it . . . or watch it.
I spent about ten minutes watching Mr. Biden and Mr. Ryan then I turned the channel and watched some movies, including such classics as New Jack City and the very first movie I ever got paid to work on, Save Me, starring Harry Hamlin (that’s him with his mouth open above), Lysette Anthony and Michael Ironside. I was the Key Set PA on that show, a position much like how Anthony Michael Hall’s character describes himself in Sixteen Candles: “King of the Dipshits.”
Still, I didn’t care at the time. I was working on a movie set and getting paid for it (not much, but still). The truth is, I loved every damn minute of it.
Apparently, People Still Make Typewriters
As a writer and a geek/nerd, this makes me happy. It’s only $200.00 and I think I might just pick one up.
Of course, I also know that Brother still makes electric typewriters, so there’s that. Still, there’s something about an old fashioned manual that’s pretty cool. Of course, I still often write by hand with a pencil in a notebook, so what do I know?
Maybe typewriters aren’t the way to go? Maybe these computers are the wave of the future?
Maybe. Even so, I think I still might go ahead and grab a new manual typewriter, just in case.
Verizon Sells Your Browsing Data, Demographic Info and More
I posted about this on Twitter, but think it’s important enough to put it here too. If you use an iPhone on Verizon (and probably other phones too) the company will collect and sell your browsing data, and more, unless you opt out.
I don’t think that’s cool.
If you don’t either, here’s how to make sure they don’t do it. It’s actually pretty simple, really. You navigate to this url:
Once there, you pretty much want to select everything that says “Don’t share” in the three categories of information. Once done, you should be good . . . at least for now. Who knows what other schemes are out there.
Going Back to Cali?
I’m not really going back to Cali, because I never left. I was just using that as more of a fun metaphor for what I’m considering. Well, it’s fun to me anyway, and that’s what counts.
This is my website, after all. If you don’t like it, get one of your own. I hear they’re pretty easy and cheap to get these days. You can’t beat that.
Anyway, what I’m considering is a full time return to the business of show. Since I stopped making movies, TV programs and the like I’ve spent a lot of time working on various other things, including The Flickcast. I still want to do those things but, in truth, the bug to get back to my first love has bitten me again . . . and hard. In fact, I think it’s infected.
Sorry about the weird insect imagery. Don’t mean to digress. Moving on. The difference this time is I won’t be going back doing what I did before (producing, etc.). Instead, I’m going to go back on my own terms with my own projects as a writer and director. Or, at the very least, I’m going to give it my best shot.
It all sounds good on the surface and if things continue to go the way I’ve set them in motion, all should be well. Watch this space for further developments.
On a related note, the site move I recently complained about for The Flickcast is done. It actually went well and didn’t even cost me that much. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
Please feel free to resume your kind patronage of that fine website. Thanks. And my children thank you. . . Or they will when I finally get some.
I Don't Like Change
If you know me, or have read this site for very long, you probably know I’m not a fan of change. I know it happens, and needs to in many cases, but I really don’t like it. It’s not good.
I’m not sure anyone really does. If they do (or say they do), I think there’s probably something wrong with them.
Why do I bring this up today? Glad you asked. We are making some changes over at The Flickcast and it’s bothering me quite a bit.
Specifically, we are migrating to new, fancier servers and during that process we can’t make any changes to the site or they may not make the trip over. So, a couple days (maybe) without any new content.
That’s kinda a bummer. I realize it’s necessary and better for the site in the long run, but see above for my feelings on change – especially change that could potentially cost us readers/visitors. I don’t like it. No, not at all.
But really, what are you gonna do? It has to be done so it has to be done. Can’t change it or delay it any longer, so there we are.
Such are the vagaries of online life and business. But I don’t have to like it.
The iPhone 5 Is Fun
So I went ahead and got an iPhone 5. Those who know me will know it isn’t that hard to believe. I’ve had the phone for a few weeks now (I pre-ordered it the same time I ordered one for H) and it arrived on launch day.
So far, it’s a great device. I especially like the 4G LTE, which has come in handy several times while on the road. It’s also a great phone to make calls with. The sound is good and I get reception almost everywhere (of course that also has a lot to do with Verizon too, I’m sure).
The phone is also faster and the screen is better than the 4S I was using previously. I also like the extra row of icons I get from the phone being a bit longer as well as the new features of iOS 6. In short, I’m very happy with the upgrade.
If I have a complaint about the device (and it’s a minor one) it’s that Apple really didn’t do much to improve the camera over the 4S. Sure, it works a bit better in lower light, but that’s about all.
Although, I’m not entirely sure what they could have done with the camera given the new, thinner form factor. I guess we’ll have to wait for those liquid lenses to get a better camera in such a thin device.
The device is also a bit prone to scratching and I already have a bit of one on the top right side near where the antenna gap is. It’s not particularly noticeable but still, it’s kind of disappointing. I guess a case would cover it, but I don’t really like cases. So, there’s that.
I may do a more in-depth report later after I’ve used the iPhone 5 longer. Until then, if you got one for yourself, I hope you’re enjoying it.
Testing . . . Again
Okay, let’s try this again. Let us test this out and make sure the move to new servers has worked.
Interviews With the Original Macintosh Design Team
When I find intersting stuff, I drop it in here. Although, as I’ve not put up much lately, I guess there’s not that much interesting stuff to be found. Or, I’m just not looking hard enough. Meh.
Anyway, this is quite interesting, especially if you’re a fan of Apple and the Mac. Enjoy.
Blogging from the iPad (Again)
Well, posting from within Chrome, and including a picture, is a bit of a pain. Would it be so hard to have a way to insert pictures from the photo library on the iPad? And no, there’s no way to cut and paste, at least not that I’ve found. Not into a Chrome window at least.
I guess Apple doesn’t like that idea. They probably don’t want a “full” file system in iOS. That’s what Mac OS X and Macs are for.
Anyway, on to other methods like Blogsy. I’ve tried this tool before with some success. I haven’t tried the latest version yet, so here goes.
After getting all my info set up in Blogsy I was able to get a picture from the photo library on the iPad uploaded to this site and inserted into this post. It’s the dragon pic above. Scary, right?
So far, it looks like Blogsy is the winner. The UI is a bit confusing and has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy to use. Not as easy as using Chrome on Mac OS X, but it may just be good enough for my purposes.
That is, unless I’m in a hurry to post something. Then, we may have a problem as thre steps are a bit time consuming. This is especially so if you’re looking for an image online to use in a post. You need to find it, save it to the photo library and if editing or resizing is necessary, use yet another iOS app to do the resize and crop, then bring it back into Blogsy to upload to your site for the post.
The resize/crop app I’m using at the moment is iResize, which seems to do the job pretty well. I guess you could always resize an image once you get it uploaded to your site but that’s not really the best way to go about it. Plus, cropping is out of the question if you do that. So, an additional resize/crop app seems like a must.
So, for the moment, it looks like Blogsy is the winner. I’m going to look into some other apps and workflows to see if I can improve my time to post and ease of use. Still, for normal blogging this setup works pretty well.
Standing Room Only
If you don’t follow me on the Twitter or Facebook or Google+ (if you don’t, why not?) you might not know I’ve been having some back problems of late. In short, it sucks. My back seems determined to thwart me at every turn.
Sitting and working for long periods is especially painful. Good thing I don’t sit and work for long periods. . . Oh, crap, I do. Well, so much for that.
To help alleviate the problem I have started standing to work and am, in fact, standing as I write this. It’s not so bad. The only downside so far is that my kitchen counter is pretty much the only place I can do this and it’s about a half foot too low.
At least I’m closer to the coffee.
My plan for the near future is to try and stand more often and just move more in general. If you believe all the latest research, sitting too much is killing us. I don’t know if it’s really killing us (probably), but it does seem to be killing my back.
In case you don’t know how bad sitting is, here’s a handy infographic from the folks at Medical Billing and Coding dot Org to give you a clue.
Things Are Different . . . But Also the Same
Some of you may have noticed, at least those of you who are paying attention, that the name of this site has changed. Well, if you came here looking for, then you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve taken the liberty of consolidating some of my websites to make things easier on, well, mostly me. However, it may make things easier on you too, I can’t be sure.
So, from now on if you type in you will end up here at I think that has a better fell to it and I’m going to make my complete home on the interwebs.
I hope the change wasn’t too hard on all of you and I hope those of you reading this via RSS won’t get too confused. To summarize, is no more (except to redicrect you here).
All of my personal stuff will be here at I hope that clears it up and I hope to see you around here often.