Video Friday - Bible in a Minute
This is pretty self-explanatory. It’s also perfect if you just don’t have much time in your life to read a really long and complicated book like the bible. Enjoy.
Bonus Video - 'Star Trek' versus 'Star Wars'
Finally, the definitive battle between Star Trek and Star Wars is waged with the victor emerging triumphantly to take its place at the top of the galactic food chain. Or, does it? Enjoy.
Video Friday - America the RickRolled
Really, how can I not post this video from yesterday’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade? It’s funny and has a lot of significance, at least in the online community where I spend much of my time.
Plus, its funny to hear how not in touch people on TV really are. So, sit back and enjoy.
Video Friday - Sarah Palin and the Turkey
I don’t really have much in the way of witty banter for this particular video. I really think it speaks for itself. One thing I will say, however, is that I’m sure glad I’m not a turkey.
Also, if you happen to be a bit squeamish, you might not want to watch. Otherwise, enjoy.
Video Saturday - The New Star Trek Trailer
After watching this trailer for J.J. Abrams upcoming relaunch of the Star Trek franchise, all I can really say is that it looks like something Michael Bay might have done. I can only hope that lurking somewhere behind all the visuals and explosions is a decent story and a faithful treatment of the characters.
I guess we'll see in May 2009. Until then, enjoy.
Video Friday - The Matrix Runs on Windows
Just imagine how annoying and frustrating things would have been for Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and the gang if The Matrix ran on Windows. Although, if it did and ended up having this many errors, we might have been spared the two sequels.
Alas, that didn't happen. But its fun to think about the what if? Enjoy.
Video Friday - We've Come a Long Way
With the election of Barack Obama on Tuesday, I thought it would be fun to look back a bit and watch the speech that first brought the then Senator from Illinois to the attention of the greater public at large. Even then, four years ago, at the Democratic National Convention, you can see his eloquence, intelligence, power and gain a very revealing glimpse into the man who will, four years later, become the 44th President of the United States.
Clearly, he's quite a man indeed and I, for one, can't wait to see what he will do. Enjoy.
I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, (Barack Obama) but no matter what (Barack Obama) you should get out and vote today (Barack Obama). Its a historic day of change for this country and hopefully, after the dust settles (Barack Obama), we’ll be on a new path that will bring this country back to where it belongs (Barack Obama).
No matter the outcome of the election, (Barack Obama) I'm just proud to live in a country that has free elections and be part of this great Democracy. So, go out and vote your conscience (Barack Obama) and be glad you can be part of this historic time in our country's history. Is this a great country or what?
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Video Friday (Saturday) - Wes Craven Picks Some Horror Videos
Yes, I realize today is Saturday and that the title of this blog post is traditionally ‘Video Friday’ but circumstances have intervened to prevent me from posting on Friday this week. So, here it is Saturday and here’s the latest video.
This time around horror maestro Wes Craven picks some scary videos for you from what he's found on Youtube. Some of his picks are, in fact, pretty good. A couple others are, well, not so much.
But, as usual, I'll leave the decision up to you as to whether you like any of the videos or not. That's the only fair way to do it. Enjoy.
The New Ride

Just a quick photo of the new car I got on Saturday. Yes, its a BMW. A 535i with inline six cylinder, twin turbo, 300 hp goodness. It's also got what BWM calls the Premium Package, Sport Package, Navigation and, most importantly, iPod support so you can control the iPod with the car's built-in iDrive system and listen through the stereo.
That's a very cool feature allowing you to see all your playlists, songs, etc. on the car's screen and play what you want. All while leaving the iPod safely tucked away in the center console. Why did I get it? Well, I've been good lately so really, why not?
This photo is just a snap from the iPhone but I'll post some better ones later, once I feel a bit better. Having a cold and nursing a shoulder injury can take a lot out of you. But looking at, and more to the point, driving a car like this, can go a long way to making you feel better. In a word, its just plain fun.
Video Friday - Ron Howard's Call to Action
Here’s director/producer/actor Ron Howard with his PSA about the election. Which, sadly, I can’t embed here due to limitations imposed by Wordpress. So, here’s the link to it instead. Enjoy.
Video Friday - John Cleese on Sarah Palin
I’m trying not to get much into politics these days as I got far more worked up during the last Presidential election and was very disappointed at the outcome. So, this time around, I’m taking a more hands-off approach and just voting the way I want to vote and not making too much of a big deal about it.
Still, when I see some interesting and funny stuff out there about the election or about a candidate I feel deserves some serious scrutiny due to her complete lack of qualifications for the job she's running for, I feel obligated to present what I find for your consideration.
So, in that spirit, here's <em>Monty Python</em> alumni and all-around funny guy John Cleese offering his insight on John McCain's current running mate. Enjoy.
Video Friday - The 'Twilight' Trailer
Apparently, teenage girls across America are gaga for these books and are waiting with bated breath for the feature film version to come out. Truthfully, I don’t get it – and I really like vampires, monsters and all that kind of thing.
Of course, the problem may be that I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a teenage girl. So, all of the hype and fervor is probably lost on me. Still, as always, feel free to watch and judge for yourself.
Who knows, perhaps if I watch it enough times I will understand. Until then, I think I'll just watch 'Lord of the Rings' or some McCain/Palin anti-Obama commercials if I want to get my fill of fantasy.
Video Friday - Douche Off!
I think this week’s video is pretty self-explanatory. In short, it made me laugh out loud. That doesn’t happen very often these days. Although, last night’s VP debate made me chuckle once or twice. Sadly, even though it wasn’t quite the horror show I was expecting (and not-so-secretly hoping for), it was still entertaining.
However, in spite of a relatively strong start for Sarah Palin, in the end Joe Biden won the debate primarily by staying on-message and actually answering questions instead of deflecting them, being the calmer voice of reason and assurance <em>and</em> linking McCain with George Bush a much as possible. Which, given the state of the country right now, pretty much means McCain can't possibly win. At least I hope so.
Enjoy the video.
Video Friday - 'The Dark Bailout'
Today, let’s watch a video that combines two of my favorite things: Batman and financial turmoil. Well, in truth, I’m pretty much only a fan of Batman. Financial turmoil, on the other hand, isn’t that fun. Let’s just hope things start to get better come November.
Until then, have a look at this relatively clever <em>Dark Knight</em>/George Bush mashup.
Video Friday - The Original 'Star Wars' Trailer
Yes, that’s right kids, its the original trailer from 1977 for one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made in the history of movie-making: Star Wars.
Before it was called 'Episode 4' and before George Lucas went a little mad and decided to change a bunch of stuff (Han shot first, dammit!) this movie shocked, stunned, entertained, enthralled and inspired me like no other had before -- and pretty much no other has since.
So, for this Video Friday, sit back, relax and enjoy this trip to a galaxy far, far away. I know I will.
Megan Fox and Marissa Miller
As it happens to be Wednesday and I haven’t done it in some time, here’s a few photos of two of my favorite females – Megan Fox and Marissa Miller. Megan’s photos are from a recent GQ shoot and Marissa’s are from a recent shoot for Malibu Magizine.
At the moment, as I've tragically never met either of them, I can only admire them for their looks. Which is one of the main reasons I feel like sharing these pictures. I'm sure, if I met them and got to know them better, I would find that in addition to their stunning looks, they are also both intelligent, funny, generous and all-around fantastic human beings. Until then, I'll just have to be content to think they just both <em>look</em> fantastic.
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The Great Orson Welles
This is a video of my favorite director’s last TV appearance ever on the Merv Griffin show, October 10th, 1985 . Even at 70 years old, you can still see his wit, charm and intelligence come through. It’s a great video of a great and supremely talented man who’s influence on films and filmmaking is enormous.
And to make it even more interesting, two hours after his appearance on the show, Orson Welles died in his home of a heat attack.
But wait, there's more. Here's a trailer for a movie that Orson Welles supposedly (at least according to rumor) wanted to make -- Batman. With Welles himself playing the title role, of course. Even though this video is actually fake and was not made by Welles, its still very well done and poses a great "what if" scenario that I, as a fan of the master and <em>Batman</em>, would love to have seen.
Video Friday
Because I liked the “photo a day” deal so much, I’m also going to try and find cool videos to post as regularly as I can – mostly on Fridays. I may end up shooting some of them but I also may just post other ones that I find around the Internets.
So, to get us going, here's the first one out of the gate. In some ways, this video is better and more original than many things that come out of Hollywood (or the BBC for that matter). This point is made all the more interesting because this video was not made by Hollywood (or BBC) pros, but by a family on vacation who simply love a show and wanted to do something fun. Enjoy.
As always, we remember
I’m very lucky to live in a country where I’ve had the opportunity to pursue pretty much whatever dream I saw fit. To those who can no longer follow their dreams, we will not forget you.
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