The Shower Scene from Psycho
This is pretty funny and features some pretty good performances (at least by potato standards).
Enjoy and happy Turkey Day all.
One Laptop Per Child
As I love laptops, am also pretty fond of children and education and OLPC seems like a worthy cause, I went ahead and donated. Feeling left out? Want to know how you can do something? Well, don't worry as you still have another week to do a good thing for some kids.
Plus, if you act now, T-Mobile will also throw in one year of free Hotspot access on top of giving one and getting one and that great feeling that comes from doing a good thing. How can you pass that up?
I know, some may argue that this isn't what children really need but access to technology is important (as is food, shelter, medicine and clean water) but we're talking about laptops at the moment so get those credit cards or Paypal accounts going and donate.
Marvel Launches Digital Comics
Apparently, Marvel has decided to enter the 21st Century and is now offering comics online for you to read. Quite a few titles to choose from as well. What's the catch? Well, it will cost you a monthly fee of $5.00 / month if you pay upfront or $10.00 / month if you opt to pay every month.
Not bad I guess as I spend way more than that on comics in a month anyway. However, I do love the feel of the actual pages so I think for the time being -- even though this is pretty cool and is probably the way things are going to go -- I think I'll stick to reading comics the old fashioned way. Although, ten bucks a month really isn't that much . . Decisions, decisions.
WGA Strike by The Daily Show Writers
Really, at this point, what more could I add?
Testing the Ecto Beta
Just a quick post to test out the new Beta of Ecto, my blogging software of choice. So far, so good. Especially considering the last verion of the Beta would not talk to my blog at Wordpress. Now, it does. Thanks guys at Ecto for all the hard work. It's a good program and well worth the 20 bucks so give it a try.
Also, I'll be back to more frequent writing here and at other places too pretty soon. It's just taken a bit of time to get back into things. I'm sure you can understand.
Almost Real
Congress passes a law helping to solidify the position of bloggers as “real” journalists. Could be a step in the right direction. Still has to get signed by Mr. Bush but perhaps it will. We’ll see.
Harold Ullrich 1930 - 2007

It's hard, but in the end I guess I'll manage it. What else can you do but try to get on with life even if you don't really want to? After all, life happens even if you're not ready for it. So, may as well try to get ready for it, right?
Or, at the very least, try your best. A wise man once told me "Do the best with what you've got." Good advice.
Take a Number
You know, its sorta funny how life works. Just when things seem to be taking a turn for the better life smacks you in the face so you know who’s in charge. Without going into to much detail, let’s just say that I’m still in the midst of things personal but on the plus side, if there is one, it looks to be a pretty short time now until the hardest part is over.
Although, they say waiting is the hardest part and dammit, whomever said that pretty much had it right. Waiting pretty much sucks but at the moment, that's all I can do. Wait. So, here I am and here I'll stay. I just hope it doesn't take too long -- this much waiting is not good for anyone.
Quick Update and Vacation News
Just in case anyone still comes here let’s just say that I’m almost to the point of returning. As you know, many things have happened lately, including my father being very ill, that have basically turned my life into pale imitation of its former self. Not that what I was doing was so great, just that I had more time to actually do it.
Now, it seems like most of my time is spent dealing with "things" and not my own life. Although, I'm sure there are people in the world with far more going wrong in their lives than me so I will do my best not to bitch. Still, things were going pretty great up until recently and I would really like to get back on that road as soon as possible.
Until then, I will content myself with thoughts of sandy beaches, warmer climes, large bar tabs and a much needed vacation. All of it coming soon courtesy of the impeding nuptials of Tony and Jenn who have graciously decided to have their wedding in the <a href="">Cayman Islands</a>. Naturally, I felt obligated to attend. After all, they are my friends. I couldn't very well let them get married on an exotic Caribbean island without being there to celebrate with them. I felt I owed it to them.
The fact that I benefit as well never entered my mind. To help tide you over until the inevitable deluge of photos from the trip, here's a few of the island taken by someone else besides myself (the groom-to-be actually). Enjoy.
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Reading and Watching
Even though I’m distracted by personal crap lo these several weeks, I’m still trying to find time to read and watch some good stuff – if only to take my mind off of the distracting personal crap.
So, because I know that you care what I read and watch, here's what I'm reading and watching at the moment (well, not right this moment as I am, in fact, writing this but earlier today and over the last week or so).
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Crooked Little Vein</em></a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Warren Ellis</a> -- A really cool and crazy detective thriller novel by a really cool and crazy writer who's work I'm loving more and more as I get into it. Can't wait to see what he does when he takes over <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Astonishing X-Men</em></a> from Joss Whedon. Should be pretty cool (and maybe even a little crazy). Also, if you get the chance, try to check out his comic <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Black Summer</em></a>. Great stuff.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Preacher</em></a> written by <a href="" target="_blank">Garth Ennis</a> with art by <a href="" target="_blank">Steve Dillon</a> -- This is a terrific series I was late getting into. But man, is it good and asks some of those questions about life, the universe and everything that we all wonder about sometimes. Plus, it has God, magic, vampires, sex and lots of blood a gore. All in all, a great time. Ennis is a great writer who's other work, including the excellent <a href="" target="_blank"><em>The Boys</em></a>, is definitely worth a look.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><em>Mad Men</em></a> -- If you haven't checked out AMC's original series about early 60s Madison Avenue advertising execs you don't know what you are missing. Its a great show full of interesting characters, drama, humor and a rather reveling look at how things were in business and between men and women not that long ago.
Take a minute.

Even though I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment, I have to take time to remember that there are a lot of people who have suffered much more than I have and many who continue to suffer today.
I know it may sound cliche' or naive but today, let's try to be a little nicer to each other. Who knows, maybe it will catch on?
Checking In

Well, a lot has happened over the last couple weeks. Most of it not so good but some of it encouraging (at least a little). Without going into too much detail let's just say that I am dealing with some stuff of a very personal nature which has an effect not only on me but on my family as well.
However, things are beginning to look up a bit and perhaps in the next few days they will continue to improve even further. Until then, I won't be posting much here or writing anywhere else either. I know, try to make it through -- tough as it may be.
I do think things may return to some semblance of normalcy in the near future. On that day I will surely be a happy person. Until then, stress is doing not so fun things to me and my physical well-being so after I finish here I'm off to the park for a long, brisk walk.
Oh, in case you're keeping track of stuff like this, Apple released a <a href="">bunch of new iPod variations</a> this week as well as dropping the price of the iPhone by two hundred bucks. Some people were angry about the price drop and so Steve Jobs is now <a href="">going to give</a> an Apple gift certificate to those of us who purchased the iPhone at a higher price.
On the day they were released, I actually purchased two of them. Maybe I'll get two hundred in Apple credit? If so, I wonder if I'll be able to find a way to spend it?
Family Business
At the moment, I am dealing with some rather dire family issues so I won’t be back for a bit. I hope everything ends up getting worked out.
But in the meantime, here's a pretty interesting video from Mr. GTD himself <a href="" target="_blank">Merlin Mann</a> about how to handle your hopelessly clogged email inbox. Give it a look and I'll be back later.
'Planet of the Apes' and LA Locations Fun

A great deal of the film was also shot at the very nice <a href="">UC Irvine</a> Campus as well. The college's buildings have also seen quite a bit of film production over the years, including this <em>Apes</em> film and sequences from other films like <em>Ocean's Eleven</em>, <em>Poltergeist</em> and TVs <em>Arrested Development</em>.
If you ever get to Irvine, or better yet, LA you can go to the mall and see the actual locations used in the film. They are still there and in most cases look pretty much the same. Century City is a pretty popular area where other films like <em>Die Hard</em> and <em>Liar Liar</em> (starring Jim Carrey) were filmed -- which makes sense, especially in the case of <em>Die Hard</em>, as the entire area used to be part of the giant backlot of 20th Century Fox Studios. In fact, the infamous Nakatomi building in the film is actually the Fox Tower.
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But really, you can't go very many places in LA without seeing a place where something was filmed for some movie or TV show. In fact, its hard to drive through the city sometimes without running into some actual filming taking place on the streets, in the buildings or at the swimming pool of your favorite hotel.
You can always tell when you see old and obviouly retired motocycle cops sitting on their motorcycles on the side of the road that you're getting near to some film or TV production. Orange cones are many times a telltale sign as well. Also, look for the big trucks filled with all sorts of equipment and a whole bunch of people mostly standing around waiting to spring into action at a moments notice.
Really, that's what a lot of film and TV production is -- standing around. Well, sometimes, if you're smart and/or important, you actually get to sit. Either way, you end up waiting for the opportunity to do something much of the time. Not that people who work in production don't work very, very, very hard. They do, believe me. I've been there. Its just that you have a lot of downtime and waiting around and then a period of intense activity. Then, its back to waiting again. That's just the nature of the business. Hurry up and wait.
Changes and Some Good Kristen Bell and 'Heroes' News

As you can see, there's been some changes around here. Long story short, I had some trouble with my previous hosting provider (big shock, right?) and have had to move this here blog yet again. Currently, I'm back at good old Wordpress dot com and will remain here for the time being. Sorry about all the moving around but I just can't seem to get a blog to work the way I want it to work and also have it be available when people want to read it.
There was so much downtime at my last host (I won't mention the name) that I just had to move again. You get what you pay for I guess. Anyway, I will attempt to update frequently here and hopefully this will conclude the moving around portion of our program. Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do. Actually, I probably like it much less.
Amidst the chaos of moving and getting things to work right again, there was at least one bit of good news today (at least if you're a fan of <em>Veronica Mars</em> as I am). It looks like <a href="" target="_blank">Kristen Bell</a> will be joining the cast of <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Heroes</em></a> next season. According to <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-style:italic;">Variety</span></a>, Bell will play Elle "a character described as a sexy, mysterious young lady who has ties to the supposed death of Peter, H.R.G.’s past and the future of Claire. Elle will kick off her arc by committing a serious crime, though it’s unclear whether she’s good or bad."
Whatever the reason, character or arc, I'm in. As if I really needed another reason to watch <em>Heroes</em>. Its a great show made even better with the inclusion of Bell. This news isn't quite as good as an announcement of a new season of <em>Veronica Mars</em>, but it'll do.
New Apple Stuff and Other Updates

Apple honcho Steve Jobs announced a bunch of new stuff today. Among the items were new, <a href="">improved iMacs</a> complete with shiny anodized <a href="">aluminum keyboards</a>, <a href="">iLife '08</a>, increased storage and other <a href="">improvements to .Mac</a> (finally) and a <a href="">new iWork suite</a> of applications -- including an "Excel killer" called Numbers. All in all, some pretty interesting new stuff that I can't wait to try out.
I've already ordered iLife '08 and will probably get iWork '08 too -- any chance to use something besides Word is ok with me. I might also go for a new iMac, but probably not right away. They do look cool, though, so it will be hard to hold off for too long. Also, it might be fun to get a new Mac Mini as well, seeing as how his Steveness saw fit to update those today as well. With the recent release of the iPhone and now this stuff, its great to be an Apple user these days.
Also, if you like Apple and you like Podcasts then you're in luck because over at TUAW we're doing another live Talkcast/Podcast about all-things Apple. Its this Thursday, 9:30PM Eastern and I'll be on it along with my esteemed TUAW colleagues <a href="">Scott McNulty</a>, <a href="">David Chartier</a> and <a href="">Mike Rose</a>. We also did one last week as well so check <a href="">that one</a> out too.
For all the details on how to listen to this week's Talkcast and even call in live with your comments and questions, head on over <a href="">here</a>. We like doing these Talkcasts that become Podcasts and they will probably become a regular thing. So, if you have the time, tune in. Finally, I wrote a bit of <a href="">an editorial</a> on my feelings and the state of Comic-Con over at Cinematical.
It should be up tomorrow barring any unforeseen issues like they decide I've written it way too long and gone off on a tirade or something. Me on a tirade or writing something way too long? Not possible.
Portland - The New Hollywood?
I recently did a <a href="">piece</a> for CBR about Portland, its creativity and its thriving comic book scene. I found Portland to be inspirational for many reasons, chief of which is the fact that it just feels like a great place to "get things done." It has many of the big city virtues but still manages to maintain some of the small-town feel and, dare I say it, innocence, so often lacking in other places -- like Los Angeles.
When I was there talking to a great many of the people responsible for putting Portland on the map as a creative town and a town where there are lots of talented people producing some great stuff, I also got a sense that something else was just around the corner. That we hadn't seen everything that was going to happen in Portland and that comics were just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Well, if you take a look at <a href="">this article</a> in <em>Variety</em>, I guess we now have an idea what that something else might be: Hollywood. Hollywood, it seems, is in love with comic books and wants to make as many comic books into movies as possible. In many ways that's a good thing. It gives people who work in comics a chance to see their work on the big screen and potentially puts a lot more money in their pockets. It also opens up these stories to a much greater potential audience who may, after discovering the movie they just enjoyed was based on a graphic novel or comic book, go to their local comic book store to check out a few more. They might even end up purchasing some too.
But I wonder if, in the end, this attention will really be good for comics and Portland. My first clue that all may not be perfect in this new relationship is the title of the <em>Variety</em> article. It's pretty openly condescending to comic book creators, calling them "wannabes." Of course, that may not be an insult to Hollywood people. After all, doesn't everyone want to work in the movies?
From experience I know that Hollywood often has a tendency to find that "next big thing," use it until there's no more left and then move on to the next thing. Unfortunately, that often leaves quite a bit of destruction in its wake. As someone who likes comics, comic book creators, publishers <em>and</em> Portland, I just hope Hollywood doesn't do the same to them when its finished squeezing every penny it can.
I hope Hollywood, in its desperation to save a dying business model, bring people into the theaters and sell lots of DVDs, doesn't end up ruining comics for the rest of us and crushing that last bit of innocence in Portland and comics we could all use a little more of now and again. That would be a shame indeed.
I’m Back

Man, what a week. Going to the Comic-Con is like running a marathon. I'm pretty beat (and beat-up) but I did manage to get quite a bit of stuff written while at the Con, meet some great people and have a good time during those rare moments when I wasn't running around or pushing my way into this panel or that one. If you've got some time on your hands, head on over to Cinematical or Comic Book Resources and check out the Comic-Con coverage. There's a crap load of it.
One of the best things about the Con for me was getting to spend more time with people that I only talk to on the phone or via email. I also get to meet a couple people in person that I've never met before. That was very cool and may lead to other opportunities for me, which is always a good thing. Another major highlight for me was getting the chance to meet and interview one of the head honchos of one of my favorite TV shows of all time: <em>Battlestar Galactica</em>.
I spent some time speaking to Mr. Mark Verheiden, Co-Exec. Producer of <em>Battlestar</em>, about the show, his movie projects and a bunch of other stuff. He was a very nice guy and talked as openly as he could about things. All and all a pleasant experience and one that I would like to repeat again sometime. It was that fun. That interview is up over at CBR now. Right <a href="">here</a>.
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Other than that, there were the obligatory celebrity sightings like Jessica Alba, Robert Downey, Jr. and Ali Larter from the TV show <em>Heroes</em> (who looked smashing, btw). Although, as I live and work in LA and see celebs pretty regularly at my local Starbucks, walking their dogs in the park or eating at local restaurants, that part was less interesting to me than some other things.
If I lived in Minnesota or somewhere like that I would probably be much more excited. Although, seeing Ali Larter and shaking Stan Lee's hand <em>was</em> pretty darn cool. I'll come back later with some more info, but in the meantime go to the other sites cause we need the hits. Thanks.
The Death of the Comic Book Industry and some Comic Con News

This is an <a href=",0,3500070.story?coll=la-opinion-center">interesting piece</a> in LA Times regarding the death of the comic book business and how it might be saved by a move to the web. I don't know for sure if that's right but I <em>do</em> know I really like the feeling of a book in my hands. I don't especially love reading things online. I'll do it but its far more fun to flip the pages and feel the paper when reading a "real" book -- comic or otherwise.
Although, the piece makes some interesting points and I gotta believe the cost of production and distribution would drop quite a bit for comics shown on the web versus those in print form. In the end, economics will probably make the decision for most publishers. If comic books sell in print form and make a profit, we'll still see them sold that way. If not, well then its off to the web we go.
In other (related) news, I will be traveling down to San Diego next week for the madness known as the <a href="">San Diego Comic Con</a>. This year I'll be covering it for <a href="">CBR</a> and also doing some stuff for <a href="">Cinematical</a> as well -- along with my pal Kevin Kelly who is a far more talented writer than I am. So, if you want the latest and greatest news from the Con, check out those two sites next week.
If you happen to be going to the Con, feel free to say hello. Look for me on the show floor, in the various panels or on the CBR boat docked next door at the Marriott marina! Yes, CBR honcho Jonah Weiland got a boat for this years Con. Yes, he's a pretty fun guy.