Merry (insert appropriate holiday here)
hello all. just a quick not to say i wish you the best for this holiday season and an even better 2007. its been a pretty good 2006 for me and mine and except for a few minor setbacks it all went pretty smoothly. i hope it was the same for you and yours. so, if its so great what could i possibly wish for in the new year? well, couple things at least. i would like to do more writing work, see more movies, have more fun and travel more. that last one is something i vow to do every year and don't seem to have time for. so this year, i'm going to devote more energy to it.
on other fronts, at LAist we are doing LA-centric end of the year top-ten lists so please head on over and check them out. so far, mine was the top ten tv shows of the year but i hope to get one more in there before the end of the year. maybe i'll do one about the top ten reasons i prefer the valley to the west side. that might be good. got any suggestions for me? (keep it clean)
at cinematical, most everyone is making their lists of the top things (movies, trailers, posters, etc.) of the year and i'm no exception. some of the comments about my choices are pretty interesting. apparently, i don't care about international cinema at all and only like american movies. plus, someone suggested we are all just tools of our aol masters at cinematical. we sure have an interesting group of readers over there.
lastly, at comic book resources, we've thrown down the year-end roundup of trends in the industry. its a good read, especially if you're a fan of comic books or are just interested in how things work in the biz. look for more parts of this series coming soon.
again, all the best for the new year.
How to make a Spider-Man Costume
Well, it seems I can’t put the video in here so here’s the link instead. Enjoy.
News of the World
First, just to state the obvious, I’m still alive. And now the news:
Microsoft started offering downloads of HD and standard-def content late last week on its XBox 360 console to a mixture of success and problems. The problems now seem to be getting sorted but now they just need more HD content. I don’t really want to wait 2 hours to download episodes of The Nine.
CBR has the latest edition of its weekly talk with writers from the hit NBC show Heroes. Sadly, i didn’t contribute this week but I think I do next week so check back then. In the meantime, enjoy these exclusive insights into the show.
The Spirit Award Nominations were announced this week with Little Miss Sunshine and Half Nelson getting the most noms. Nope, I’m not nominated this year either.
Copying DVDs to your iPod (and other devices – whatever they might be) was rejected by the US Copyright Office. So, no more ripping your store-bought movies or those DVDs you rent from Netflix because that’s officially a no-no. The Copyright Office did have some good news though for you and me – cell phone owners can now take their handsets with them to other providers instead of being locked into one carrier forever. So, one step back and one step forward. I guess you can’t have everything.
You will soon be able to watch videos from YouTube on your cell phone. That is, if you’re a Verizon customer. Great, just what I need – more TV.
If you’ve ever wanted to know where your tax dollars go, this guy has it figured out for you. Interesting. Makes me want to move to Monaco.
If you happen to be in LA (that’s Los Angeles not Louisiana) and are in need of some free Wi-Fi love then this site is for you.
Britney Spears has some trouble keeping it in her pants (Note: This link is definitely NSFW). As they say at the other site: “Oh, the humanity!” I think that pretty much covers it.
Oh, and one more thing. I decided to go a little more green and replaced my SUV with a shiny new Toyota Prius Hybrid. For those keeping score at home its a 2007 model in Magnetic Grey Metallic with Package 5 options (Navigation, iPod Connector, Bluetooth, JBL Stereo etc.).
As I’ve only had the car for a short time, a full-blown analysis is not possible at present. However, on first observation and short use, I have a few notes:
I like the exterior color and interior color very much. That’s it there in the photo.
The car is very quiet except for certain times when the smaller tires and proximity to the ground make it seem a little louder.
I love the way the computer interface is designed including the touch screen for controlling most everything from the AC to the GPS to the Radio.
I don’t love the way the touch screen gets dirty from my fingers after only a few days. Kinda annoying.
The car is pretty roomy inside even for a man of my stature. And, the seats are not as bad as some people said they were. Although, no long trips yet but as I plan on taking the car to San Francisco for Macworld in January, I’ll find out for sure about that.
The backup camera, while somewhat useful, is pretty much unnecessary (at least for me). Plus, the annoying beep that sounds while you are backing up is, well, annoying. Although, I plan on hacking the car to turn that off soon.
That’s it for now. Eventually, I will have more on the car. In the meantime, for all your Prius needs, check out Prius Chat.
What Would Vincent Vega Do?
[…]I find this funny so I thought I would post it here. Other than that, I am currently busting my butt to meet various deadlines and doing exactly what I feared I would do – not post here much. Well, even as I said I hoped to keep up I knew in the back of my mind that I may have been biting off more than I could, well, chew.
Anyway, I will still attempt to post here as much as I can but with all the Cinematical and Comic Book Resources stuff going on, I hardly have time for LAist – let alone this here blog. Still, it would be nice to be able to do what i said I was going to do. I’m trying. I really am.
Until then, enjoy this little bit of video and I hope you get a laugh from it. Oh, one more thing. If you happen to be in San Francisco at MacWorld Expo in January, feel free to say “hello.” I’ll be there checking out all the latest Apple goodness (and maybe even an iPhone). You never know what might happen.
Writing As a Job -- The Update
So, here I sit at my usual spot. No, not that spot, I moved away from there a few weeks ago because it was getting too loud and too crowded. No, I'm at at a new spot now. Anyway, this spot has even more comfy chairs and they keep the music down to a comfortable, non ear-threatening, level. I didn't mind making the change because change is ok sometimes. Especially if it prevents injury or loss of life.
Or, just allows me a slightly quieter place from which to write all of my amazing articles and whatnot for Cinematical and Comic Book Resources. Yes, its true. I've been at Cinematical for a little over two weeks now and haven't been fired yet. Kudos to me. It's interesting working for a big company like Weblogs, Inc. (part of AOL, don't cha know). Being a member of the “family” I am on several internal email lists where I get lots of stuff that I can't talk about. I even get occasional emails from Weblogs honcho Jason Calcanis.
Well, not directly to me but to everyone in the company. But still, its kinda fun. Jason is one of those people who was smart enough to see a need for something (blogs) about a great deal of different subjects and then had the tenacity to see it through. It worked out great for him too because now that AOL is the owner of his company, I think he's worth about a billion dollars or something. Not bad.
I'm not worth a billion dollars but I am worth a million in prizes. Or maybe that was a song I heard on the radio today? Sometimes its hard to tell. Oh, just to be clear and to justify the title of this post -- I am enjoying the daily writing even if many of my posts at Cinematical are of the news variety. I did do a couple of longer pieces which I will link to below for your reading pleasure. I also did a few more longer ones at Comic Book Resources.
At Cinematical I have to do these news posts when starting out to hopefully prove that I am reliable and then be allowed to move on to other more in-depth type of articles. But you do have to learn to walk before you can run and its only been a couple weeks so I will stick with it and hopefully transition into bigger stuff at a later date. It's not really a problem because I actually like doing the news posts and the more I do the more I get paid -- so that's nice too.
A recent CBR story:
Interview with Javier-Grillo Marxuach
And here are the links to my two bigger pieces at Cinematical:
Seven Tips for the Indie Filmmaker
Seven Sci-Fi Films You Should Be Watching
If you do that sort of thing, please feel free to Digg them at Digg or Scape them at Netscape. They are already submitted so your support would be much appreciated. Not that I get any kick backs or anything. it's just nice to help bring traffic to the site you work for. That's all.
Making Money Doing What You Like To Do

Something interesting happened to me while I was writing here. I discovered that what I really want to do is not direct or produce or anything like that, it’s write. As in, writing has become my number one favorite thing to do. It’s odd because when I think about my life it makes perfect sense that writing has taken its place at number one.
Someone pointed out to me the other day that all through my life I didn’t make films just because I wanted to but I was always writing since I was a young. I did it because I liked doing it and not because I had to do it.
It started way back in history when I was in Junior High I think. i wrote a story and when I got it back the teacher had written some comments on it. She said that I had a great imagination and that my story was really very well done, especially for someone my age. She also said that I should seriously think about getting my stories published. Thinking about it now I should have taken those comments more seriously. I might be farther ahead.
In truth, things are going pretty well for me in the writing game. I get to write quite a bit. It’s actually pretty cool. And now I will be doing even more of it and getting paid for it too. What a deal.
Yes, its true. I can now let you in on a little secret. I have been hired to write for Weblogs, Inc. as a contributor to their site Cinematical. It’s a site devoted to movies so I think I should be ok and not run out of things to say. After all, I did make movies for several years. Some of that must have stuck with me. Plus, I am still writing for Comic Book Resources and LAist so I can’t complain. getting paid to do something you like to do is pretty nice.
I know what you’re thinking. Now that I have yet another site I am writing for this site is going to suffer even more from neglect. I can say for certain that won’t be the case. How can I say that? Well, now that I am actually making decent money as a writer I am going to spend more time writing and less time doing anything else. I expect that this will allow me to not only do my work for Cinematical, CBR and LAist but also give me some time to write here.
I will also link to my posts around the web here for all of you (yes you and you) to enjoy. But I really want to try to keep writing here as well. this is the only place where I can do it just for fun without an editor breathing down my neck. Although at Weblogs we have a virtual office so I can’t actually feel anyone breathing but you get the point.
So, to start us off, click here, here and here to see some of my most recent work. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the event I was at last week was a press preview for the new game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (the pic in this post might have given it away). Great game that looks really good on the Xbox 360. I also got to play around with the PS3 and the Nintendo Wii. Very interesting indeed but I think I’ll stick with my Xbox 360.
Ok, that’s it for now but stay tuned because I’ll be right back. You’ll get sick of me yet, promise.
Uwe Boll, EA, XBox 360 and NDA's
Some of you may have noticed that I have changed the look of the site again. Yes, I had some time on my hands recently so I decided to mess around with it. I like the results now and will probably leave it this way for the time being. Really, its not the look of the site that matters all that much. It’s the content. But as I don’t have content that is all that stunning I thought it should at least try to make it look pretty.
In other news, I spent some time today at a certain video game company checking out and playing various video games that I can’t talk about yet. Yes, I had to sign one or two of those NDA things that prevent me from talking about the great (and not so great) stuff I saw today. That’s the way it works. You sign a piece of paper that says you will not talk about things until a certain date. In other words you are “embargoed” from talking about said things. I like that word “embargo”. It sounds interesting.
Suffice to say that the games were really cool (most of them anyway) and as soon as I can talk about them I will. It won’t really be that long so don’t worry. I think the embargo on most of them ends this weekend. See, not that long at all. What I can say about the games is that they were each very interesting in their own ways and some really stood out above the rest. I was particularly excited to see and play one game in particular that I know will be in my game console of choice as soon as it’s available.
Anyway, I won’t keep blathering on about things I can’t talk about. It’s really sort of rude. I’m sorry for getting all your hopes up and then not being able to deliver. So, let’s move on.
In other news of a video game sort that I can talk about:
Uwe Boll is apparently going to be allowed another opportunity to direct a movie. Lucky us.
Duke Nukem on Xbox Live Arcade has been discussed. Cool. I really like playing Galaga on XBLA so this could be fun too.
Over at EA Sports they are perfecting mediocrity, apparently. I like some of EA’s games but some others really kinda suck.
You can run Half Life 2 on a Mac without Windows. Or, you could run it on a Mac using Bootcamp in Windows. Which is what I do. Try it, it’s fun.
And, the kids of “Southpark” get a chance to play a little World of Warcraft. Oh Matt and Trey, you guys kill me. That reminds me, I need to write a review of the “Southpark” Season 8 DVD Box Set.
Oh, and if you are interested in comic books or comic book creators, my latest article is up over at comic book resources. It’s an interview with the guys who do “The Cross Bronx” comic book. The comic is really good. The interview is pretty ok too.
I’ll try not to pull something while patting myself on the back.
Fall TV Wrapup
In the interest of full disclosure I actually wrote this piece for LAist but I think it’s kinda funny so I’m going to put it here as well. Plus, a little comedy after that last post is probably a good idea. Enjoy.
Now that the majority of the new TV season has been paraded out in front of our collective eyeballs, we can make a few somewhat informed predictions as to how these new shows, and returning ones, will fare. Some of the new ones will, of course, do better than others. In the mix there are always one or two that breakout and become hits.
Mostly, however, there are far more that die a quick death on the alter of sacrifice to the TV gods. Plus, there are several returning shows this season that may have true staying power and many others that should know when to quit while they still have a shred of dignity left.
Here then are some of our predictions for the Fall TV season:
New shows that are going to die sooner rather than later:
Happy Hour - Even drunk this show still sucks. Trying to be funny isn’t the same as actually being funny.
‘til Death - Marriage isn’t pretty and this comedy isn’t funny. Time for a divorce.
20 Good Years - John Lithgow and Jeffrey Tambor don’t want to grow up. We sympathize and understand but still, who cares?
Justice - Another legal show from the brain trust that is the Fox Network. Loud, obnoxious and destined for the chair.
New shows that are going to die (most likely this season) but will hang around awhile just to spite us:
Vanished - Bad writing, bad direction, bad acting. Just bad, bad, bad. Vanish already.
Heroes - Really wanted to like it because it tries to do something different. But even Ali Larter’s fantastic and prominently-featured ass won’t be able to save this show from itself. And besides, we already saw this before when it was called “Unbreakable.”
Six Degrees - Not interested in the characters or their problems. Even the photographer who hasn’t worked in years still looks liked he stepped out of a fashion magazine. Whatever.
Smith - When the main character is the least interesting of the bunch you have a problem. Make the show about Mrs. Smith and her torrid affair with Amy Smart’s character while they do crimes and you might have something. Until then, no thanks.
Jericho - How can a show with Skeet Ulrich and Major Dad be bad? Trust us, it can. The only thing that might have saved this show was the super hot Ashley Scott and she’s headed out of town at the end of the pilot. Too bad. Did we mention that she’s super hot? Just wanted to make that clear.
Returning shows that have outlived their usefulness already and/or “jumped the shark” this season and should be put out of their misery:
Bones - Not even Dr. Brennan’s brains and beauty can save this show from turning into a rotting corpse. The cast is fun to look at but they need to do something else to keep the show going. Something interesting instead of doing basically the same show every week. Find the corpse, identify the corpse, reconstruct the corpse’s face, flirt with the FBI agent but never consummate then solve the case with a touch of righteous indignation. It started out promising last season but has clearly lost it’s way.
ER - Is there anyone who understands why this show is still on the air? Seriously, we’re really asking? Should have been put out of its misery long, long ago. Right around the time George Clooney left to do movies.
Desperate Housewives - We love a good soap opera but seriously, how much bad shit can happen in one neighborhood before people start to move? Rent the u-haul its time to get the hell out. There’s a sign on the front lawn and that sign says “crap”.
Grey’s Anatomy - The problem with an ensemble show where the cast is all getting famous is that they all need screen time and they all need some big crisis every week. That’s just too many crises to deal with. Plus, in the season premiere they use the old “patient has the plague so the two doctors who are both in love with the same woman are stuck together in quarantine so they have to explore their feelings about each other” plot. Come on, ER did that in season five and it was lame then. And really, why they’re fighting over Dr. Grey is beyond us. She’s a drunken slut. Move on.
Crossing Jordan - Someone who works on this show must have photos of Jeff Zucker with farm animals or something. That’s the only thing that explains this show still being around. Cross Jordan off the list, we beg you.
How I Met Your Mother - See above about trying to be funny not being the same thing as being funny. And trust us, having a laugh track doesn’t really help. Mother, meet the door. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
Ghost Whisperer - Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cleavage talks to ghosts. No wonder they keep coming back. We would. And who deosn’t love a girl that eats at Taco Bell and Sizzler in real life (its true, we’ve seen her)? We love Love but this show has to go. Give her something else to do and we might watch. Until then, this show is a ghost to us.
And last but not least, new or returning shows that will stick around and entertain us at least until they start to suck and/or annoy:
The Office - Still funny this year without trying to be. What a comedy should be.
My Name is Earl - Much like “The Office” in quality and disarming charm. Comedy from situations and characters. Not a situation comedy. There is a difference.
Men in Trees - Funny, cute and with a heart in the right place. We love that blonde, crazy, ex-lesbian. She has spunk and spunk is good.
Numb3rs - Like the smart kid in class that you wanted to beat up only this time, what he’s saying is so interesting you actually pay attention. And who knew you would really use math in the future like your teacher said you would? We though they were full of crap for sure.
The Unit - David Mamet meets “The Shield.” Sign us up for another tour. Plus, President Palmer kicks serious ass. The rest of the cast is good too, especially Robert Patrick as the unit’s boss and Abby Brammell as the wife of a unit member he’s having an affair with.
Plus, the show is called “The Unit”. Get it? “The Unit”. Nevermind. Testosterone-fueled men with machine guns who blow shit up is good fun. Embrace it and learn to love it.
Shark - Even though it’s clearly “House” with lawyers (we can hear the pitch meeting now) we like James Woods. Can’t help it. Plus, having Jeri Ryan in the show is not a bad idea either. Although it didn’t help “Boston Public” much. But really, nothing could have helped that steaming pile of “art” so we can’t really blame Jeri now can we?
We might be a little biased about Jeri, though, due to spending some time with her back in the day when she was a struggling actress working on a small movie. She’s a hoot and a pretty good pool player too. Where’s that five bucks you owe us Jeri?
The Nine - Interesting premise. Interesting characters and a cliffhanger that makes us want to come back to see what happens. All you can hope for from a new show. At least all the “Party of Five” alumni seem to be getting work now. Maybe Lacey Chabert will show up on “Lost” this season and get into a mud-soaked tussle with Evangiline Lilly’s character over Jack just to make things interesting? It could happen.
America’s Next Top Model - Don’t say a word. This show manages to be funny, poignant and highly entertaining all without really trying. Call this our one guilty pleasure. Plus, hello, hot models.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Even though Aaron Sorkin is clearly “influenced” by many other great writers of the past, he is still one of the most consistently intelligent and interesting creative forces working in TV today. He may be preachy and self-righteous sometimes but whatever he has to say, we’re listening. Plus, we love that Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet.
Some of the male cast members are ok too. We like that Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford. They’re just fine. Also, kudos to Timothy Busfield and Evan Handler for staying on and getting on the Arron Sorkin express, respectively. They’re good and they deserve the work. Sadly, some of the other cast members aren’t quite up to the job just yet. Yes Hughley, we’re talking about you.

Finally, let’s keep in mind two of the very best shows on TV that have not had their official premieres yet this season but will most certainly still be on the air for years and years to come. If you are not watching these shows, you don’t know what you are missing. Get with it. We’re talking about, of course, these:
Veronica Mars - Funny, intelligent, scary and many other positive adjectives that don’t really do it justice. This show manages to walk the line between teen drama and noir thriller with equal facility for both genres. Kristen Bell is great as is the rest of the cast, particularly her father, played by Enrico Colotoni. We guess Exec. Producer Joel Silver isn’t such a dumbass after all, inspite of the “Matrix” sequels and a little movie called “Fair Game.”
Battlestar Galactica - This is the best show on TV that you’re not watching (unless you are in which case, kudos). We know, its sci-fi and that scares you. We know that the original ‘Battlestar“ left something to be desired in the quality department (but we loved it anyway). We also know that if you watch the show you’ll be hooked. Time Magazine can’t be wrong (at least about this) so give it a try and follow Exec. Producer Ron Moore’s plan. He won’t let us down.
That’s it for now. If LAist were one to bet we’d put our money down that our predictions are spot on. Anyone wanna take that action? Not that we advocate gambling. But if we did, we’d break the bank for sure.
Looking Inward and Some Cool Comic News
First, a little business. As some of you may know I have started writing more for other people at other sites. And, not only that, I have started writing a weekly Mac column at LAist called “Ask the MACist”. Plus, various other articles for various other places. Consequently, this particular blog has suffered from lack of attention. I have no excuse other than writing every day when people actually expect you to deliver on a deadline or they won't pay you is harder than I thought. Not harder because I can't do it but harder because of the expectations of others.
It's been some time since I had to write in more of a journalistic style or do more feature-type articles. Normally, I just ramble on here for a few paragraphs and call it a day. Writing here and in the first person seems somehow easier or something. Or, its probably more that writing here, while very important to me, doesn't carry with it the added pressure of readership or pay. When you throw readership and money into the mix, people expect results.
They expect you to be really good and for people to not only read what you write but to actually like it or at least, in some way, react to it. If your work brings new readers and keeps them coming back because they, for some reason, like what you say and how you say it, that is a huge added bonus (for them but not necessarily for you as then you have to try to be even better next time to continue the trend).
At this site, I am my own boss and basically write here because I have a compulsion to do so, not because I expect anyone to read, understand or care. Writing is really some kind of sickness that drives people to do it all the time or they will explode. I have to write because I have to get this stuff out of me. So, in that way and by writing here, I am less burdened by the pressure to be entertaining or even good. That is not to say that I don't care. I do. But there is a certain thing that happens to people, at least to me, when someone is expecting you to perform in order to get paid. For me, it becomes more work and I tend to be far more critical of what I write in those circumstances than I am for things here.
I want things to be good here and I want people to read this and like it or hate it or ion some way react, but don't expect them to. But I can't say for sure if anyone is even reading this stuff. So, there is less pressure to be good or entertaining. Perhaps I'm just lazy at heart and only care if I'm getting paid to care. In some ways that might make me a whore except that in most cases, if not all, the whore is only pretending to care and doesn't actually, really, give a crap. That's the difference, I guess. In this case, I'm the whore with a heart of gold and I care. Really. Now give me fifty bucks. Don't look at me, I earned it!
You have to love a place where the author refers to themselves as a whore. But really, when I think about it more, I have been a whore many times in my life. For example, almost every time I ever did a movie or a music video or a commercial that I didn't believe in. I only did it for the money in those cases but also in those cases I did care about how it all turned out. I wanted the results to be good and worked very hard to make sure that they were. it didn't always work out but it wasn't because I didn't care or didn't try, there were other factors that influenced the outcome. It wasn't me. I was in there swinging for the fences but the fences kept getting moved farther and farther away.
What does any of this mean to you? Well friends (yes you, you and you) here's where I pull it all together. In your life, it's ok to not be great sometimes and its even ok to fail once in awhile. As long as you can go home knowing that you tried to do your best, you're still a winner. And, its ok to be a whore too sometimes. We are all like that once in awhile. You haven't sold out as long as you keep fighting for quality. If you ever stop fighting to make things better, even when nobody else gives a crap, then its over and you are just a whore who's faking it. And faking it is not good. Unless you're the President of the United States. In that case, its all good.
On another front, somebody put together a list of the best comic book covers of 2006.I think that's kinda cool. I know the year isn't over yet but what the hell. Check it out here. Plus, I thought the picture was somewhat appropriate to the above diatribe. That's it. Stay classy San Diego (or LA or New York or London or wherever you are).
Ask the MACist
My latest column is here. So much writing to do so little time. I’m gonna have to link here occasionally but i will try to update as well. But for now . . .
Soon I will relate the story of why I decided to go back to my 12“ Powerbook and not keep using my 13” Intel MacBook. Until then.
Blackberry Blogging (again)
Its fun and so good for you. Well, not really but it could be. Just testing something. Sorry to bother. More and better soon.
I know, I know, how could it get much better than this?
Five years.
Five years? Damn, five years seems like a long time. It isn't really. I only wish I could feel better about things like how our government is handling our safety. But from where I sit it seems like we are less safe than we were before.
I'll feel better when our current President is out of office. Perhaps then we can have a leader that builds alliances instead of tearing them down, puts his people's welfare in front of his own fundamentalist agenda and generally tries to ensure that what happened five years ago does not happen again. Ever.
It's a very important goal and one that I hope our next President takes to heart. I wonder, though, with the current crop of Democrats, who that might be. Kerry? Gore? Clinton? Who knows. Whoever it is, I hope they are prepared to learn from the past so they are not doomed to repeat it. Smart person, whoever said that. Can't remember. Maybe it was me.
I was remembering where I was five years ago today as many people are, I'm sure. I was in bed when we got the first phone call telling us to turn on the TV and that we had been attacked. Attacked? What does that mean? So, I crawled out of bed, went into the living room and turned on the TV. I didn't get up again for at least twelve hours.
Everyone knows the images of that day and everyone should remember them. I know I will never forget.
If you want more about today, go here, here, here or here.
Also, here's writer Cory Doctorow's first post from the morning five years ago. Even now, it was hard for me to read it. I didn't blog back then. Don't know if I would have been able to anyway.
To brighten things up a bit and get a little humor, try this. Although, this one may make you angry more than it makes you laugh. I had both reactions. I will say that the laughter helps you get through the anger so try it, it may help you. It did for me.
At least for a little while.
Ask the MACist
Just in case you don’t get enough Chris in your day I am now writing a weekly Mac help column for LAist called “Ask the MACist”. Today is the first one so please take a minute and check it out.
And, if you have any Mac or Mac-related questions, feel free to send them in. Maybe I will be able to answer one for you and as an added bonus, you can see your name in print! What could be better than that?
Nice weekend all.
Dress like a Mac
Now this is useful. Go here for the full scoop. Now, I’m off to get me some cool Mac threads!

Format Wars - HD DVD and Other Stuff
Over at LAist I have posted a rather good (IMHO) article about the HD DVD format wars. So, as I don’t have anything cool or witty to say here, how about just going over to LAist and reading the article? That would be great, thanks.
Here it is.
Or, if you insist, here are a few other great things to read. One, written by me and others, written by some equally intelligent and fantastic people.
Flickr cross posting and fake vegas
there's this thing you can do with flickr that allows you to cross-post to your blog when you upload photos to your flickr account. i'm going to try to do that from time to time (or more often if i have nothing to say) just to see how it works and also because its fun. yay!
on another note, i really wish i had gone to sunset junction (even though zach had some issues with it) instead of the rather lame vegas in la thing last night. even with vip treatment (thanks leah) it was still mostly a lot of wine that wasn't very good and food that was either bland or had run out by the time we got to it. although, the very nice (and very attractive) ladies at the pizza rustica booth were kind enough to give me a coupon to visit the restaurant and eat for free because they had run out of food. classy.
plus, as much as a gambled with the fake money they gave us (vegas, remember), i couldn't loose it. we finally had to give it away to the chief from border grill just so we could leave. i hope he enjoyed it. i wish my luck was that good in real vegas but no . . . only in fake vegas in santa monica do i win so much money i have to give it away.
oh well could be worse i guess. at least some of the desserts were good. especially the little coconut cream pies from luna park. they were yummy.
enjoy the rest of the weekend.