Another Flock Post - featuring news of the internets!

I find it interesting using the new browser called flock. So easy to get it going and to blog about something you see on the internet. Its almost like instant gratification (almost). Anyway, here’s some of the stuff going on around the internets today:
Phone companies may soon try to block those free calls you are making via skype. What, do they want to keep their monopoly going or something?
The sci-fi channel has renewed “stargate:sg-1” and “stargate:atlantis” for another year. this makes “stargate:sg-1” the longest running sci-fi show in history, beating out the “x-files”. Also, sci-fi i expected to renew “battlestar galactica” for a third season as well. After all, bsg is the highest rated show on the sci-fi channel and critically acclaimed so it would make sense to renew it. Not that TV execs always do things that make sense. How does one explain “everybody loves raymond” staying on the air for so long?
And, laser etching for your powerbook and ipod (hence the pic above). This is pretty cool. Now if only i could be away from my precious powerbook or ipod for the time it takes to get it laser etched. What?
Also, over at TUAW, they have a video of someone who was able to get Apple’s new software Front Row to run on his Mac Mini even though it is only “officially” supported on the new iMac G5. That didn’t take long. Come on Apple, take a hint and let it run on all of your computers. I think they will soon enough.
finally, an article about one of my favorite subjects, nanotech, talks about the state of the technology and where it might go. good read. we now return you to whatever it is you were doing before (gaming, porn, both?).
joining the flock
just testing flock, a new web browser that has integrated blogging tools, rss tools and a bunch of other stuff. its still an early beta and so, not for all. but you know me, i like to live on the edge.
just wanted to show this

something for the weekend. and something for the new video ipod you just got. have fun!
Apple does it again

well, i guess apple really likes press “events” because they had another today announcing even more stuff. what, you may ask? well, updated powerbooks (15" and 17") as well as new powermac g5’s with up to four processors (yes, you heard it). well, its really two actual chips but they have dual cores so that’s like four (more or less).
also, they announced something that i had been anticipating: a “pro” level photo manipulation app like photoshop called “aperture”. not exactly like photoshop, more like iphoto for pros. it has quite a few features that photoshop has but does them a little differently. all in all, its not an exact replacement for photoshop so maybe that’s why adobe doesn’t seem to be angry about it (at least not yet). it comes out in a few weeks but i am trying to get my hands on it sooner to check it out.
i have also been fooling around with the new ipod (the one with video and in black, of course) and have been putting my own video on it as well as a few shows i purchased from the itunes store. after only working with it for a few hours, i can say that the screen is better than i thought and that watching a tv show for only 40 minutes or so wasn’t that bad. the worst part was holding the ipod and looking down at it for so long. my neck started to get stiff.
sure, “Lost” looks much better on my big TV in all of its High Def glory but i can’t fit my TV in my pocket so one has to make some allowances. battery life seemed to be ok as well. i made it through at least on show and still had over half the battery left. no bad. i don’t have any long plane trips planned in the near future so i won’t be able to test the battery life to its fullest but i will try and see what happens.
as for the rest of my life, working as always. business is good. have a few other “entertainment related” projects that look to come to fruition so that could be fun. it might be nice to make a movie again. or, it could be a huge pain in the ass. really, it will probably be both.
Again, Black iPod is the new black.

mmmmmm . . . black ipod video. today, apple announced a bunch of new stuff. video ipods, new imac with built-in camera and itunes 6.0 with video and television shows that you can buy. pretty cool stuff.
sadly, no updates to the powerbooks or to any of the other pro machines. i guess they really might be waiting and will only be shipping intel powermacs and powerbooks. although, the year isn’t over yet.
i bet they sell a ton of video ipods today.
Blackberry is the new Black
as many of you may know, i have been using the palm treo650 for a few months now as my primary cell phone/pda/etc. device. however, a few weeks ago, i decided that i had had enough of the treo 650’s “quirks” and switched to the blackberry 7100t directly from t-mobile.
i know what you are thinking. am i not the one who talked smack against locked devices tied to one carrier? did i not spent extra money and get the unlocked treo 650 to avoid this exact trap? the answer is, of course, yes. as i have used the treo these last months i have come to realize that its a great device that does many things but none of them particularly well. plus, i have decided that despite some spotty coverage in LA, t-mobile has been a good company to work with and i don’t mind giving them my money (at least for one more year).
one of its major weaknesses of the treo 650 is the phone. i have come to realize that the phone part of a device like this is one of the most important parts. i need the phone to work and work as much of the time as possible. i understand network dead spots and all that and i can live with it. what i can’t live with is a device that after losing connection with the cell network, needs to be completely reset before it will send or receive calls again. this doesn’t happen all the time with the treo 650, but it does happen enough so that it became quite annoying.
the blackberry, in contrast, does not have this problem. it works well as a phone and gets reception in places i never had a signal with the treo 650, even with its external antenna. so, kudos to the blackberry on this score. also, if i am ever in a place with minimal or no reception (which happens very frequently here in LA) the blackberry doesn’t freak out and need to be reset. it simply waits until it has a signal again and then goes about its business without complaint. i like that in a device. i want to be able to use the device for what it is intended to be used for and not have the device get in the way or hinder that use. that’s a major reason i use a mac instead of a windows pc.
plus, the email functionality on the treo 650 is marginal at best. in order to improve it, i ended up having to install a third-part application called snappermail and not use the included versamail application (which sucks big time). now that i have been using the blackberry for a couple of weeks, i know what all the fuss is about. if someone sends me an email, the email comes to the blackberry. i don’t have to launch an application and call for the email and download it to the blackberry like i do with the treo. it simply is “pushed” out to my blackberry when it is sent and i have it. that’s a great feature that i didn’t know i wanted until i had it. now, i will never go back.
there are many other ways in which the treo falls short of what it was intended to do. it’s a great idea for a device that was poorly realized. the palm os simply isn’t robust enough to handle the demands put on it by a device like the treo 650. palm feels this way as well, i think, or they would not be putting out a windows mobile version of the treo and perhaps a linux powered one as well. i, of course, would love to see an osx mobile smartphone/pda/ipod but i won’t hold my breath for that one. although, it could happen. and i would be right in line to get one.
so, anybody wanna buy a slightly used unlocked treo 650?
Mac Mini PVR fun and more!

great article on how to use your Mac Mini (mac mini not included) as a TiVo style device. of course, i still prefer tivo but this is pretty cool anyway. plus, and i don’t really want to talk politics right now, tom delay gets in trouble again. innocent until proven guilty but it does make you think. and its even in texas. that’s gotta sting.
and where will google go next? free wifi in san francisco and beyond? new set of microsoft office-like software? space? who knows but these guys sure know how to stir the speculation pot. they are almost as good at it as steve jobs. almost.
lastly, my work schedule seems to be getting a little better so i hope to be putting fingers to keys more often again. i like doing this and hopefully can with regularity. thanks for your patience and readership. its appreciated.
Vending Machine Fun

i thought this and this are pretty funny and interesting. also, it reminded me of how different a place like japan is and also, how much the same. plus, just a little note to say that i am buried under a ton of work these last few weeks so posting is going to be light (yes, again).
i will make every effort to finish up the boring work part so i can get back to the fun part. if only i didn’t need money to keep buying electronic things, i could just move to an island and open a bar. i think that would be a fun thing to do. although, would you get bored in paradise also? i would like to find out someday.
Jobs: RIAA “greedy”, music pirates will “burn in hell” and other nice things
yes, steve says all that right here. and in other news from around the internets:
apple released an update to itunes 5.0 which will supposedly fix the problems created by itunes 5.0.
apple also upgraded the .mac service to include, among other things, 1GB of combined storage for mail and idisk (not enough for the money even though i have two.mac accounts. i know) new, improved backup 3.0, and something i don’t quite understand yet, the ability to create groups in homepage. i guess that will come in handy later. yawn.
apple will begin shipping intel based macs in june of 2006. i’ll be clearing a space on my american express card just for that day. should be interesting. now, if i only had space on my desk or even in my office for another computer then we would have something. or, if we had a wheelbarrow, that would be something too.
and for you brains reading this, here’s a list of the “100 greatest theorems”. go nuts.
Jobs: RIAA "greedy", music pirates will "burn in hell" and other nice things
yes, steve says all that right here. and in other news from around the internets:
apple released an update to itunes 5.0 which will supposedly fix the problems created by itunes 5.0.
apple also upgraded the .mac service to include, among other things, 1GB of combined storage for mail and idisk (not enough for the money even though i have two.mac accounts. i know) new, improved backup 3.0, and something i don’t quite understand yet, the ability to create groups in homepage. i guess that will come in handy later. yawn.
apple will begin shipping intel based macs in june of 2006. i’ll be clearing a space on my american express card just for that day. should be interesting. now, if i only had space on my desk or even in my office for another computer then we would have something. or, if we had a wheelbarrow, that would be something too.
and for you brains reading this, here’s a list of the “100 greatest theorems”. go nuts.
Guest Post By Michael Moore
To All My Fellow Americans Who Voted for George W. Bush:
On this, the fourth anniversary of 9/11, I’m just curious, how does it feel?
How does it feel to know that the man you elected to lead us after we were attacked went ahead and put a guy in charge of FEMA whose main qualification was that he ran horse shows?
That’s right. Horse shows.
I really want to know – and I ask you this in all sincerity and with all due respect – how do you feel about the utter contempt Mr. Bush has shown for your safety? C’mon, give me just a moment of honesty. Don’t start ranting on about how this disaster in New Orleans was the fault of one of the poorest cities in America. Put aside your hatred of Democrats and liberals and anyone with the last name of Clinton. Just look me in the eye and tell me our President did the right thing after 9/11 by naming a horse show runner as the top man to protect us in case of an emergency or catastrophe.
I want you to put aside your self-affixed label of Republican/conservative/born-again/capitalist/ditto-head/right-winger and just talk to me as an American, on the common ground we both call America.
Are we safer now than before 9/11? When you learn that behind the horse show runner, the #2 and #3 men in charge of emergency preparedness have zero experience in emergency preparedness, do you think we are safer?
When you look at Michael Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security, a man with little experience in national security, do you feel secure?
When men who never served in the military and have never seen young men die in battle send our young people off to war, do you think they know how to conduct a war? Do they know what it means to have your legs blown off for a threat that was never there?
Do you really believe that turning over important government services to private corporations has resulted in better services for the people?
Why do you hate our federal government so much? You have voted for politicians for the past 25 years whose main goal has been to de-fund the federal government. Do you think that cutting federal programs like FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers has been good or bad for America? GOOD OR BAD?
With the nation’s debt at an all-time high, do you think tax cuts for the rich are still a good idea? Will you give yours back so hundreds of thousands of homeless in New Orleans can have a home?
Do you believe in Jesus? Really? Didn’t he say that we would be judged by how we treat the least among us? Hurricane Katrina came in and blew off the facade that we were a nation with liberty and justice for all. The wind howled and the water rose and what was revealed was that the poor in America shall be left to suffer and die while the President of the United States fiddles and tells them to eat cake.
That’s not a joke. The day the hurricane hit and the levees broke, Mr. Bush, John McCain and their rich pals were stuffing themselves with cake. A full day after the levees broke (the same levees whose repair funding he had cut), Mr. Bush was playing a guitar some country singer gave him. All this while New Orleans sank under water.
It would take ANOTHER day before the President would do a flyover in his jumbo jet, peeking out the widow at the misery 2500 feet below him as he flew back to his second home in DC. It would then be TWO MORE DAYS before a trickle of federal aid and troops would arrive. This was no seven minutes in a sitting trance while children read “My Pet Goat” to him. This was FOUR DAYS of doing nothing other than saying “Brownie (FEMA director Michael Brown), you’re doing a heck of a job!”
My Republican friends, does it bother you that we are the laughing stock of the world?
And on this sacred day of remembrance, do you think we honor or shame those who died on 9/11/01? If we learned nothing and find ourselves today every bit as vulnerable and unprepared as we were on that bright sunny morning, then did the 3,000 die in vain?
Our vulnerability is not just about dealing with terrorists or natural disasters. We are vulnerable and unsafe because we allow one in eight Americans to live in horrible poverty. We accept an education system where one in six children never graduate and most of those who do can’t string a coherent sentence together. The middle class can’t pay the mortgage or the hospital bills and 45 million have no health coverage whatsoever.
Are we safe? Do you really feel safe? You can only move so far out and build so many gated communities before the fruit of what you’ve sown will be crashing through your walls and demanding retribution. Do you really want to wait until that happens? Or is it your hope that if they are left alone long enough to soil themselves and shoot themselves and drown in the filth that fills the street that maybe the problem will somehow go away?
I know you know better. You gave the country and the world a man who wasn’t up for the job and all he does is hire people who aren’t up for the job. You did this to us, to the world, to the people of New Orleans. Please fix it. Bush is yours. And you know, for our peace and safety and security, this has to be fixed. What do you propose?
I have an idea, and it isn’t a horse show.
Yours, Michael Moore
I could not have said it better myself. I may not always agree with Mr. Moore but sometimes, he gets it right on the money.
Take care all.
More on New Orleans and Katrina
if this is how the most powerful country in the world treats its citizens, we are in deep trouble. there are many people out in the world who are criticizing the government, FEMA, George Bush and anyone associated with the aftermath of Katrina. they will probably express my anger and amazement far better than i can. an article like this does a pretty good job to start.
let me just say this. a government owes its citizens a few basic things. we elect people who are supposed to run our government and provide for those basic things. i firmly believe that one of those basic things is to protect its citizens. when a hurricane destroys a city and the people of that city have to wait days for even the most basic needs of food and water and some who can’t wait end up dying from dehydration or starvation, the government has failed on a massive level.
the people who were elected to run our country have proven once again they do not have an effective plan to manage a crisis. if they can’t handle something as basic as giving water and food to people who need it in an emergency, how can we expect them to be able to manage a war or a “war on terror”. simply put, they can’t.
i am not going to put the blame completely at the doorstep of the white house and the President but surely, some of it should go there. if you cut millions from the army corps of engineers so that the corps cannot complete the levy system, you have a problem. and as we know, the levy system failed in a big way. even if,as some are saying, the funding cuts were not directly responsible, because you can’t now for sure what would have happened, only what did happen, it still looks bad and someone should be accountable for it.
although, the depth and breadth of the incompetence and blame can be spread around to many other people including the director or FEMA, who has actually never had a job even remotely close to the one he has now and was, in fact, asked to resign his last job for incompetence. i also fault the state and local governments of Louisiana for not doing enough. if you tell people to evacuate to a certain location, try having some food and water there for them. make a plan and work the plan. its not really that hard to figure out.
if you live in New Orleans and surrounding areas, you know where you live. you also know that something like this could happen. so, if you know these facts and make a disaster plan which involves directing people to evacuate to a place such as the Superdome, try having some provisions and facilities for people when they get there. you had a day in advance to at least have some sort of provisions for these people and what happened? nothing. only further suffering that could have been mitigated if someone in charge would have had a plan or a clue.
i really didn’t want this to be a rant against the government or against anyone, really. i just expect a few things as a citizen of this great country. i did not vote for George Bush but it doesn’t make me feel any better. the people in New Orleans needed the help and leadership of the people that they trusted to be in charge. the people they trusted let them down. i really hope we learn something from all of this so that the people who died while waiting for food and water didn’t die for nothing.
sadly, it seems our government will not learn anything and they keep having a problem accepting blame for anything or even admitting that something actually is wrong at all. blaming the locals or saying that no one could have predicted a disaster like this is complete bull. man, the balls on these people. i’m sure the President will keep telling everyone that they are doing a great job and defend the director of FEMA forever. in fact, i wonder how long it will be until the President gives William Brown a Medal of Freedom?
Bad day on bourbon street and Apple news
all i can say about this is i’m glad i’ve been to New Orleans so many times and have experienced that great city and its people. because, New Orleans is no more thanks to Hurricane Katrina. at least the one that i knew and loved. of course, i also feel bad for the people that were hurt and killed and happy that the death toll isn’t higher.
it could have been worse, i guess. now, of course, there is looting, people shooting each other and all the other things that come out during a time like this. most will rise to the occasion and try to help. some will see this as an opportunity and exploit it. i feel sorry for the ones that are going to exploit it. they must have very empty lives. or maybe they are just assholes.
it sort of seems strange to talk about other things going on around the internet but what the hell. here goes:
first, some related stuff. the New Orleans version of Craigslist is being used to help Katrina victims reunite with family and friends. if you know something about someone who is there or want to find out something, it might be a good place to go.
over at yahoo, they have a slide show of Katrina images. some are hard to look at.
apple is preparing some stuff for the devoted mac user (myself included) that should arrive, or at least be announced shortly. among the new items is a major update to the .mac service featuring the new, improved backup 3.0 and exclusive dashboard widgets just for .mac people (try to control yourself).
if they can fix all the problems with isync and get my stuff to sync correctly, i would be really happy. really, that’s all they would have to do. i don’t need new backup software. just make isync work like it used to before you “improved” it.
also, apple is expected to announce the long-rumored iTunes phone the week of september 7th. they have even given out invites to a “special media event” at the moscone center in san francisco to show off whatever they are going to show off. could be interesting. or maybe it could even be a video ipod. after all, they do let you download music videos at the itunes music store. september 7th is right around the corner.
i for one, can’t wait to see what’s next.
distracted and in some pain
not only did i recently get a big new TV so naturally i have to watch shows that i would not normally watch, like any of the CSI shows, because they are in High Def but i have also started to, it seems, suffer from some sort of carpal tunnel or repetitive stress disorder. in other words, when i use the computer, more specifically the mouse, for even a short time, i get a tingling in my right hand and pain in my right elbow and even more annoying, a pain in my shoulder and neck.
so that is some sort of explanation for the longer duration between posts here. its not that i don’t love doing this or really appreciate the readers who keep coming back and read this, its just that i have this new big TV and more importantly, it kinda hurts to get on the computer. so, i got that going for me, which is nice. however, i am here now and my neck does hurt and my hand is tingling but i say what he hell, you guys deserve an update or at least some sort of effort on my part. just had to move the mouse just then and its so odd, it hurt my neck to move it. this is not good.
its especially not good in that i make a large part of my living sitting in front of a computer. not always mine but other people’s. if i could not do it, i would not only suffer physically but financially as well. this has been going on for about a week or so and i thought it would go away. unfortunately, no such luck. so, i guess a trip to the doctor is in order. although, i am not looking forward to it as we recently changed insurance and the doctor that i really like is now not included in our plan. so, we need to find a new doctor.
i don’t know about you but i really don’t like doctors all that much. it took a long time to find one that i not only like but trust is making the right decisions. (let’s not get started on my control issues right now, thanks) so, finding a new one might not be so easy. i really think that the insurance industry in this country has its head up its ass for the most part. isn’t a large part of maintaining patient health associated with believing in your doctor and their ability? it is for me. i only hope we can find someone who we like and isn’t a total lame ass who just follows what the insurance company says is the right thing to do.
with our previous doctor, i really felt like she had our best interest in mind and didn’t really think about what was best for the insurance company or anything like that. it was a great feeling. i really felt like they cared. maybe its lame but it meant something to me. now, who knows what’s going to happen. i didn’t meant this to turn into a rant against insurance companies or anything but it sure seems like the system has some real problems. at least we don’t live in Canada.
ok, now to salvage this post and talk about a little news and stuff around the internets (as i sometimes like to do):
see the innards of the new XBox360! try to control your excitement.
the dualphone for skype is finally available in the good old USA. make calls over the internet for free using this phone and the skype service. you can even call me if you want. although, i probably won’t answer.
and, sadly, one of my favorite places could be under water shortly as Katrina prepares to kick the shit out of New Orleans. i hope the gumbo shop and jaques-imo’s are going to be ok. those places rock. if you ever get to New Orleans, try them. you won’t be sorry.
big Sony televisions, DirectTV high-def video and other cool stuff
lots of cool things happening around my place in the last few days. we are making the transition to HD so that required a new television and a switch to DirectTV in order to get HD programming and a TiVo that will record HD. our old and trusty Sony TV gave it up a week or so ago and so the hunt for a replacement was on.
i looked at various models, features and kinds. i was trying to stay under 2K as i think that’s enough to spend on a TV, even if we do watch a lot of it. we settled on another Sony and are looking forward to the delivery on Tuesday. so, that’s the first part done. need an HD TV. check.
next, due to the good folks at Adelphia not being able to offer HD cable in our area as of yet, we are forced to abandon them and move to DirectTV. actually, its not that big of a deal as DirectTV is the only one that offers a DVR with TiVo anyway and we have to have TiVo so that’s a no-brainer. i would rather give my five bucks a month to a company i like instead of a company that kinda sucks like Adelphia.
so, now we have a DirectTV HD DVR with Tivo to hook up to the dish that DirectTV will be sending with an installer next Monday. i will have to use the TV for almost a week with only standard def programming (sad for me). although, i should be able to get over the air HD in the interim as our building has an antenna on the roof. so that’s cool. either way, i can wait a week to get this all finished. then, i can cancel Adelphia. i can’t wait to make that call.
of course, any good HD TV needs a progressive scan DVD player to go with it so we needed to get one of those also. again, a Sony was the call. good reviews at and a price that’s pretty darn low made this a winner. it should arrive in a day or so and then we can really see what one of those Superbit DVD’s can do. more on this later.
as the whole process moves along, i will report back in and also post some reviews of the various parts of this HD puzzle like the TV and the DirectTV Tivo. plus, does the Superbit DVD process really make things look better and is it worth not having any extras on the disk? i’ll get into that also.
Interesting stuff (at least to me) from around the internets
first off, the fine folks at the RIAA are now, it seems, going to be going after you in your homes for making you own cd’s from music you already purchased. so, if you rip a cd that you own and then burn it or make some kind of compilation cd from songs you already own, they feel you are a threat to their business.
is it just me or do the record companies seem to be desperately trying to cling to a business model that seems destined to fail. i don’t know what the solution for them is but i’m pretty sure that lawsuits and the like are not necessarily the way to go about it. all that seems to do is enrage your customers and drive more people to do the things you don’t want them to do. although, i do think their statistics are flawed or at least their interpretation of those stats.
i guess the movie and tv industry should be worried as well. if everyone had a faster connection to the internet, i’m sure people would be trading movies and tv shows as fast as they do music now. its only music at the moment because music files are much smaller than video files. although, i know you can go to sites and download movies right now (no, i’m not going to tell you where). but that is mostly confined to a smaller group. a group that has bandwidth to spare.
in the next few years when every home has a fiber connection running at ten times your current dsl speed, movie downloading and swapping will become a big problem. i only hope that the MPAA has a better solution to the problem at that time than the RIAA has now. i won’t hold my breath on that one.
plus, is your boss a psychopath? take this quiz and find out. it worries me a little how many of these questions apply to people i have worked with in the past. especially certain producers on certain films. i knew something was off about those people. i thought they were just assholes. now i know the truth. i hope they finally got the help they so obviously needed.
ok, have a great weekend all. we are off to hugo’s in studio city for a bite. if you have never been, i recommend it highly. it’s very good and friendly to non-traditional eaters (vegetarian, etc.)
People are crazy and other news of the world

this is sad. its a shame what people are willing to do to save some money. i love the mac too but really, get a grip people. and i have to wonder if the Richmond Police slept through the lecture about crowd control at the police academy.
in other more positive news and tidbits from around the web:
the Xbox 360 is about ready for production (i want mine)
want a Dell computer? here’s how to get the best deal on a new piece of Dell technology from a guy who should know.
Intel (my new fav chip maker) is going to deliver dual core chips sooner than expected. now if only Motorola and IBM could have delivered something earlier (or even on time. 3Ghz G5 anyone?).
run Windows on your PSP. wasn’t that supposed to be impossible? much like running IntelOSX on non-Apple hardware was supposed to be. but that didn’t take long either.
an interesting take on the future of gaming on the mac, especially with the pending switch to intel chips. personally, i hope the switch leads to more games for the mac. and really, it should be easier to code now that we are all one big Intel family. maybe we will even get games released on both platforms at the same time? i can dream, can’t I?
and, hurry before this is gone. if you want one of the cool, black Motorola Razr phones for free (after rebate) check this out at looks like its Cingular only but still, free is pretty cool.
Apple - the final countdown

no, not a mid-eighties rocker ballad. it is, in fact, come to the final countdown for my g5, still in the hands of the glendale apple store. but here’s a miraculous bit of news that i got just yesterday. a nice young man from the store called and told me that due to them having my computer “for so long” and not being able to repair it, they have decided to give me a new one.
yes, you heard it right (or read it, actually). apple is giving me a new computer to replace the one they cannot fix. is this a great country or what? kudos to the entire team at the apple store glendale and especially my new best friend conan. i think this is what could be called outstanding customer service.
granted, i did originally pay over 3 grand for the computer only a year and a half ago and i do have apple care and i did leave the computer there to be fixed almost a month ago and i already replaced it with a new g5 tower at my expense but hey, at least they are finally doing the right thing. i think its very cool. it makes sense. if they can’t fix it, they should just replace it.
i have heard of apple doing this before but not very often. i’m sure this is a last resort type of thing. not something that they want to do. but its nice to know that they will, if they have no other option. and i didn’t even have to ask them to do it. it might also help that my mac consulting company is a preferred consultancy for the store and that i am personal friends with the top managers. so, as they say, your mileage may vary if you try to get them to replace your mac.
regardless of my personal relationships, its just nice that a company will take the steps necessary to satisfy a customer. it gives me hope in these uncertain times of intel chips and sagging ipod shuffle sales. despite all the turmoil, i think things are going to turn out ok. at least in my little apple computer world. its the rest of the world i’m not so sure about.

in other news not necessarily about me (yes, there is some, believe it or not):
apple scraps their shiny new “switch” campaign without firing a shot.
apparently, the rumors of drm preventing you from installing osx for intel on a non-macintosh are not so true after all.
martin sargent, late of the screensavers and unscrewed fame, returns to the web, ready, it seems, to get back to work.
CBGB’s gets to stay put.
and, my favorite news anchor, peter jennings, died recently of lung cancer. he was a class act and loved the daily show. was he cool or what? RIP peter.
Testing Dashboard

i’m testing a dashboard widget that allows you to post to my blog. so, how does it look? i guess its the same. why wouldn’t it look the same?
anyway, things are going well. busy and all that. saw “the island” on sunday and i gotta say, it wasn’t that bad. of course, i went into it with low expectations after hearing all the critics bash it and it not making much money, but i was very surprised.
its not perfect but it is fun and has a great look. plus, scarlett johansen looks fantastic so that’s a plus. i mean she really looks fantastic. almost unbelievable. ewan mcgreagor looks pretty good too, if you go that way. but really, just look at scarlett, will ya?