Crooks, science and games, oh my

Well, it seems that CitiBank doesn’t think I’m a crook after all. After going through quite a few hoops for them, they have finally credited me back my own money. It only took about a month and at least six phone calls, a letter and a fax to get it done. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much but it is when you are out almost two grand.

Ok, enough about me, let’s turn to some real crooks (at least according to the GAO). It seems President Bush and his buddies, violated federal laws by producing and distributing television news segments about the effects of drug use among young people.

The GAO said the videos “constitute covert propaganda” because the government was not identified as the source of the materials, which were distributed by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. They were broadcast by nearly 300 television stations and reached 22 million households, the office said.

So, that’s how they got elected (probably not). In other news, Saturn’s Moon Iapetus has a ‘belt’. According to new pix and data from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.

At least it has something to hold up its pants. Now I am off to play some Half-Life2. Yes, I know its a PC game and I am pro Mac but its really cool and I built a new gaming PC just to play it (er, I mean, i built it for work. Yeah, work).


New Mac?

Is this the new headless Mac? And, is this the long-rumored iPhone? You be the judge. We will know in a few days anyway.

Happy weekend all.

Angry Apple

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Apparently, Apple has had enough of Nick DePlume and Think Secret. So, they are suing him because he allegedly solicited Apple people to violate their NDA’s and talk about the new $500 Mac and the new iWork suite that supposedly can replace MS Office.

I don’t necessarily agree with leaking info and I think trying to get people to break agreements is wrong but I also don’t necessarily think that Apple should go around suing people. Secrecy is one thing but I think Steve and company take it a little too far sometimes. I remember the time, not so long ago, when the specs for the new iMac were leaked and appeared on the Apple Store site a day early.

I know for a fact that those responsible were sacked. Steve likes his secrets and isn’t very tolerant of screwup like that. The problem is that art of the fun of being an Apple fan and Apple user is speculating what will be released at Macworld. Talking about all the rumors and doing a pool as to what will be released is fun (at least its fun for me. Perhaps I need a life).

Don’t be so quick to pull out the lawyers Apple. Remember, you were a bunch of upstart rebels once too. And besides, doesn’t suing someone for leaking info pretty much show that the info is genuine? Not so good if you still want to keep it a secret.

Now, when can I get one of those shiny new $500 Macs?

More with the Sony Ericsson P910i


It’s been another week or two with the Sony Ericcson P910i and I have a few more observations and will try to answer some questions people have been asking about it.

First, to clarify, I purchased the phone from a retail store here in Los Angeles. It was unlocked and unbranded and I think just off the boat from the UK. My current cell provider is T-Mobile. All that was necessary to get the P910i working was for me to take the SIM card out of my old phone, a Sony Ericsson T610, and put it in the new phone.

The P910i was able to read the SIM card and get my contacts and cell provider info immediately so I was able to make an receive calls. The next step was configuring the phone for SMS text messages, MMS multi-media messages and for T-Mobile Internet. That was and can be accomplished relatively easily by using either the Sony Ericsson support site for the phone or using T-Mobile’s own configuration site.

Both sites work in essentially the same way in that you click on what you would like to configure, say SMS text messages, and then follow the directions to have the settings sent to your phone wirelessly. The phone gets the settings and uses them to auto-configure itself and that’s pretty much all it takes.

I used this method for setting up text messages, multi-media messages and T-Mobile internet. The two sites differ in that on the Sony site you need to select the phone, select what you want to configure, select your wireless carrier and then have the configuration setting sent to your phone. The T-Mobile site only needs you to select what you want to configure, select your phone and then send the configuration through.

Of the two, I prefer the T-Mobile site as it is from the carrier I use so I feel that the settings will work better. I don’t really have anything to back that up, its just my preference. You can probably use either and be fine.

As for usability, I am getting pretty good with the phone. I now have it set up to check my POP email every hour via T-Mobile internet and that works every time. You can also set it to do IMAP if you want but my accounts are all POP. I can also use it to instant message with AOL, MSN, Yahoo and even ICQ using a third-party tool called IM+ from Shape Services.

Also, I am using a couple other third-party apps, AvantGo and Resco Photo Viewer. Resco Photo Viewer I like better than the native photo viewer that comes with the phone. AvantGo is still in beta so it has a few bugs and is pretty slow but still, its kinda cool.

I have solved my bluetooth issues, at least for the moment, by doing a clean install on my 12" Powerbook and then paring the phone and the Powerbook to use iSync. That has worked four or five times in a row so, fingers crossed, it will keep working. I’m not saying that wiping your computer and reinstalling OSX is a good work-around, I just happened to have to do it anyway due to another issue to it worked out.

Other than that, I still love the phone. It gets great signal, sends email, text messages, pictures, instant messages, reads word and pdf files, browses the web (albeit at GPRS speeds. yawn) and is not that big and looks cool. Plus, it takes pretty good pictures and video and finally syncs with my Mac using iSync. What more can you want?

Oh, I almost forgot, it does give me some sort of error, as indicated by a yellow icon with an exclamation point, during certain calls that I have made or received. I think it might have something to do with encryption of calls but I haven’t gotten to the bottom of it yet. I’ll let you know.

Also, I have tried to update the phone’s firmware using the Sony Ericcson Update Service but as of yet have been unsuccessful. You need to use a Windows machine and the two I have don’t seem to be able to manage it. I am going to be building a new Windows gaming rig in the next week or so (so I can play Half Life 2 as God intended, of course) so I will try to update using that pristine install of Windows XP. I’ll let you know on that one as well.


Leaks, geeks and some boobs

Samsung needs to be more careful of where they put their files. Someone might leak photos of new phones to the public. Like these.

And please appreciate the irony of this one, ClearChannel radio-stations in four US cities held a contest last month called “Breast Christmas Ever,” in which the “winners” were awarded breast-enlargement surgery. Mmmm. (Sorry you have to click through at Salon for the whole story but that’s just the way they do things).

Also, TiVo announced its new TiVo to Go service. It’s a service that allows you to download your files off of your TiVo to your computer and burn them to a DVD. Cool you say? Well, it might be more cool if you could do this with any content.

But sadly, in a bow to pressure from the “Man” no doubt, the folks at Tivo have included some nice DRM with the service. And the worst part of all, no Mac version. It’s only available for Windows XP/2000 at the moment but they promise a Mac version is “in the works”.

Lastly, the big Consumer Electronics Show is coming up this Thursday. If you’ve never been, its sort of fun to see all the new stuff that the big electronics companies have in store for you. Some things to look for if you go: Sony will probably show the PSP, and announce details on price and availability.

SBC will show its new web enabled set-top box to compete with TiVo. The first Blu-Ray players and recorders will debut, including a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray burner from Philips. Sony will show an LCOS based projection TV. Samsung will unveil a 21-inch OLED prototype.

And if you get bored at CES, you can always check out another event happening at the same time. The Adult Entertainment Expo. But remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in vegas.

Have fun.

The new year and some Apple stuff

Apparently, blogs are going to take over the world. At least according to Forbes Magazine, which devotes a big story and the cover of its recent issue to blogging.

And, the rumor mongers are all buzzing with talk of what might be revealed at Macworld Expo next week. Some of the rumors include Apple’s answer to Microsoft Office, called Pages, and even bigger, a Mac for 500 bucks. It is supposed to be basically a headless iMac with G4 processor, limited RAM, smallish hard drive and no DVD burner.

I don’t know if a cheap Mac is a good idea or not. To some, it may seem like this is a great idea that is a long time coming. It could be seen as a move that could potentially increase Apple’s market share and lead Windows users to a Mac.

The logic follows. Once they experience how great the iPod is, after using it with their Windows boxes and iTunes, they can get their feet wet with a Mac at the same price as a new Windows box. Then, once they use the Mac, run OSX, and not have to deal with viruses and spyware, it will lead them to all sorts of other Apple stuff, probably including newer and more powerful Macs. The first taste may not be free, but it’s a great deal.

On the other hand, Apple is one of the very few tech companies that makes any money, market share notwithstanding. They don’t do it by selling more computers at cheaper prices, like Dell, they do it by offering a quality product that works well. So, they must be doing something right. Do they need to pander to the lowest common denominator and try to attract users that probably won’t appreciate a Mac anyway?

The person that is looking for the cheapest thing is not usually looking for the best thing. There isn’t necessarily a Mac user inside of every Windows user. You don’t sell someone a BMW if they want to buy a Chevy. Name your analogy.

I think that Apple will sell a crap load of $500 macs if they end up offering one. However, I think that most of the people buying those computers will be people who already use the Mac. I’ll be getting a few myself.

Will it have much of an effect on Apple’s market share? I would be surprised if it had much at all. It would be nice if it did. It would be nice if there was a Mac in every house and that everyone could experience how great they are. I just don’t think we live in that world. Most people don’t want, don’t expect, great. They are happy with pretty good or just ok.

Besides, what if the $500 Mac sucks?

Happy New Year

2005? Already? What the hell happened to 2004? Or, 2003 for that matter? Has time sped up? Is that possible?

We can get to the bottom of all that later. All the best to all for the new year.

May you all live in interesting times.


According to this article, we are getting far too much information. Also, he says that we multi-task because it is expected of us, not because we can. In fact, true multi-tasking is apparently beyond our capabilities. Someone tell that to my wife, maybe she can finally relax.

In other news, we have returned home from the north. Oddly, it only rained a little bit while we were in Washington State and rained almost every day in LA while we were away. Explain that, Dallas Rains. Also, I am relieved that, upon returning to my favorite “office”, the Studio City Starbucks, they have stopped playing the Christmas music. Perhaps there is a God after all. He seemed to have listened to that one.

And, if you want to record music on your iPod and have it sound really good, the fine “hackers” at this website have figured out a way. Of course, I think this does violate your warranty so use caution.

Well, I just happened to look up and spied Allison Janney from “The West Wing” coming into my “office”. She is pretty tall and not only that, has her arm around a shorter dude wearing a baseball cap. Must be a Director. Or perhaps, an actor. They look cute together.


Before, after and a helping hand

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Before and after photos of beachfront in Sri Lanka before and after the tsunami hit. Also, hi-res satellite images of the tsunami itself.

And, the good folks at Google offer links to ways in which you can aid relief efforts for tsunami victims in Asia and Southeast Asia.

Vacation Continued

I am still in good old Washington state with the wife's family. I will be back in Los Angeles in a day or two and will be back to posting at my usual pace.

I just want to take the opportunity to thank all of you who read this blog. It is nice to have people read what I have to say and some of you even comment on it. I appreciate that as well (even the negative ones).

Anyway, stay cool and I will see you all soon. Until then, let's think less about ourselves for the next few days and more about these people.

They could sure use our good thoughts.


Happy Holidays

I have left the building and traveled to the great white north with the wife to visit her family in Washington (State, not DC). It’s cold, but sadly, it is not snowing. When we were here a few years ago, we had snow for Christmas. For someone who grew up in SoCal, that was pretty cool. Maybe I will get lucky and see a few snowflakes. Fingers crossed.

Other than that, eating and drinking too much (it is the holidays). Taking a few pictures which I will post either at the moblog or somewhere (maybe flickr or my typepad moblog. i really have too many photo blogs).

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas or Festivas or whatever holiday you celebrate. I hope you get everything you asked for and one or two things you didn’t expect (sometimes surprises are nice too).

Eat some pie for me.

My head hurts and I blame CitiBank

This could explain why my head hurts. Or maybe its just the booze or lack of sleep. Another reason could be that some asshole decided to use my ATM credit card at Bloomingdales this weekend and buy himself something pretty. To the tune of twelve-hundred bucks. (Reader beware, this is where the angry rant starts).

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, my bank’s response (CitiBank, btw) leaves something to be desired. CitiBank’s “policy” in cases like this is to “watch” the account and see what happens. In the meantime, they allow the charges to go through and some dickhead gets away with ripping me off. I always tell myself not to use my ATM card to make purchases and I don’t do it that often. Unfortunately, once was enough I guess.

Now my money is gone while CitiBank sits on their collective asses “watching” my account for suspicious activity. Hello, the “suspicious” activity already happened when the charges were made. I don’t know what they are waiting for. I didn’t make those charges but until they “investigate” they assume I did and just give my money away.

Here’s what their policy should be. If a customer calls and disputes a charge, that should be it. The charge should be frozen until the investigation is concluded. You don’t let the merchant take the money from a fraudulent transaction and wait and see what happens. I think Bloomingdales can wait another few days for the money.

They don’t protect their customers. Basically they are saying that they don’t believe me and its tough shit about my money until they get around to checking it out. I wouldn’t even care if they put a hold on the disputed amounts while they investigate. At least the money wouldn'’t be gone

They are opening an investigation and sending me a letter that I have to fill out and send back within 10 business days in order for them to continue to investigate. A letter? WTF? Is this 1980 or something? This is the information age and I have to fill out a letter and mail it back to them so they will take my claims seriously?

What about the four phone calls I made until 3AMlast night? Doesn’t that show I’m serious. Or, how about an email to get things moving a little faster? The bottom line is that they just don’t give a shit and will do whatever they want.

I tell you right now, if this works out badly for me and I permanently loose the money, I am pulling all my accounts from CitiBank and encouraging everyone else I know to do the same. All they have to do is treat their customers like people instead of criminals and I would be happy.

Right now, I feel as if I did something wrong and the burden is on me to prove I am telling the truth. No benefit of the doubt. No consideration for their customers. The customer is wrong.

It’s wrong.

Monday thoughts

Yes, I have some thoughts. Although it isn’t so easy right now as I am pretty tired. I have been out of touch for the last few days working on my friend Tony’s movie. He is doing a horror film called “Asylum”. I haven’t been on a set in some time and haven’t had to work a 12-hour day in some time either. It’s a lot of work. But, I had fun too.

He is doing the movie for very little money so he really couldn’t afford to hire me but I wanted to help out. In my enthusiasm to help out, however, I forgot about the long days and bad food. Both take a toll on you, for sure. I’m just glad that the holidays are upon us and I am going on vacation tomorrow. I need to rest.

While I can manage, here’s a few bits of stuff from the world at large. Over at PC Magazine, they list the 10 worst products to get as gifts this year. I hope I didn’t get any of those for people, I forget. Also, this guy has balls (and is pretty lucky too). Easy way to get some money. Wish I would have thought of it.

Last, it seems that Dan Brown, author of the mega-bestseller “The DaVinci Code” is being sued. But really, if you get sued by some guy in New Zealand, is it really that bad? I hope it all works out and doesn’t hold up the movie version of the book. Tom Hanks could make an interesting lead. Although, I thought Russell Crowe would be better.

Life with the Sony Ericsson P910i


The saga continues. To reiterate, the P910i is a great device. It does it all: phone, decent camera (still only VGA but a vast improvement over my previous T610), video, web browser, works with ichat, AIM, Yahoo, MSN, email, calendar, contacts, reads word, pdf and excel files and a crap load more things. It has completely replaced my Palm and cell phone. For my purposes, it works as advertised and does the job with style. I purchased it unlocked from Avi at World Wireless in Beverly Hills. I use it with T-Mobile and have had no issues.

I have had more time to work with the phone and wanted to elaborate on my previous post. So, here goes. f I have any complaints its because i’m a Mac person. If I used Windows, I would have nothing to complain about (except Windows). The phone includes software for Windows which works perfectly to sync the phone with Outlook, install apps, etc. using the included usb cradle or bluetooth. If I didn’t have a Windows machine around, I would not be able to install any software as far as I can tell. Nor would I be able to update any of its software or the phone’s firmware using the Sony Ericsson update service. That’s a bummer but I can get around it.

As for iSync and bluetooth, it has been an interesting few days getting that to work. I was able to pair the phone just fine with my G5 and Belkin bluetooth adaptor. When it came to the services page, the only two things available were to use the phone with address book (good) and as a modem. Sadly, the option for sync was not available.

Undaunted, I launched iSync and looked for new devices. To my happiness, the P910i showed up and I was able to add it as a new device and then proceeded to sync it for the first time. It all worked perfectly. Contacts and calendars were carried over and the sync had no errors. I though that was it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

Subsequent attempts proved unsuccessful unless I first paired the phone and the computer again to establish the relationship prior to using iSync. If I did that, it worked. If not, iSync gave an error that it could not communicate with the device. I even went to far as to try it with Tiger but met with similar results. I hope nobody at Apple is reading this as I might have just violated my NDA but if you are, how about an iSync update please? This should be an easy fix.

Even that workaround didn’t last though. It stopped working at all after a few more attempts so I looked around for another solution. No third-party software is available as of yet (at least that I know of) which will allow me to sync with iCal and Address Book. After much research, I found a couple of sites devoted to making the P900 work with iSync. Those hints and tips seem to have done the trick. Even though they apply to the P900 and in iSync it now says P900, it works fine. The work-around involves editing of a couple of plist files so it isn’t for the novice but after I did it, syncing worked again and has worked on subsequent attempts over the last week.

As for other practical considerations like reception quality or battery life I can say that I have never used a better phone here in LA. Calls go through and don’t get dropped. Some of the credit probably goes to T-Mobile but the phone performs well. I get reception where others, even fellow T-Mobile users, do not. So it has to be the hardware that is superior as well as the network. It is somewhat of a battery hog although I have never run out of power yet. I do plug it in to charge every night and also have a charger in the car, just in case.

So really, my only major problem with the device is how it works with iSync which isn’t the devices fault. Other than that problem, which now seems to be solved (at least for the moment) I love it. I do wish there was more software for it too, like for Palm, but I think that’s coming sooner rather than later as more devices start to use the Symbian OS.

As I continue to put it through its paces, I will post some more updates.

A Little Patience

John Perry Barlow trial. In his own words and another account.

And, here’s a really interesting quote, also highlighted on Barlow’s blog. This one was written quite a few years ago but has definite relevance today:

“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt……If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.”

-- Thomas Jefferson, from a letter he sent in 1798 after the passage of <a href="">the Sedition Act</a>


The Death of AIDS?

Researchers at Rutgers University may have developed a way to kill HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS. Another article about this right here.

And, in other important news (not as important as a cure for HIV, mind you, but still) Google announced an agreement today with some of the nation’s leading research libraries and Oxford University to begin converting their holdings into digital files that would be freely searchable over the Web.

And now some news

I have friends that make commercials for a living. Some of these same friends also happen to make iPod commercials for Apple. We all think its really great when someone goes out on their own and makes something cool.

Also, Sony’s PSP started shipping in Japan the other day and sold out fast. The first 200,000 units were gone in hours. Sony plans to ship three million by March. The portable gaming device sports console quality graphics and can also play movies and DVDs. It’s selling in Japan for 19,800 yen or about $188 US. 21 games will be ready before the end of this year. Sony will offer the PSP in North America sometime next spring. Anyone in Japan reading this who can pick me up one? Today. Thanks.

The US Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether P2P file sharing services like Kazaa and Grokster are liable for aiding copyright infringement. The court agreed to hear the music industry’s appeal of a Ninth Circuit court decision that Grokster and Streamcast were not liable because they didn’t exercise control over the music swapped using their service. At the end of this the only people who will have any money left will be the lawyers.

And, from the dumb crooks department. It seems a real-life crook in Texas was scared off from a home invasion by the sounds of “Grand Theft Auto”. The Police in the game were saying ‘Stop, we have you surrounded. This is the police.“ The burglar, unknowingly, thought this was the actual police and panicked,” according to the Galveston DA. Well, this guy sure must be some kind of genius. Where was he from again?

Lastly, be careful where you use your camera phone as Congress passed a bill that would levy heavy fines and prison time for anyone who sneaks photos or videos of people in various stages of undress. So my pictures of girls waiting in line at Starbucks are ok?


Can you hear me now?

I’m putting my new cell phone / pda through its paces for the last few days and so far, so good. I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and go for the Sony Ericsson P910i. It’s a phone, a Symbian OS based pda, an mp3 player, a camera and a bunch of other stuff. In short, its a way cool gadget. I wrote about it earlier.

I have only had it for a few days so I don’t have much to say in regarding long-term usability and reliability but I have used Sony Ericsson products before and found them to be quite good. I’m sure the P910i will be no exception. My only complaint so far has been the less than stellar bluetooth synchronization with my Macs using isync.

I’m not saying that the P910I doesn’t sync with my computer using bluetooth and isync, its just a little temperamental. At first, it worked fine. On subsequent attempts, I would say one out of two times it will work. Not terrible but not what I have come to expect from my previous Sony Ericsson phone, the T610, which would sync flawlessly every time.

I have found several helpful sites that may give me the info necessary to solve this problem. Really though, it seems like its either a problem with the phone itself or with isync. Granted, the phone isn’t technically available here in the States yet so to expect it to work flawlessly is, I suppose, too much to ask. However, bluetooth is bluetooth and my previous product from the same company worked flawlessly. So, I could also make the argument that it should work flawlessly as well.

Perhaps when Apple updates isync it will work better. I have not had a chance to test it with Tiger yet but I will shortly. Until then, I will keep using it and testing it. My next challenge is trying to figure out which songs to use as ring tones for my various friends. Yes, I am a geek. So?


Movie Redux

Remakes, er, sorry, “reinterpretations” seem to happen more and more in Hollywood. Here’s a couple more for you. The trailers for Tim Burton’s “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and also Steven Spielberg’s new version of “War of the Worlds” starring Tom Cruise.

I have to say I’m skeptical of both films. Especially in light of how weak Burton’s “reinterpretation” of “Planet of the Apes” was. And, I wonder if Spielberg can make a movie where alien’s want to kill us instead of help us or love us. I guess the real question is why these new movies had to be made at all.

For me, the original “Willy Wonka” with Gene Wilder is just great as it is. So is the George Pal version of “War of the Worlds”. It’s just like George Lucas changing the original “Star Wars” so Greedo fires first or Spielberg changing “E.T.” so the FBI guys have walkie-talkies instead of guns.

They do it because they can. For their own reasons. It has very little, if anything, to do with the audience. The only say the audience have in the process is when the movies come out, they can choose not to attend. I’m saying this for those of you out there that go to the movies at your local multiplex.

Vote with your dollars. It’s the only way you will ever have anything to say that Hollywood will listen to, believe me. If it happens enough, perhaps it will have an affect on what movies are made. Probably not.


Interesting Bits

Apple is “rumored” to be introducing a flash-based iPod at Macworld in January. As expected, this rumor has had s positive effect on Apple’s stock price. MMmmmmm smaller iPod. Reaching for credit card . . . must fight . . .

Also, a German online ad firm, Adtech, says Internet Explorer users are four times more likely to click on banner ads than Firefox users. This is based on actual clickthrough on the 1,000 European sites that use Adtech. I use Firefox but still prefer Safari for most things. Although, Firefox is looking good. Watch out Safari.

And, another German study says computers hinder learning. Researchers at the University of Munich studied 175,000 15-year-old students and found that performance in math and reading had suffered significantly among those who had more than one computer at home. Wow, I am in trouble. I have at least seven computers at home.

And, you asked for it so here it is: The much-hyped but, sadly, deleted scene of hot puppet-on-puppet action from “Team America: World Police”.
