Nerdapalooza 2013
Sadly, I’m not going to the Nerdapalooza event in Orlando next week. I would if I could, because it looks like a great time with a lot of bands, and other nerdity, I would enjoy. Plus, hello, I’m a nerd from way back.
But, as many of you know, there’s this new man in my life (his name is Max) who needs lots of attention right now and also a steady supply of clean diapers and nipples. So, no trips for me right now.
However, not being able to go doesn’t stop me from talking about the event or from posting a video about it. It also doesn’t stop me from posting this link to Z’s article at Geek Dad about what to bring to the show if you’re one of the few, the happy few, to be going.
Plus, I like cool events that cater to my people and I like to promote them when I can. I don’t get anything for it other than a warm feeling inside and the satisfaction of knowing I did what I could to help out a worthy event. So there.
Oh, before we get to the video, my pal Joe Dilworth and I managed to crank out a new episode of our podcast this week. I think it’s pretty cool. You might too.
Okay, enough self-promotion, here’s the video.
Picking Up the Pieces and Putting Them Away
As I mentioned previously, we moved. In fact, we did the whole thing last Saturday on what was, up to that point, the hottest day of the year. Not a great day to be hauling boxes and whatnot from one place to another.
In truth, we had movers do the majority of the actual hauling. We just have way too much stuff and, more importantly, H is gestating Project M at the moment so she shouldn’t really be lifting anything. And as we know, I’m extremely lazy (and have a useless back). So, movers.
The movers were mostly okay and managed not to break 99% of our stuff. Sure, a couple things were damaged, but it could have been a lot worse. Most importantly, they got everything in the truck, got it to the new house and put it pretty much where it goes. All for a reasonable fee. I’m calling it a win and moving on.
Although, I did call the moving company to tell them about the few broken items (again, none of them were critical or irreplaceable) just to see what they would say. They haven’t called me back yet. I suspect I will be politely told to suck it up, but we’ll see. I could be surprised.
Now we are in the process of unpacking and putting stuff away. I only hate this part a little less than packing. Although, one highlight for me was finally being able to install my Nest thermostat and get it going. Yes, I did it myself and managed not to be electrocuted.
Plus, starting to set up my office and getting Internet installed were also very good first steps. It’s amazing how much we’ve come to rely on having super speed Internet. You really miss it when you don’t have it for a couple days.
There are many other aspects (good and bad) of moving and home ownership I won’t get into now. Suffice it to say we are slowly getting back to normal.
Or, as normal as we get.
Working for the Weekend
That title goes back a long way. Back to an ‘80’s pop band called Loverboy. Yes, I’m making a Loverboy reference. Deal with it.
Hey, they were pretty popular in the ‘80’s. I’ll bet if you think about it, or hear some of their songs, you’ll realize you know them and maybe even like them. Sure, they’re Canadian, but you can’t really hold that against them, can you?
I don’t. In fact, I have some good friends that are either from Canada or live in Canada right now. So there. I’m no Canada hater.
In fact, I’ll prove it by posting a video for one of the band’s most famous songs right here. That’s right, it’s “Working for the Weekend.” Did you expect something else? If so, you really haven’t been paying attention.
And, as if that wasn’t enough, here’s some bloopers from Big Bang Theory. Why? Why the heck not? They’re funny.
I’m not entirely sure what any of this has to do with anything, but if I’m being completely honest here (and I should be, right?) I’m really just stalling instead of working on the script I’m supposed to be writing.
I do that. Stalling, I mean. I’m really good at it. In fact, I’m really, really good at it. Really, really, really good.
Now I’m doing it again. Crap.
I’m hoping Loverboy references and Big Bang bloopers help get the creative blood flowing. Maybe I should have gone a different way?
From the 'Want' Department: The Sonos SUB
I may have mentioned I’m a big fan of Sonos and their products. I use a Play 5 every day and it’s an awesome way to listen to music from your personal music collection, Pandora or Spotify. Plus, like my Macs, it “just works.”
Now Sonos has a new piece of shiny I want: the SUB. Check out this video of the SUB in action and tell me you don’t want one too. And no, that’s not CG.
David Lee Roth Interviews Eddie and Alex Van Halen
I can’t remember the first time I heard a Van Halen song or what song it was. It may have been something from Van Halen II like “Bottom’s Up” or “Beautiful Girls” or it could have been from Women and Children First and been a song like “Romeo Delight” or “Everybody Wants Some.”
Whatever song or album it was, it was certainly a log time ago. A simpler time to be sure. A lot has changed since that time. I’ve aged and gotten a bit slower but I think, in some ways, a bit smarter.
Over the years I’ve also tried to stay current with Van Halen and their music. That wasn’t made easy by the fact that their last album, Van Halen III, came out in 1998 and, to be fair, wasn’t really all that great.
It seems things are looking up a bit now with the band’s new album A Different Kind of Truth. It’s out today, I’ve listened to it and so far, I like what I hear. Also, it’s nice to see David Lee Roth back where he belongs.
Speaking of that, I came across this video of Roth interviewing Eddie and Alex Van Halen. It’s pretty interesting and contains info I didn’t know about the band and it’s history.
Also, it makes me worry a bit that Eddie isn’t long for this earth. The years (and the other stuff) have not been kind to him.
[vimeo 36240409 w=500 h=319]
Steve Jobs and His Thoughts on Music
This is a very interesting read especially coming from a guy whose company also has DRM on its music from iTunes. Still, you have to give him credit, he sure seems to be pretty darn smart. I guess you have to be to do what he's done with Apple over the years. Enjoy.
Best of . . .

over at LAist we are doing our “best of” picks to end the year. yes, i know it may seem a little trite but its still a bunch of fun too. you can check out my pics for best music, blogs, tv shows, movies, bars, restaurants, etc. over there. they will be coming out a piece at a time, starting with music.
or, for your convenience, they can all be found below. enjoy!
best movies: munich brokeback mountain good night and good luck syriana capote serenity
best tv shows: veronica mars battlestar galactica my name is earl the office rome out of practice
best bars: father’s office - santa monica firefly - studio city starlight lounge - studio city cat and fiddle - hollywood roof bar at the standard - downtown el centro - los angeles
best restaurants: hugo’s - studio city lala’s - studio city arroyo chop house - pasadena ciudad - downtown great india cafe - studio city jar - beverly hills doughboy’s - los angeles taco bell - anywhere at 2 am
best blogs: engadget the superficial the unofficial apple weblog LAist (so i’m biased, so what?) sploid starbucks gossip digg (not really a blog exactly but still interesting)
best cd’s: coldplay - x&y (i play this all the time and like it more and more) death cab for cutie - plans fall out boy - from under the cork tree franz ferdinand - you could have said it so much better the white stripes - get behind me satan
also, i am still listening to these cd’s from 2004 and before (some, way before. oldies but goodies, as they say). coldplay - a rush of blood to the head interpol - antics zero 7 - simple things the crystal method - vegas the killers - hot fuss black rebel motorcycle club - b.r.m.c. miles davis - the complete birth of cool
and that be that. enjoy the rest of 2005.
The High Violets wrapup
Ok, I went to see brother Sam’s band, The High Violets, last Wednesday night at King King, which is a cool space, btw. As I said in my previous post, I had never seen him live with this band before and I was looking forward to it.
Well, the vote is in and all I can say is “fantastic”. I really liked it. They did a great job. I know, we are related and all but rest assured, if he sucked, you folks would be the second to know (I would tell him first, of course).
I want to encourage the kid and would have probably put it better than “well, that really blew” but I would have told him what I think. He deserves the truth. I would expect no less from him. Although, I never do anything that someone could say “that blew” about so no danger there.
So, it is with great pleasure that I say his show rocked! If I had anything bad to say it would be that the set was too short. I wanted more and so did the audience. They were in to it.
The band needs more songs. I know they are working on more and will have a CD out soon so expect me to be pushing that when it becomes available. I also tried to take some photos with the Treo and you can see those at the flickr moblog. Although, the Treo is not a very good low-light camera. I’m dumb and didn’t bring the good camera. Oh well, live and learn. Maybe next time.