Video Friday - Magnum Vs. Solo
I’ve been very busy getting The Flickcast on its feet at new hosting (Thank you Media Temple) so I’ve been remiss with the blog. Shocking, I know. Fortunately, I’ve got a great video to share with you this week.
I don't have much to say about this video except that its <em>extremely</em> funny, especially if you're an avid fan of both Magnum, P.I. <em>and</em> Star Wars. Which, I'm happy to say, I am.
Enjoy this and realize what it took to make it work. These guys are pretty smart indeed.
The New 'The Flickcast' Site is Alive!
I’m pretty darn excited about my latest venture The Flickcast. I’ve been working on it for a couple months now doing a weekly podcast about movies, tv, comics and other geek stuff and its been great fun and pretty successful so far.
In addition to the podcast, I've also started a news site as a companion to the weekly show that's also been doing pretty well. One thing that had always bothered me about the site, though, was that it looked too much like a blog and not enough like a professional news site should look.
Fortunately, that's no longer the case because my new favorite web designer, <a href="">Robert Palmer</a>, has done a kick-ass job and totally redesigned the site to make it look awesome <em>and</em> professional.
This site and podcast are just the start of what I hope will someday be a giant media empire. Meanwhile, if you get a minute, head on over to <a href=""><em>The Flickcast</em></a> and check out the new look, read a review or two and listen to some great podcasts.
I feel very privileged to be able to start this new venture and it wouldn't be possible without some other great people like my podcast co-hosts Matt Raub and Christina Warren, my "web guy" Robert Palmer, site contributors like David Press, John Carle, all the Mahoneys (Sean, Tom, Adele and Heath), some great tools like Wordpress and last, but not least, the inspiration, encouragement and help I've received from various friends, colleagues and mentors.
Thank you all. I sincerely appreciate it.
Also, if you've got any feedback, feel free to drop it in the comments here or at <em><a href="">The Flickcast</a></em> site.
Video Friday - The New Doctor Who
Here he is. Its Matt Smith, the eleventh actor to portray the iconic character. He seems like a nice enough fellow – at least in this interview. He also seems genuinely excited to have the role. How will he be as the Doctor? I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Enjoy.
Video Friday - America the RickRolled
Really, how can I not post this video from yesterday’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade? It’s funny and has a lot of significance, at least in the online community where I spend much of my time.
Plus, its funny to hear how not in touch people on TV really are. So, sit back and enjoy.
The 'Battlestar Galactica' Women
Battlestar Galactica is a great show. It has exceptional writing, engaging stories, compelling characters, cool visuals, talented actors and directors and is just plain fun to watch. It also has some really great looking women on it – which doesn’t hurt either.
Here’s some recent pictures of the three main BSG Babes from Interview Magazine. Enjoy.
Grace Park
Tricia Helfer
And my personal favorite, Katee Sackhoff
Oh, and if you’re interested in other things BSG-related, don’t forget to check out BSG Weekly over at ComicMix. It’s a fun read, but sadly, only features myself and BSG Co-Executive Producer Mark Verheiden. No babes, sorry.
Sure, that was a shameless plug, but what the hell? This is my blog after all. If you get one of your own you, can plug the heck out of whatever you want.
That’s what makes America great.
That and the Internet, TV shows like BSG, beer, pizza, movies, dogs, freedom, sex, love and the ability to achieve your dreams if you really want them bad enough.
Is this a great country or what?
Quick Links for the Day and Tuesday Photos
Yes, I’ve been busy contributing and making the Internets a better place with my work. You want examples you say? Well, come close and take a look at these: My latest BSG Weekly article and also my article about the Six Worst Movies Adapted from Comic Books.
And of course, it being Tuesday and all, how about some photos? Sure, what the heck. Here's a couple taken by me on my recent trip to New York.
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Late Night Decisions
This whole time change thing has got my internal clock messed up or something as I'm normally, at least these days, tired at this time of night and ready to go to sleep. Yes, its sad. I know.
You wouldn't think one hour more or less would make that much of a difference, but apparently it does. Anyway, it gives me a chance to do a blog post and also watch some great (or not-so-great) TV shows or movies.
Right now, I'm choosing between 'Disturbia', 'Open Water 2: Adrift' or 'Executive Decision' and am leaning towards the first one, mostly because its an updated version of one of my favorite Hitchcock films: 'Rear Window.' Here's the trailer, just in case you're interested.
[youtube=]Or, there's probably something already recorded on the Tivo I could watch. At the moment, the Tivo is filled with shows like the series finale of 'The Wire', episodes of 'The Tudors' and probably a couple 'Reaper' episodes too. Also, probably a few movies as well including 'Torn Curtain' (another great Hitchcock film) and 'Last King of Scotland' starring Forrest Whitaker as Idi Amin.
Oh, I almost forgot about all the stuff on the Apple TV that streams from my media iMac in the office and also has been downloaded fro the iTunes music/TV/movies store. On that device, I believe, are episodes of 'Weeds', 'Baslisk', 'Babylon 5' and movies like 'Eastern Promises', 'Shoot 'em Up' and 'Live Free or Die Hard.'
So, more things to consider when trying to decide how to keep myself entertained while I can't sleep. With all this media and entertainment basically at my fingertips 24/7, why am I worried about trying to sleep? Maybe I should just enjoy being awake and catch up on all my movie and TV viewing.
Choices, choices, choices. I guess its a good thing but really, I probably watch too much TV. Maybe, instead of sitting here and watching programs created by other people i should get back to creating some of my own?
I think that's a good idea . . . right after this show's over.
Changes and Some Good Kristen Bell and 'Heroes' News

As you can see, there's been some changes around here. Long story short, I had some trouble with my previous hosting provider (big shock, right?) and have had to move this here blog yet again. Currently, I'm back at good old Wordpress dot com and will remain here for the time being. Sorry about all the moving around but I just can't seem to get a blog to work the way I want it to work and also have it be available when people want to read it.
There was so much downtime at my last host (I won't mention the name) that I just had to move again. You get what you pay for I guess. Anyway, I will attempt to update frequently here and hopefully this will conclude the moving around portion of our program. Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do. Actually, I probably like it much less.
Amidst the chaos of moving and getting things to work right again, there was at least one bit of good news today (at least if you're a fan of <em>Veronica Mars</em> as I am). It looks like <a href="" target="_blank">Kristen Bell</a> will be joining the cast of <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Heroes</em></a> next season. According to <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-style:italic;">Variety</span></a>, Bell will play Elle "a character described as a sexy, mysterious young lady who has ties to the supposed death of Peter, H.R.G.’s past and the future of Claire. Elle will kick off her arc by committing a serious crime, though it’s unclear whether she’s good or bad."
Whatever the reason, character or arc, I'm in. As if I really needed another reason to watch <em>Heroes</em>. Its a great show made even better with the inclusion of Bell. This news isn't quite as good as an announcement of a new season of <em>Veronica Mars</em>, but it'll do.
Growing Pains
As I said in a previous post, the move from Typepad went fairly well except for one or two big glitches. Unfortunately, those one or two big glitches are pictures and video. Now, when you go to any posts except those from the last few weeks, they won't have the pictures or video they are supposed to have. To me, that sucks and I'm sorry for the trouble. I don't like to have things looking half-finished. Plus, I want things to be easy and not require me to do a bunch of work I already did. Not the case here, i guess.
I wish there was another solution besides putting everything back where it belongs manually but as of now, I don't know what that might be. If you happen to have a brilliant idea, don't be shy about shouting it out. Otherwise, its manual-replacement city for me for. So, over the next few weeks I am going to be manually putting video and pictures back into the posts they belong in. Should make for a great time. Fortunately, I am still not 100% better from the walking (and will-to-live-sapping) pneumonia so I have some time on my hands -- that is when I'm not sleeping or thinking about sleeping. Fortunately, this picture and video thing shouldn't be a problem for any posts from now on, just the old ones. So, check back and you should be able to see the videos and pictures eventually. Thanks for you patience during this time of transition.
Oh, in case you were wondering that is the cast of the 80s sitcom <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Growing Pains</em></a>. I thought the picture was appropriate for two reasons. One, the obvious one that the site is having some growing pains of its own. And two, I once did a movie with <a href="" target="_blank">Tracey Gold</a> who, if I recall correctly, was very nice and a huge fan of Diet Coke. Its a fact, actors love that Diet Coke. We used to go through tons of it on shows. Fortunately, in many cases, it was free product placement so we didn't have to buy it. Just one of the perks of a fully-stocked craft service table, van or occasionally, a trailer -- but only on the bigger shows. I guess there were some good things about showbiz after all.
Fall TV Wrapup
In the interest of full disclosure I actually wrote this piece for LAist but I think it’s kinda funny so I’m going to put it here as well. Plus, a little comedy after that last post is probably a good idea. Enjoy.
Now that the majority of the new TV season has been paraded out in front of our collective eyeballs, we can make a few somewhat informed predictions as to how these new shows, and returning ones, will fare. Some of the new ones will, of course, do better than others. In the mix there are always one or two that breakout and become hits.
Mostly, however, there are far more that die a quick death on the alter of sacrifice to the TV gods. Plus, there are several returning shows this season that may have true staying power and many others that should know when to quit while they still have a shred of dignity left.
Here then are some of our predictions for the Fall TV season:
New shows that are going to die sooner rather than later:
Happy Hour - Even drunk this show still sucks. Trying to be funny isn’t the same as actually being funny.
‘til Death - Marriage isn’t pretty and this comedy isn’t funny. Time for a divorce.
20 Good Years - John Lithgow and Jeffrey Tambor don’t want to grow up. We sympathize and understand but still, who cares?
Justice - Another legal show from the brain trust that is the Fox Network. Loud, obnoxious and destined for the chair.
New shows that are going to die (most likely this season) but will hang around awhile just to spite us:
Vanished - Bad writing, bad direction, bad acting. Just bad, bad, bad. Vanish already.
Heroes - Really wanted to like it because it tries to do something different. But even Ali Larter’s fantastic and prominently-featured ass won’t be able to save this show from itself. And besides, we already saw this before when it was called “Unbreakable.”
Six Degrees - Not interested in the characters or their problems. Even the photographer who hasn’t worked in years still looks liked he stepped out of a fashion magazine. Whatever.
Smith - When the main character is the least interesting of the bunch you have a problem. Make the show about Mrs. Smith and her torrid affair with Amy Smart’s character while they do crimes and you might have something. Until then, no thanks.
Jericho - How can a show with Skeet Ulrich and Major Dad be bad? Trust us, it can. The only thing that might have saved this show was the super hot Ashley Scott and she’s headed out of town at the end of the pilot. Too bad. Did we mention that she’s super hot? Just wanted to make that clear.
Returning shows that have outlived their usefulness already and/or “jumped the shark” this season and should be put out of their misery:
Bones - Not even Dr. Brennan’s brains and beauty can save this show from turning into a rotting corpse. The cast is fun to look at but they need to do something else to keep the show going. Something interesting instead of doing basically the same show every week. Find the corpse, identify the corpse, reconstruct the corpse’s face, flirt with the FBI agent but never consummate then solve the case with a touch of righteous indignation. It started out promising last season but has clearly lost it’s way.
ER - Is there anyone who understands why this show is still on the air? Seriously, we’re really asking? Should have been put out of its misery long, long ago. Right around the time George Clooney left to do movies.
Desperate Housewives - We love a good soap opera but seriously, how much bad shit can happen in one neighborhood before people start to move? Rent the u-haul its time to get the hell out. There’s a sign on the front lawn and that sign says “crap”.
Grey’s Anatomy - The problem with an ensemble show where the cast is all getting famous is that they all need screen time and they all need some big crisis every week. That’s just too many crises to deal with. Plus, in the season premiere they use the old “patient has the plague so the two doctors who are both in love with the same woman are stuck together in quarantine so they have to explore their feelings about each other” plot. Come on, ER did that in season five and it was lame then. And really, why they’re fighting over Dr. Grey is beyond us. She’s a drunken slut. Move on.
Crossing Jordan - Someone who works on this show must have photos of Jeff Zucker with farm animals or something. That’s the only thing that explains this show still being around. Cross Jordan off the list, we beg you.
How I Met Your Mother - See above about trying to be funny not being the same thing as being funny. And trust us, having a laugh track doesn’t really help. Mother, meet the door. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
Ghost Whisperer - Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cleavage talks to ghosts. No wonder they keep coming back. We would. And who deosn’t love a girl that eats at Taco Bell and Sizzler in real life (its true, we’ve seen her)? We love Love but this show has to go. Give her something else to do and we might watch. Until then, this show is a ghost to us.
And last but not least, new or returning shows that will stick around and entertain us at least until they start to suck and/or annoy:
The Office - Still funny this year without trying to be. What a comedy should be.
My Name is Earl - Much like “The Office” in quality and disarming charm. Comedy from situations and characters. Not a situation comedy. There is a difference.
Men in Trees - Funny, cute and with a heart in the right place. We love that blonde, crazy, ex-lesbian. She has spunk and spunk is good.
Numb3rs - Like the smart kid in class that you wanted to beat up only this time, what he’s saying is so interesting you actually pay attention. And who knew you would really use math in the future like your teacher said you would? We though they were full of crap for sure.
The Unit - David Mamet meets “The Shield.” Sign us up for another tour. Plus, President Palmer kicks serious ass. The rest of the cast is good too, especially Robert Patrick as the unit’s boss and Abby Brammell as the wife of a unit member he’s having an affair with.
Plus, the show is called “The Unit”. Get it? “The Unit”. Nevermind. Testosterone-fueled men with machine guns who blow shit up is good fun. Embrace it and learn to love it.
Shark - Even though it’s clearly “House” with lawyers (we can hear the pitch meeting now) we like James Woods. Can’t help it. Plus, having Jeri Ryan in the show is not a bad idea either. Although it didn’t help “Boston Public” much. But really, nothing could have helped that steaming pile of “art” so we can’t really blame Jeri now can we?
We might be a little biased about Jeri, though, due to spending some time with her back in the day when she was a struggling actress working on a small movie. She’s a hoot and a pretty good pool player too. Where’s that five bucks you owe us Jeri?
The Nine - Interesting premise. Interesting characters and a cliffhanger that makes us want to come back to see what happens. All you can hope for from a new show. At least all the “Party of Five” alumni seem to be getting work now. Maybe Lacey Chabert will show up on “Lost” this season and get into a mud-soaked tussle with Evangiline Lilly’s character over Jack just to make things interesting? It could happen.
America’s Next Top Model - Don’t say a word. This show manages to be funny, poignant and highly entertaining all without really trying. Call this our one guilty pleasure. Plus, hello, hot models.
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Even though Aaron Sorkin is clearly “influenced” by many other great writers of the past, he is still one of the most consistently intelligent and interesting creative forces working in TV today. He may be preachy and self-righteous sometimes but whatever he has to say, we’re listening. Plus, we love that Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet.
Some of the male cast members are ok too. We like that Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford. They’re just fine. Also, kudos to Timothy Busfield and Evan Handler for staying on and getting on the Arron Sorkin express, respectively. They’re good and they deserve the work. Sadly, some of the other cast members aren’t quite up to the job just yet. Yes Hughley, we’re talking about you.

Finally, let’s keep in mind two of the very best shows on TV that have not had their official premieres yet this season but will most certainly still be on the air for years and years to come. If you are not watching these shows, you don’t know what you are missing. Get with it. We’re talking about, of course, these:
Veronica Mars - Funny, intelligent, scary and many other positive adjectives that don’t really do it justice. This show manages to walk the line between teen drama and noir thriller with equal facility for both genres. Kristen Bell is great as is the rest of the cast, particularly her father, played by Enrico Colotoni. We guess Exec. Producer Joel Silver isn’t such a dumbass after all, inspite of the “Matrix” sequels and a little movie called “Fair Game.”
Battlestar Galactica - This is the best show on TV that you’re not watching (unless you are in which case, kudos). We know, its sci-fi and that scares you. We know that the original ‘Battlestar“ left something to be desired in the quality department (but we loved it anyway). We also know that if you watch the show you’ll be hooked. Time Magazine can’t be wrong (at least about this) so give it a try and follow Exec. Producer Ron Moore’s plan. He won’t let us down.
That’s it for now. If LAist were one to bet we’d put our money down that our predictions are spot on. Anyone wanna take that action? Not that we advocate gambling. But if we did, we’d break the bank for sure.
Tivo Tuesday

i have been thinking and writing about Tivo a lot lately so i though i would continue the trend, at least for today. so, in the spirit of total disclosure, i wanted to list my Tivo season passes for your enjoyment and to compare them to your own. plus, some friends like LAist editor-at-large jason toney already listed his so it seems like the right thing to do. although, he only listed his top ten but i have graciously listed every one of the shows that i season pass.
if for some reason you don’t actually have Tivo, please go out and get one as soon as you can. seriously, it it a great thing and will change your life for the better. i can’t believe i ever lived without one (or two). although, if you are one of those people who don’t watch TV at all then a Tivo isn’t for you. plus, if you don’t watch TV, you clearly have other problems.
oh, one or two notes about these lists. as i am lucky enough (or, unlucky as some of you may feel) to live in Los Angeles, Directv treats me pretty well. i am able to get all of the local network channels in high def like ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox etc. so i record most of the shows that i watch on the HD Tivo. makes sense, right?
the downside to that process is that the HD Tivo has only so much space, especially for HD content. so, to alleviate that problem, i also have my old Series 2 Tivo hooked up to a second standard def DirecTV receiver box. that way, i can record shows in SD and fill that one up as much as necessary. plus, as the Directv Tivo box doesn’t have networking capabilities, i need to record any programming on the Series 2 Tivo that i want to use with Tivo to go and burn to a DVD or whatever.
sounds simple right? it took a little time to work out the details but now it works perfectly. i don’t have as many season passes on the Series 2 Tivo but its really become more of a recording device for shows i might want to take off of the Tivo via Tivo to go.
anyway, without further to do, here are my much considered season passes from both of my Tivo boxes:
DirecTv HD Tivo:
- Battlestar Galactica
- Lost
- Veronica Mars
- Rescue Me
- Scrubs
- House
- Arrested Development
- Bones
- The Sopranos
- Rome
- The O.C.
- The West Wing
- My name is Earl
- The Shield
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Surface 18 E-Ring
- The Office
- Out of Practice
- Deadwood
Series 2 Tivo:
- The Daily Show
- The Colbert Report
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Southpark
- The Simpsons
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Angel
ok, maybe i do watch too much tv. no wonder it seems like i never have time for anything. some of these shows are not on right now but i don’t remove them from the season pass just in case i forget to add them back on. i am also going to add 24 to the list after i see the big season premiere this coming sunday. unless, of course, its total crap.
hasta la vista baby.
Joss Whedon and the future of Television

special guest poster Joss Whedon on the future of TV. actually, i stole this from the tv guide .
don’t laugh too much, he could be spot on. it sure feels like it some nights. personally, i’m looking forward to the jerry bruckheimer network or as it will be affectionally know : “just jerry”.
feel free to click on the link above or if that’s too much work (and really, it might be) just read on:
Many people have asked me, “Joss, what is the future of television? What will we watch? And how will we watch it? Surely you must know, for you are wise, and slender.” I usually smile and say nothing, because I wasn’t actually listening to the question. But it’s a good one, and I think it’s time I let you in on a few highlights of Television-to-Be.
The networks will all be creating exciting, innovative new spin-offs of today’s shows. Approximately 67 percent of all television will be CSI-based, including CSI: Des Moines, CSI: New York but a Different Part than Gary Sinise Is In and NCSI: SVU WKRP, which covers every possible gruesome crime with a groovin' ’70s beat. (Jerry Bruckheimer will also have conquered Broadway with the CSI musical “FOLLICLE!” starring Nathan Lane as a frenetic but lovable blood spatter and Matthew Broderick as lint.)
Lost has that one-of-a-kind alchemy that really can’t be copied. Therefore, look for the original series Misplaced, as well as Unfound, Not So Much with the Whereabouts and Just Pull Over and Ask!
In a stunningly cost-effective move, CBS will air How I Met Your Biological Mother, That Bitch, which is just old episodes of How I Met Your Mother with snarkier narration. HBO’s Westminster will continue the trend pioneered by Deadwood and Rome by making 19th-century England really dirty and weird, like Jane Austen with Tourette’s. (Actually, I can’t wait for that one.) Also, the constant slew of cable mergers will result in the creation of CinePax, a channel that’s just very confused about its morals.
Every year another film actress gets “too old” for film leads and finds a (sometimes much better) home on TV. This trend will continue a few years hence when the aging but feisty Dakota Fanning headlines CSI: Vancouver Made to Look Like Chicago.
Obviously, we’ll see advances in technology. TiVo, iPods, streaming video — the way we watch TV is changing dramatically. It’s on our phones, in our cars — even projected on specialized eyeglasses. But don’t listen to the talk about having shows beamed directly into your brain. That’s science-fiction nonsense. Shows will be stored in the pancreas and will enter the brain through the bloodstream after being downloaded into your iHole.
And what of me? My short-lived series Firefly was the basis for the epic action film Serenity (now available on DVD! I have little or no shame), and the future will see even more incarnations of this visionary work, as it returns to TV as Serenity: The Firefly Years, then back to film as Firefly: Serenity’s Sequel, back to TV as SereniFly, and finally end as the direct-to-eyeglasses series Choose a Damn Name Already. I promise it’ll be as heartwarming and exciting as the original Serenity, now available on DVD. (Explain again this thing you call shame….)
That’s all I can tell you, except for one last thing: Veronica Mars will still be on. Veronica Mars will still be on. We clear about that?
well, i’m convinced. he’s a genius. or perhaps, a super-genius?
Time Magazine thinks like me (sort of)

time magazine and i are in sync (at least a little). its like i’ve been saying all along here and at LAist. “Battlestar Galactica” is a kick ass show. if you are not watching it, you should be. don’t be put off by the “sci-fi” thing. solid drama, intereting characters and compelling stories transcend genre. so, get on with it and tune in.
as for the other “best of” picks, i differ on several but do think “my name is earl” and “ the office” are worthy of the top ten. as for “prison break”? well, don’t get me started. i realy tried to watch this show. i just couldn’t do it.
if you enjoy it, however, then have a great time. if i want to see a prison, i will just watch my dvd’s of the vastly superior show “oz” or just go and make another movie at lincoln heights jail here in LA. man, that was fun.
Best of . . .

over at LAist we are doing our “best of” picks to end the year. yes, i know it may seem a little trite but its still a bunch of fun too. you can check out my pics for best music, blogs, tv shows, movies, bars, restaurants, etc. over there. they will be coming out a piece at a time, starting with music.
or, for your convenience, they can all be found below. enjoy!
best movies: munich brokeback mountain good night and good luck syriana capote serenity
best tv shows: veronica mars battlestar galactica my name is earl the office rome out of practice
best bars: father’s office - santa monica firefly - studio city starlight lounge - studio city cat and fiddle - hollywood roof bar at the standard - downtown el centro - los angeles
best restaurants: hugo’s - studio city lala’s - studio city arroyo chop house - pasadena ciudad - downtown great india cafe - studio city jar - beverly hills doughboy’s - los angeles taco bell - anywhere at 2 am
best blogs: engadget the superficial the unofficial apple weblog LAist (so i’m biased, so what?) sploid starbucks gossip digg (not really a blog exactly but still interesting)
best cd’s: coldplay - x&y (i play this all the time and like it more and more) death cab for cutie - plans fall out boy - from under the cork tree franz ferdinand - you could have said it so much better the white stripes - get behind me satan
also, i am still listening to these cd’s from 2004 and before (some, way before. oldies but goodies, as they say). coldplay - a rush of blood to the head interpol - antics zero 7 - simple things the crystal method - vegas the killers - hot fuss black rebel motorcycle club - b.r.m.c. miles davis - the complete birth of cool
and that be that. enjoy the rest of 2005.
TV Downloads, XMas Shopping and some history
NBC has entered into a deal with online commerce and digital delivery guys Wurld Media to make selected movies available for download via protected peer-to-peer network Peer Impact beginning in early 2006.
No word yet on the price for this but here’s the best part: you pay for the download, watch the content and then 24 hours later, it deletes itself. You can’t keep the show more than 24 hours. Seriously, why would i want to do that when i can record it on TiVo and delete it when i want to or keep it if i want? This is a really dumb idea that i hope will fail miserably and all who thought it was a good idea will get flogged. (well, maybe not flogged but at least they should get a stern talking to).
And, here’s the best places to shop this holiday season, at leat according to CNN money. Its pretty much the way i feel too. I hate Best Buy and Wal-Mart unless i absolutely need something in a hurry. As for, don’t get me started. I took a look at my Amazon order history the other day and I have to say it was a little scary. Although, being an Amazon Prime member does cut down on the shipping costs but damn you one-click ordering!
Also, as the holidays are fast approaching I just wanted to comment about the decor of my usual Starbucks in Studio City. Yes, they have the damn Christmas decorations up already and its not even Thanksgiving yet. When I asked about this I was told that the comromise they made was not to have Christmas music playing until the day after Thanksgiving. What a bunch of good guys.
Actually, Thanksgiving really isn’t next week anyway. When it was originally declared a holiday by President Lincoln in 1863, it was on the LAST Thursday of November. However, in 1939, FDR decided that people needed an extra week in order to make sure they could get all their shopping done in time for Christmas. So, he moved it to the third Thursday in November, thus giving us an extra week to shop and have to deal with the holidays. Thanks FDR.
Please don’t get me wrong, I like the holidays. I just don’t like them quite so soon. Besides, Thanksgiving is important. It deserves a little time of its own so people can appreciate it before they get bombarded with Christmas stuff. Don’t you think?
Some TV is good TV aka my love for 'Deadwood'

Man, I really like Deadwood. What a great show. I know, they do tend to throw around some pretty harsh language and some harsh violence and some sex too. It’s just all done with such style and quality. The characters are so well-drawn and acted with such gusto and talent. I really feel like I in that town, living with those people. Just a really great show. I’m going to go watch it again right now.
Intelligence and some space stuff (real and fake)
Couple things. First, every five years our favorite intelligence agency, the CIA, funds a detailed forecast for the next fifteen years. Take a look at it here. Interesting reading, especially the part about the rise in economic and technological might of Asia. Surprised? Not me.

And, for you sci-fi geeks out there (me included) the new Battlestar Galactica series premieres tonight. After watching the back-door pilot for this show several times (aka the four-hour mini series), I have to say that I like the direction that the show has gone. It’s darker and grittier and seems to get into the characters quite a bit. Much more than the original series, which I have also been watching lately as Sci-Fi Channel has been running it. (don’t get on my case about the picture. that’s how they are promoting the show. sex sells baby. and this Cylon is hot)
Also, showrunner (aka big boss) of the show, Ron Moore, has started a blog where he will, no doubt, enlighten us as to his thoughts and plans as the series progresses.
The entire cast from the mini series is back and the first episode, called ‘33’, picks up almost where the mini series left off: The humans are still on the run, but each time they come out of hyperspace, the Cylon armada catches up 33 minutes later … every 33 minutes. When we join the crew this has been going on for five days. Should be fun. Or, it will crash and burn in a few weeks as some shows seem to do. (sadly, many of mine did just that).
And, in other space news (the real kind) the first close-up peek at Saturn’s moon Titan brought tears to the eyes of scientists at the European Space Agency in Germany. The probe Huygens transmitted back its first packet of data today, including black and white images it captured as it neared the moon’s surface. Here it is:

The media is the mess . .
Well, interesting goings on at CBS News these days. It seems like the much-touted Bush memos may have been fake. To recap: Last week, CBS News reported on fascinating and newly discovered documents that purported to show that George W. Bush did not perform his military service in the Texas National Guard adequately and that political influences got him off the hook.
The alleged memos–from Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian, Bush’s Texas National Guard squadron commander–are almost certainly fakes. Their fakeness was uncovered by a series of blog postings on a variety of old and new blogs. Within a couple of days, the news about the probably forged memos had gone full circle to become stories that the mainstream media was reporting. Even The New York Times conceded that Dan Rather had almost certainly been hoaxed to some degree or other.
One of the best and most dogged blogs that has helped expose the truth are the folks over at powerline. It’s worth a look. What this means for the mainstream media isn’t for sure. It certainly isn’t the first time a journalist has been punked and it probably won’t be the last. The real interesting part of this is how CBS is handling the rapidly falling house of cards. Don’t they realize that trying to coverup something is worse than being punked in the first place?
ABC, which has also played a creditable role in exposing the 60 Minutes hoax, reports:
Two of the document experts hired by CBS News now say the network ignored concerns they raised prior to the broadcast of 60 Minutes II about the disputed National Guard records attributed to Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who died in 1984.
Emily Will, a veteran document examiner from North Carolina, told ABC News she saw problems right away with the one document CBS hired her to check the weekend before the broadcast.
“I found five significant differences in the questioned handwriting, and I found problems with the printing itself as to whether it could have been produced by a typewriter,” she said.
Will says she sent the CBS producer an e-mail message about her concerns and strongly urged the network the night before the broadcast not to use the documents.
“I told them that all the questions I was asking them on Tuesday night, they were going to be asked by hundreds of other document examiners on Thursday if they ran that story,” Will said.
But the documents became a key part of the 60 Minutes II broadcast questioning President Bush’s National Guard service in 1972. CBS made no mention that any expert disputed the authenticity.
“I did not feel that they wanted to investigate it very deeply,” Will told ABC News.
Mmm. They didn’t want to investigate further. Shocking, I say. ABC further reports:
A second document examiner hired by CBS News, Linda James of Plano, Texas, also told ABC News she had concerns about the documents and could not authenticate them.
“I did not authenticate anything and I don’t want it to be misunderstood that I did,” James said. “And that’s why I have come forth to talk about it because I don’t want anybody to think I did authenticate these documents.”
And how did CBS News respond to this new information? The denial and outright anger at the very question about their integrity continues:
“CBS News did not rely on either Emily Will or Linda James for a final assessment of the documents regarding George Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard. Ms. Will and Ms. James were among a group of experts we consulted to assess one of the four documents used in the report and they did not render definitive judgment on that document. Ultimately, they played a peripheral role and deferred to another expert who examined all four of the documents used,” the network said in a statement.
So, they took the position that they liked and went with it. What are they, Fox news?
I’m not so angry with them for being duped and not really that angry or surprised that they are now trying to cover their asses. That doesn’t surprise me in the least. The sad thing is that this might end up helping George Bush and I don’t want that. Their is not doubt in my mind that political influence exercised by his father or other cronies helped George stay here and not go to Vietnam. I would bet money on it.
Should that be a central issue of the campaign? Probably not. How about Mr. Bush’s economic policies that have pushed the deficit to record levels or how about the fact that we went to war in Iraq for dubious reasons at best? Or, how about his abysmal environmental record or the fact that he wants a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? Let’s focus on the real issues people. George Bush wants to take the country in the direction of exclusionary elitism where a handful of white males control everything and basic freedoms are compromised one by one.
That’s not the America that I want to live in and I hope it isn’t the America that you want to live in either. I don’t think John Kerry is the second coming or anything but I do think that he could not possible do a worse job than President Bush. One other thing that does make me angry is the idea, even exposed by our Vice President, that if John Kerry becomes President we will be attacked. The fact that someone would even say that shows just how ignorant they are.
Their will never be another President as long as we are a country who will not take defense seriously. We were attacked. Everyone knows this. No President will ever forget it or lay down and relax about defending this country. To suggest otherwise is asinine and is simply a blatant scare tactic that will hopefully backfire.
We need to forget all this small-time bullshit and concentrate on the real issues. If we do that, John Kerry just may be the next President.